Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4300: : Explain to me (1)

As soon as Li Tian's voice fell, the ground under his feet began to shake!

"The ground... has an earthquake?"

"There is an earthquake, run away!"

Hidden in the distant crowd of onlookers immediately let out a few exclamations, and fled towards the wider square park!


There seemed to be a wild beast roaring underground, and the ground was shaking. The Jinghai Central Building next to it was also shaking with the shaking of the ground, and crowds were constantly pouring out of the building!

The drivers of those excavators, muck trucks, forklifts and other machines abandoned their cars and fled. The faces of the four or five hundred men in black were also full of panic. They trembled and raised their weapons, wanting to fight. Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong and others fired!


Tang Xiaolong sneered, countless coercion fell from the sky, and every coercion fell on one person instantly!



The pressure fell on these people, their bodies were like fragile glass, their clothes exploded in an instant, and the bones in their bodies were broken every inch!



These people in black kept kneeling down in front of Tang Xiaolong!

The drivers who ran away were completely frightened by the sight in front of them at this moment. Almost everyone had forgotten to escape, and they were involuntarily stunned, their legs trembling constantly, and even yellow soup in the timid crotch, their bodies. He fell softly to the ground, even if he wanted to escape, his two legs were already at his disposal.


With a loud noise, a huge crack suddenly opened in the ground. Those machines such as excavators and muck trucks were swallowed underground by the crack. Then there were the people in black, who were also constantly covered by the soil rising from the ground. Tongue rolled into the ground!

More and more people kept pouring out of the building.

For these ordinary people, Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong, and Situ Ningbing did not do anything, let them keep running away!

Police sirens sounded from a distance, and dozens of police vehicles continued to drive towards the Jinghai Central Building from all directions in Jinghai City. In the sky, four or five armed helicopters rushed in.

"Li, it seems that our affairs have become serious. It seems that we want to come quietly and leave quietly. It is impossible not to disturb the Chinese authorities!" Situ Ningbing looked at the gunship in the sky in the distance. Said with a calm expression.


Li Tian snorted coldly and said: "I have been away from the earth world for ten years. I do not ask the Chinese people of the earth earth world to be grateful for Dade to regard me Li Tian as the savior, let alone hope that they can treat me Li Tian like the residents of Dongying Island. The only Lord God comes to worship, but I will never let them bully my Celestial Legion and my Celestial Disciple!"

"Cult? Humph! Very good, I just want to see who dares to define my Tianmen as a cult! Today, no matter who comes here in China, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer, then I will be Li Tian. Let them come back and forth!"

Just now, through brief communication with Dog Nose, Li Tian already knew that Mu Yunlong's veteran army commander had left China and went to Dongying Island.

The current Chinese authority is the highest elders' association composed of the remnants of the top ten legions such as the Bounty Hunters Association, the Legion of Hardship, and the Legion of the Soul.

All the orders directed at the Tianmen were all sent from the Supreme Presbyterian Church and issued!

"Li, I know your heart is full of anger, but it's better not to hurt the innocent! This is our home after all!" Situ Ningbing said.

Li Tian nodded slightly!

He didn't mean to hurt the innocent. Except for beheading the damned people in black and those who dig Tang Feifei's grave at the beginning, Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong, and Situ Ningbing did not act on any innocent person.

The police sirens were getting closer, but the police cars stopped thousands of meters away from Li Tian and the others, and blocked all the intersections they thought they had!

"Listen to the people inside, you are now surrounded..."

The caller's voice had not fallen yet, and the ground near the police car shook again suddenly, and countless soil tongues drilled out of the ground and directly dragged the police cars into the ground.

The police officers were frightened by this scene and kept running away from each other!

The four or five armed helicopters in the sky are relatively clean and tidy. They have no shouting, and there is no need to shout. The machine guns on the armed helicopters spit out fire snakes, constantly sweeping towards Li Tian and others!

But at this moment, a forty-five-meter-high monster suddenly appeared on the ground. The tail of this monster was like a white lightning, hitting one of the armed helicopters!

The front of a muck truck was pulled from the ground by Tang Xiaolong, and it was thrown directly at these armed helicopters!

"Fuck! Damn, are the people underground a monster?"

The armed helicopter in front of it suddenly pulled up and barely escaped the attack from the front of the muck truck, but the other helicopters behind this armed helicopter were not as lucky!


A loud noise came from the sky, and the second helicopter gunship exploded in the air, which affected the third one. The fourth helicopter gunship exploded continuously in mid-air!

"Damn it! These guys are monsters. Get out! We are not their opponents at all. Let the Special Operations Department support you!"


A teleportation of Li Tian suddenly appeared in the cockpit of the fleeing gunship. The pilot in the co-pilot hurriedly took out his pistol and wanted to shoot Li Tian, ​​but he hadn’t held his pistol yet, Li Tian’s Tian Zhiqiong The spear has pierced into his body!

Blood splashed on the glass of the cockpit like plum blossoms. The pilot of the gunship trembled in fear, and said to Li Tian with a trembling voice: "No...don't kill me, I..."

"Shut up! I will not kill you today. I will go back and send a letter to the Chief Executive of Jinghai City, saying that I will give him an hour to come to Jinghai Central Building and explain to me that if he does not show up to me within an hour In front of, then Lujiazui will become a ruin, if not in front of me for two hours, then Pudong will become a desert..."

After speaking, Li Tian suddenly disappeared out of thin air!

The gunship pilot who escaped from the dead felt like he had been fished out of the water, his whole body was soaked, and it was extremely difficult to move when his body was soft!

It took dozens of seconds before he felt his body gradually regain strength, grabbed the intercom with a trembling palm, and called out: "Headquarters, Headquarters, I am Flying Eagle No. 1..."


"Dear audience friends, audience friends, I am a special reporter of Jinghai TV Station. Now I am bringing you a live report from Lujiazui in Jinghai Pudong! You can see the Jinghai Central Building behind me in the distance..."

In the camera picture, there is already a piece of yellow sand around the Jinghai Central Building, and the sand has covered all the low buildings near the Jinghai Central Building! The height of this yellow sand has reached more than three hundred meters, and half of the Jinghai Central Building is plunged into the yellow sand!

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