Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4318: : Stopgap

"You have no opinion on my arrangement like this? Should you also assign two people to the senior level of Huaxia?" Li Tian turned around and asked Long Yin.

Long Yin glanced at his mouth and said, "Long Teng Li Tian originally existed to deal with you. Now your cultivation has reached the realm of the venerable. Long Yin Li Tian has no meaning to exist. I will go to Long Teng later. Litian Legion!"

"But after all, they have followed me for a few years. It is not necessary to enter the senior level of Huaxia. I just hope that they can have a life-free food and clothing. Of course, if Long Teng Li Tian reappears like Long Ao You don’t need to tell this kind of guy, I will kill them first!"

"Hehe, easy to say, easy to say! Isn't it just food and clothing? Since we have returned to the earth world, if we don't use our strength on the earth world and let China become the global hegemon, then we will be too incompetent!"

"What do you think of the Middle East? UAE? Dubai? Let the guys from the Longteng Litian Army go to the Middle East, drive luxury cars, play beauties, raise beasts, and be local tyrants! As for how to get there, hey, it's up to you Long Yin, It's not convenient for me to intervene!" Li Tian said shamelessly.

Long Yin nodded slightly!

Although China's territory has touched the Mediterranean coast, the Middle East is not completely controlled by China.

The countries in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea are geographically closer to the current China map, but these countries are dependent countries of Russia.

But this is not what Li Tian should be worried about. If Long Yin is willing, not to mention destroying the entire Russia, but controlling several Russian dependent countries is still easy.

As for the future ownership of these countries, this is not what Li Tian needs to consider!

There is not enough human heart to swallow the elephant, Li Tian does not have to completely control the entire earth world, just let other countries know who is the boss of the earth world now!

If you are in a bad mood, Li Tian can completely let China take a picture of an aircraft carrier into the Gulf of Mexico, and then stand on the aircraft carrier in the Gulf of Mexico, facing the hot beauty D plane in Miami, Florida!

As for the United States in North America, is it unhappy, haha, how can it be unhappy? Come and bite me! If you have the ability, send a plane out and see if I can beat you down!

"When will we go to the Netherworld?" Long Yin asked.

Li Tian glanced at Long Yin contemptuously, and then said: "Are you afraid you can't find me? Ha ha! I will show you a special advertisement on global TV stations when I leave!"

Long Yin thought for a long time, but didn't know what adjectives should be used to describe Li Tian, ​​and finally it simply became two words: "My day!"


Long Yin disappeared!

A few days later, the Longteng Litian Legion Tour Group rushed to the Middle East by various means of transportation. Of course, this is a later story.

Long Yin is gone, but the trouble is not over.

Handing Huaxia into the hands of the little lady was nothing but a stopgap measure.

If Li Tian was allowed to choose, he would of course be willing to hand China to his own people, such as Duanmuying, Bai Jing, or Li Tian's son.

Uh, son!

Li Tian was a little big when he thought of this question, and he had a son if he didn't pay attention, he should be almost ten years old now!

Well, if it doesn't work, let Little Lady and Gobi rule China temporarily. They were originally the two elders of the highest-level presbytery of China, and they will continue to maintain China's stability temporarily.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

As for the future, Li Tian hasn't thought about it yet.

Constitutional monarchy?


Li Tian shook his head quickly and dispelled the thoughts in his mind. Let's first consider the Yu Dang of Liu Feng and others.

The control of Liu Feng and others is not something that can be done once and for all. If Liu Feng and the rest of the party want to do some messy things, it is not a big problem for Li Tian, ​​but for ordinary people, it may affect their lives. .

Prosperity, people suffering, death, people suffering!

A smooth transition is best.

Regarding these issues, Li Tian authorized full power to the little lady and Gao Bi to deal with, and Li Tian ordered the little lady to do something, because he was concerned about the safety of Tianshan Tianmen, and did not stay in Kyoto for too long!


Li Tian teleported to Tianmen!

Seeing that Tianmen had been devastated, Li Tian's good mood was destroyed in an instant.

"Are Xiaolong and Ningbing late? How could they be like this?"

At this moment, Li Tian’s eyes were full of anger, and the anger in his heart was released instantly. Li Tian wished to teleport back to Kyoto City immediately, and then smashed Liu Feng and others into pieces, and took Liu Feng and others to pay homage to Tianmen. !

"Sir..., it's Lord Li Tian..."

"My lord... we finally saw you again... ooh, we thought that the adults left us and don't want us..." A few slight sobbings came from a distance, and Li Tian turned his head and found that it was false. Spirit Race!

Void Spirit Void exists like nothingness. Before Li Tian and Long Yin left these Void Spirit Races at Tianshan Tianmen before going to the secret realm, they did not expect to meet again today!

"What is going on here?" Li Tian couldn't wait to ask the Xuling Race.

"Sir, the Tianmen was destroyed by monsters flying in the sky, and later Master Tang Xiaolong and Master Situ Ningbing appeared teleported, killing all those monsters, and then brought Master Barbarian and others to the mountain!" Xu Ling Said the clan.

Then the Xu Ling clan told Li Tian about what they saw again!

Li Tian let out a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, Manzi is fine, the captain is fine, and Manzi's son Xiaoxiaoman is fine, or Li Tianke is really a little guilty!

Li Tian didn't have any interest in killing Li Tian at the foot of the mountain. Liu Feng and the others probably used the puppet beast. The puppet beast was a paper tiger in front of Tang Xiaolong and the others, and it didn't take much effort to deal with them.

Tianmen is an important chess piece arranged by Li Tian on the Tianshan Mountain. The main function of this chess piece is to protect the gate of the restricted area and prevent the earth world from being invaded by foreign races from the underworld again.

It's a pity that Liu Feng, a senior Chinese executive, was caught in the door, and they didn't know how to destroy Tianmen.

The status quo of the Tianmen also made Li Tian secretly decide that the ruler of China must be in his hands, otherwise after he enters the Netherworld, something will happen to China and target the Tianmen again, it would be no fun!


Li Tian summoned Di Xing Yacha, and said to the Xu Ling Clan: "The Tianmen is very important to me, Li Tian, ​​and I also ask you to build the Tianmen. Make sure to build the Tianmen as a golden soup! Even the missiles can't explode it Kind of!"

"Eh, Lord Li Tian, ​​this is probably not easy. Unless you reach the realm above the domain owner, you are willing to use your divine power as the support power for these buildings! Otherwise, the buildings built by our Ethereal Race are better than ordinary buildings. Things are several times stronger!" Xu Ling said.

Well, Li Tian can only take second place!

Soon, Tianmen revived, and buildings appeared on the Tianshan Mountains at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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