Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4321: : The Bear Children Haunt (3)

The shopkeeper turned around and saw the two children.

A hint of joy appeared on the owner's face immediately!

"Then bother the two young masters. I will invite the two young masters to eat sashimi in a while!" said the owner graciously.

Don't underestimate these two bear kids. These two bear kids are very famous in Ruhr Island City and the entire Dongying island country. They should be more than enough to deal with this guy in front of you!

Tang Xiaolong's gaze fell on the woman who had already walked into the store, and he never took another look at the two children.

The woman was also stunned, looking at Tang Xiaolong dumbfounded, unable to believe her eyes!

Eyes can't betray people, and there is a trace of fluctuations in a woman's pupils!

This wave of fluctuation caused a wave in Tang Xiaolong's heart, but for the two bear children beside the woman, what they saw was Tang Xiaolong, the disciple, staring at the woman with a squinted expression.

Both children are boys!

The education that these two boys received from an early age is that they will never allow any harm to the woman they guard, even if this woman is older than them, and stronger than them!

Seeing Tang Xiaolong staring at the woman beside them intently, a trace of anger flashed across the faces of the two bear children.

The two of them felt that they were ignored. They have always been in the spotlight. They, who enjoy the eyes of the tens of millions of residents of the Eastern Island Country, will be ignored by the black monkey in front of them?

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"Hey, do you know where this place is? Don't dare to be so presumptuous?" The younger brothers who were slightly shorter each were angry, and shouted angrily at Tang Xiaolong.

The sound of the shouting was loud enough, but the sound did not enter Tang Xiaolong's ears at all!

The younger brother was a little angry. He turned to look at his brother and said, "Brother, this guy is so rude, so he stared at Aunt Lily like this! He didn't take us seriously!"

The slightly older brother immediately showed a disdainful expression on his face, and said with a sneer: "A guy who eats a king's meal dare to be so blatant! Brother, we two will clean up him together, so we can just check our recent cultivation! "

Speaking of the cultivation base, the faces of the two brothers showed a trace of pride at the same time!

The two broke free of Lily's hand, their legs touched the ground lightly, and quickly rushed towards Tang Xiaolong!

At this moment, this situation and situation.

Tang Xiaolong felt that only the song of you in my eyes could express his feelings.

That's right, the woman in front of you is the mysterious female lily who had a relationship with Tang Xiaolong ten years ago!

The heavy rain I missed in those years, the love I missed in those years...

Tang Xiaolong's heart began to beat violently!

"She is fine, she is as good as ten years ago!"

"No, she seems more beautiful than ten years ago, and she has never been old at all!"

Tang Xiaolong took a step forward, he wanted to take a closer look at the mysterious female lily!

At this moment, Tang Xiaolong felt that something was constantly attacking his body. Tang Xiaolong's eyes saw that the two bear children that the mysterious female Lily was holding in her hand were punching and kicking him!

But these attacks are tickling to Tang Xiaolong, who is cultivating tenfold body refining!

"Stop it! Let's play!"

Tang Xiaolong stretched out his hand and moved one of the bear children's younger brother back. The bear boy had no idea that Tang Xiaolong's power would be so huge, he staggered back a few steps, and directly hit a dining table!

The child is fine, the dining table is broken!

The diners who were dining in the small shop immediately uttered a few exclamations, and the child hit the front of the table to lift the food on the table and retreated in all directions.

Brother Xiong Haihai saw that his brother could be pushed down by the black monkey at will, his face involuntarily showed a hint of surprise.

Maybe others don’t know, but as the older brother Xiongzi still knows his younger brother’s strength, regardless of his younger brother’s just nine years old this year, but his younger brother’s talents for cultivation are outstanding. Opponent.

But, this guy in front of me...?

Brother Xiongzi's eyes were involuntarily fierce!

But at this moment, Tang Xiaolong took a few steps forward, reached out his hand to touch Lily's face, looked at Lily tenderly, and said, "You... thin!"

Lily reached out and grabbed Tang Xiaolong's hand, her cheeks were slightly red, and she whispered, "Stop! The children are watching!"

"No! I miss you!" Tang Xiaolong said.

At this time, the onlookers could understand that this black black monkey seemed to know Master Lily of Ruhr Island City, and it seemed that the two of them should be treacherous... Unforgettable feelings.

However, there are no unforgettable feelings in the bear children’s world. What they see is this black hand freely insulting Lily, and even Aunt Lily has already let the shameless black monkey stop. The black monkey is still taking an inch, without the slightest restraint. .

"Looking for death!" The two bear children's mouth made a cold voice at the same time.

Xiongzi’s brother had already gotten up from the ground. He looked at Xiongzi’s brother. The two eyes intersected, and at the same time they nodded heavily. Both of them saw perseverance and determination in each other’s eyes.

"Even if your father is not there, the two of us will protect the family around us!"

This is the true thoughts of these two bear children.


The younger brother of the bear kid suddenly screamed, his whole body strength instantly improved, his calf slammed on the ground, and several cracks appeared on the tiles under his feet, and then the figure of the bear kid flashed and rushed towards Tang Xiaolong!


There was a shadowy purple arc on the fingers of Xiongzizi's brother. If Duanmuying were here, she would be surprised to find that Xiong Haizi's elder brother was using her unique skill to run thunder finger.

Tang Xiaolong was obsessed with the encounter with the mysterious female lily, which is almost the same.

At this moment, a huge force struck Tang Xiaolong’s back, Tang Xiaolong blocked it with his hand, and the kid boy’s left leg kicked Tang Xiaolong’s outstretched hand and his right leg kicked Tang Xiaolong. On Xiaolong's back vest.

This trick seems simple. If it is an ordinary person, at least a few bones will be broken in the ordinary person's body.

As for Tang Xiaolong, when hit by this force, Tang Xiaolong seemed to have no reaction at all, and took a few steps forward, directly holding the mysterious female Lily in his arms.


"Deng's disciple, I am going to kill you today!" A murderous aura flashed across the face of Brother Xiong's child, his strength was rising sharply, but the purple arc on his finger became more and more obvious!

Tang Xiaolong's heart suddenly gave birth to a trace of alertness, and he turned his head abruptly, but saw that the bear kid brother's finger with a purple arc had already hit Tang Xiaolong!

"No! He is..." the mysterious female Lily woke up and shouted.

But all this seems to be too late!

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