Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4286: : Very unreasonable (4)

The little leader who slapped these two slaps had golden eyes and buzzing heads. At this time, this guy hadn't even figured out why Li Tian would teleport, and he had forgotten the strength of the pressure falling on the Tucheng behind him. !

"Huh! If you want to occupy this earth city, it depends on your life or your life to keep it! You want me to inform and dream!" The little leader said with a sneer.

A man of iron and blood was born like this! But in the eyes of other testers, this is not a man, but a fool.

Are you **** stupid? People will teleport, they are the powerful, the situation is now in this situation, what are you pretending to force!

"Lord, you see that our little leader was seriously injured, his mouth leaked, and even his head was slapped. Let me give you this kind of whistleblowing and running errands! I promise to go as fast as possible. Let us pass your words on to our Lord and Lord!" said one of the trialists surrounding Li Tian.

"What? Venerable?" The little leader suddenly stared at Li Tian with wide-eyed eyes, an expression of horror appeared involuntarily in his pupils.

Li Tian turned his head and glanced at the tester, the corners of his mouth slightly turned upwards, then turned to look at the little leader, stretched out his hand and patted the little leader's face gently, and said with a sneer: This is the brain, this is the IQ! Originally this chance of survival should be yours, but your IQ basically bid farewell to the battlefield of death!"

"No... I am not seriously injured. I feel that I can persist. I will do the errands to report the letter! I can..." the little leader said with a sad face.

"Just this IQ is worthy of sympathy!" Little Hot Pot said.

"The crow landed on the pig's back. Don't laugh at either of you." Li Tian thought in his heart.

"You..., you can go now! Remember me, I will kill someone after a while. If you think you have time to spend, then I Li Tian don't mind if you come back later!" Li Tian stretched out his hand Pointing to the tester who was willing to inform the news just now.

As soon as Li Tian's voice fell, the coercion exerted on the trialer had disappeared. The trialer tried to move and felt that his body had been completely free, and his face couldn't help showing a trace of joy.

"Don't worry, Lord Venerable, I will definitely find our City Lord and Venerable as quickly as possible!" The reporter of the tester said with a fist to Li Tian.

"Don't be too anxious, it's okay to come back later!" Li Tian said.


"Really, I will kill people every once in a while!"


"Beasts, beasts, now we are in your hands. You have the final say if you want to kill or scrape. If you really come back late, how many of us can survive!" The hearts of these testers cursed at the same time. With Li Tian.

"Woo, brother, now our lives are in your hands. It's all up to you if you can save us. Brothers, even if they are not from a kingdom of the Venerable, but brothers in these years The feelings are still very deep, you can't see the dead and not save us!" The trialers said with weeping faces to the trial report.

The informant nodded his head heavily, turned and left, his figure quickly disappeared into the mountains of the Dead Land.

"Okay, Ye Xin, kill the guy who spoke to us in the first place! Their heads are hung on the city wall, and then we enter the city!" Li Tian said.

You are paralyzed, and you are about to kill in a few seconds. If this is the case, it is impossible for the Lord and the Lord to be retrieved by teleporting!


There is a wool for crying, and the death battlefield does not believe in tears!

The tester was crying and sad, but the movement of Ye Xing's palm was not at all stagnant.


A loud bang came from under Ye Xing's fist, and there was a sound of broken bones in the chest of the tester, and he was beaten into a large area in an instant, and the tester was already dead and could not die anymore. .

The other testers in Tucheng didn’t know whether it was because of fear of death, or because they were unbearable by Li Tian’s oppression, their legs were trembling constantly, and there was even a tester’s crotch. It was already wet, and a scent of urine came from this tester's body!

Li Tian couldn't help frowning slightly.

Aren’t the Netherworld testers all heroes? Now that you have entered the battlefield of death, aren't they all already conscious of death? How could this guy be so embarrassed.

"Brother Li Tian, ​​how about beheading this guy too?" Li Letian asked.

"Woo, forgive me! I... I saw the heroic appearance of this sire, my heart was full of excitement, and I didn't hold back the tears of excitement... My lord, forgive me!" The tester urinating pants begged for mercy.

"Hey let me wipe it, it's the first time I have seen someone say that the fear of death is so refreshing and refined. Come, I'll give you another chance. As long as I'm happy, I will spare you for the time being!" Li Tian smiled Said.

"Sir, what counts?" The peeing tester said excitedly.

"Well, this sentence is not level, it makes me not happy at all, but seems to be questioning me, Ye Xing, do it!" Li Tian said with a sneer.

It doesn't make sense!

In a blink of an eye, two testers were beheaded again, and the other testers were silent. No matter what Li Tian said, they would shut their mouths tightly, not even daring to say a word.

Li Tian is not reluctant!

Ye Xing cut off the heads of the three testers, pierced the heads with those implanted spikes in the Land of Silence, and then inserted them in front of the city gate of Tucheng.

"Go, into the city!"


Li Tian teleported into Tucheng. There were not many trialists in Tucheng, that is, dozens of people. Now these guys have been controlled by Li Tian's coercion. Naturally, there is no resistance. The stars are **** one by one.

After a while, Ye Xing came to Li Tian and said to Li Tian, ​​"Master Li Tian, ​​learned from the mouths of those who tried, that the strength of this Tucheng is not bad, and there is only one strong person at the rank of Venerable. However, the number of ninth-level peak masters has nearly 30, and the ninth-level and above masters will see more than 500 people, while the total number of other-level trials has reached more than 10,000!"

"More than 10,000 people? This force will not have unified the land of silence and the land of wind and snow? It seems that I really underestimate them! By the way, have you asked those entourage who captured the third son of the Netherworld? Where are they with Xiao Baimao now?" Li Tian asked.

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