Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4297: : The biggest crisis

"What will happen then?"

"At that time, I am afraid that our Tianmen may be destroyed! If the Tianmen does not exist, even if you say that my barbarian is dead, what face do I have to see Brother Tian!"

In recent years, Barbarian didn't think about seeking the help of Duanki Ying, Bai Jing and others in the Dongying island country. However, for various reasons, Barbarian finally gave up.

"It would be fine if Tiange was here, I see who of them would dare to do something to our Tianmen!" The barbarians and the captain's eyes dimmed involuntarily.

in case?

How can there be so many ifs.

Ten years ago, Li Tian took Situ Ningbing and others on an expedition to the southwest with Long Yin. This should have been a simple expedition, but who would have thought that Li Tian and others would never show up since then.

In the past ten years, Tianmen, Dongying Island Country, and China sent a large number of personnel to search for the whereabouts of Li Tian and others in the southwest. It consumed a lot of manpower and material resources, but there was no clue.

It is for this reason that Mr. Mu Yun Longmu was excluded by some people with ulterior motives in China's highest power circle.

Duanmuying and Ouyang Shiqing only thought that Li Tian had gone to another world again, imagining in his heart that after another three years, Li Tian should return from another world.

But it was three years from the left and three years from the right. The flash was ten years, but there was still no whereabouts of Li Tian.

In the post-apocalyptic history textbooks in the Huaxia education system, Li Tian originally held a large proportion, but after three revisions, Li Tian in history was only a one-off, and Li Tian's historical status in Huaxia gradually declined!

Barbarians know that history is written by victors!

In order to stabilize the fruits of their victors, the authorities will naturally write heavily on themselves, and for a person who no longer exists, there is no need to deify him, and it would be better for him to gradually disappear into history.

However, what is completely different from Huaxia is the Dongying Island. In the history textbooks of the Dongying Island, Li Tian is regarded as the creator of the post-apocalyptic era of the Dongying Island. His position in the history of the Dongying Island is absolutely the most lofty! Even the current status of Duanmuying, the ruler of Dongying Island Country, is weaker than Li Tian.

In Dongying Island, every city has temples with statues of Li Tian. These temples are very popular with incense, and this has become the only **** in Dongying Island.

The highest denomination currency issued by the Dongying Island Country has Li Tian's profile picture above it, which shows how lofty Li Tian's status is.

"Master, I know I was wrong! I am afraid to pee on the statue!" Xiaoman continued to beg for mercy.

The barbarian was unmoved.

"If those in power really want to act on Tianmen, then where should we go from Tianmen?"

"Would you leave Tianshan and go to Dongying Island to seek refuge in Duanmu Sakura? Or would you rather continue to insist on breaking the jade rather than tile?"

Soon, there was a bit more fortitude in Barbarian's eyes.

"Captain, you take Xiaoman to the island country of Dongying! Go and see Duanmu Ying and Bai Jing, right?" said the man.

"Okay! OK! I haven't seen my brother and sister for a long time! I want to go to Dongying, I want to go to Dongying!" Xiaoman said with a hint of excitement on his face.

"how about you?"

"This is Tianmen, there are still three hundred disciples under Tianmen, I will continue to stay in Tianmen and wait for Brother Tian to come back!" Manzi said.

At this moment, Barbarian saw more than 30 inner disciples in the distance rushing towards the direction of Barbarian, surrounded by this 17-year-old boy.

The young man surrounded is named Wei Tian, ​​one of the most talented among the first generation of Tianmen disciples, and it can be said that he is the leader of Tianmen disciples.

"Isn't Weitian in Kyoto?" Manzi thought in his heart.

Wei Tian and others came to a position ten meters in front of Manzi and stood there. When Wei Tian saw that the captain and Xiaoman were also there, a smile was squeezed out of his solemn face, and he said to the captain: "Mother and Xiaoman are also here. What about here? It just so happened that I bought some odds and ends from Kyoto City!"

Speaking, Wei Tian took out a skin bag from his backpack and handed it to the captain.

"Captain, you take Xiaoman and go back first, Wei Tian and I have something to say!" Manzi said.

Waiting for the captain to take Xiaoman to leave, the barbarian asked immediately: "Weitian, didn't I let you stay in Kyoto? Who told you to come back? If you come back, who will take care of our Tianmen business in Kyoto?"

Immediately after the end of the apocalyptic era, Tianmen also gained a lot of benefits. Among them, there were many real estate and businesses in Kyoto, and these businesses were initially managed by the captain. Later, after the first generation of disciples such as Wei Tian grew up, It's in their hands.

Wei Tian's expression was not very good, he took out a crumpled piece of paper from his arms and handed it to the barbarian, and said, "Master, this is a notice issued by the Chinese authorities. You will understand after reading this. Up!"

Barbarian opened the piece of paper, and looked up on the piece of paper that read: Announcement on banning Tianmen and other cult organizations.

"What? Evil... cult!"

Seeing these two words, Manzi could no longer calm down!

He didn't expect that China's authorities would be so brazen and dare to directly characterize Tianmen as a cult!

In this way, even if those in power in China do not act on Tianmen for the time being, as long as they control the TV, Internet and other propaganda outlets, ordinary people will be misled by them sooner or later. At that time, Tianmen will be even more difficult.


The barbarian roared angrily, and a mass of air waved out of his hand, and the notice in his hand was suddenly blasted into a pile of debris.

"Master, all our properties in Kyoto City have been sealed off! The outer disciples in Kyoto City have left the Tianmen in all likelihood after seeing the decline of the Tianmen!" Wei Tian said angrily.

"Is there no one against or questioning this notice?" Manzi asked.

"Yes, but anyone who dares to question or oppose this announcement will be regarded as an accomplice of Tianmen, so..."

Wei Tian didn't finish what he said, but all this is already clear!

It's not that Tianmen has no friends in Kyoto, but that these friends are now hard to protect themselves.

"Master, what should we do now?" the inner disciples behind Wei Tian shouted.

The barbarian gradually reduced the anger on his face, and said with a long breath: "It is now the time when Tianmen is alive and dead, Wei Tian, ​​you will go down to Tianshan Mountain and go to Kyoto immediately. If there are any new changes in Kyoto City, report it as soon as possible. come back!"

"Yu Nan, take the two of you to Dongying Island immediately to meet Bai Jing on my behalf, and you must truthfully reflect the true situation of Tianmen to Sister Bai Jing!"



Orders were issued from the barbarian's mouth, and the thirty-odd inner disciples immediately began to prepare!

The barbarian came out of the building in Tianmen and galloped towards the Piaoxue Peak of Tianshan Mountain.

"Huangfu Kunpeng, you should be out too!" Manzi thought in his heart.

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