Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4330: : The heroine spares her life (1)

The next thing is much simpler. According to what Li Tian said before, the U.S. gave the Hawaiian Islands to Dongying Island, and Russia and the British Isles to Dongying Island.

As for China, ha ha ha! Little lady, this is just a scene with Li Tian.

The grand banquet did not stop and continued.

Li Tian frequently toasts against the guests.

The President of the United States, the President of Russia, the two most powerful people at the time had their faces black and forced a smile. Then he kept cursing Li Tian in his heart: "Animal, animal."

Stealing chickens can't eclipse the rice. The evil old rice originally wanted to establish a foothold in the eastern island country, but instead of having a foothold, he lost the Hawaiian Islands.

As for the President of the United States and the Russian President, how to explain to their citizens after returning to the country, he is not something that Li Tian can pay attention to.

At the banquet that day, this guy drunk Lao Mi and the Russian president again. Poor Laomi was frightened and fled back to the United States by special plane overnight.

As for the Russian president, this cargo was captured by Li Tian and Situ Ningbing. Without a special plane, they had to buy a flight ticket for civil aviation and return to the Russian capital.

Li Tian paid for the ticket.

However, before the Russian president left, he signed an IOU to Li Tian. The high interest on this IOU was so scary that Li Tian was embarrassed.

But if Li Tian didn't want this IOU, then Blovic would absolutely not dare to leave Dongying Island.

There is no way, the hospitality is difficult, Li Tian can only accept it reluctantly.

In the next few days, Li Tian was very busy!

News of what happened in the United States quickly spread to the world.

Old Mi and Blovic said what they had to say. After returning to their country, they did not know what operations they had undergone, and they soon included the Hawaiian Islands and the British Isles into the Eastern Islands.

This kind of feeling is like the price kid playing home, but if there is research on the modern history of China, when the western powers occupied the colony in China, they would transfer the colony from a certain western power country to the Dongying island country. event.

The Hawaiian Islands and the British Isles are nominally owned by the Dongying Islands, but they are actually owned by Li Tian's private person. All these matters must be solved by Li Tian and his people.

Li Tian is very busy every day, constantly teleporting back and forth between these islands and the Dongying island country. Fortunately, Li Tian will teleport, otherwise the air ticket alone would be an expensive expense.

After ten years of absence, Li Tian still feels a little guilty in his heart. Whenever he has time, Li Tian will teleport to Dongying Island to accompany Duanmuying, Bai Jing, Ouyang Shiqing, the old man and the two bear children.

Li Tian still has to teleport directly back and forth between Dongying Island Country and China to solve some of China's difficult things.

Fortunately, there are Little Lady and Kobi in China, and the transition of China's affairs is also very smooth, and it has not caused too many waves.

As for the comrades of Liu Feng and others, after learning that Liu Feng was under house arrest, these comrades either committed suicide in despair, escaped abroad secretly, or turned to Li Tian one after another.

Li Tian didn't plan to investigate these people in detail, but just removed those people from key positions and let the little lady pay more attention.

Among all the people, the most miserable one should be Su Lao.

Su's old age is very high. After being under house arrest, he was frightened and horrified. He couldn't eat and couldn't sleep. He lived in extreme fear every day and died in fear every few days.

As the former elder of the highest-level elders in China, Li Tian did not continue to pursue him, and burying Su Lao thickly was regarded as a face to Su Lao.

As for Liu Feng, Lan Lin, and Yin Yang, they were extremely sinful. Although Li Tian didn't kill them, he probably didn't see the sun for a few days in his entire life.

During this period, Li Tian took the time to release all the ninjas who had been controlled by Li Tian's soul-detention Dafa in Dongying Island.

These ninjas have performed well in the 10 years since Li Tian left, and they deserve to be free.

Of course, because they followed Li Tian, ​​they are now considered to be decent figures in the East Island country.

After Li Tian was busy with these things, all kinds of banquets greeted Li Tian.

For China, Li Tian, ​​the original Celestial Legion’s banquet, must attend. The banquet organized by Mo Jianyuan, Gu Lianghongtu, and others, who originally met in the Bounty Hunter Association, will naturally also participate. The Legion’s banquet...

The same is true on the island country of Dongying. Li Tian found that he was drunk and dreaming almost every day.

Ten days later, entertainment gradually decreased. Li Tian invited the real high-level officials of China and Dongying island nations such as Little Lady, Gao Bi, Old Man, Duan Muying, Situ Ningbing, Ouyang Shiqing, Bai Jing, Tang Xiaolong to the Hawaiian Islands to hold the highest level. At the meeting, the issue of China and the East China Islands was discussed!

Because everyone present has a China story, the merger of China and the East China Islands was put on the agenda.

Of course, Li Tian hopes that Duanmuying, the old man, and others can enter the space of the Sky of Sky Spear, so that Li Tian can take care of them at any time. As for Huaxia and Dongying Island Kingdom, he plans to temporarily give it to the little lady and Gao. Come to take care of it recently.

But who Duanmuying didn't want to abandon the earth world, she was more willing to stay in China and teach her children.

With regard to Ouyang, Bai Jing had the same attitude. They didn't know the reason, and they were unwilling to leave the earth event.

In this regard, Li Tian had no choice but to temporarily shelve this idea.

On the beach, Li Mu and Li Bai were playing on the beach. Looking at such a cute child, Li Tian was a little hard to give up!

But Li Tian knew that he would definitely have to leave the earth world and enter the Netherworld, and continue to embark on his path of being strong.

After spending half a month in Hawaii, Li Tian felt that his skin was getting tanned. This kind of exclusive meeting was unanimously approved by everyone, but there was no result.

Huaxia completely returned to normal, and after discussions with Li Tian and others, Huaxia welcomed back Mr. Mu Yunlong and Duan Muying.

The highly anticipated old man had to come out again, temporarily serving as the head of China, with Duanmuying, Little Lady, Kobi and others assisting him.

According to the plan, in one to two years, Father Mu Yunlong will hand over the entire Huaxia and Dongying Islands to Duanmuying, and the father will gradually withdraw from the core management authority.

At that time, Dongying Island Country will become the real Dongying Province, and Ouyang Shiqing and Bai Jing will become the highest officials of the province!

As for Li Tian's private property, the Hawaiian Islands and the British Isles will not be included in the scope of China.

Li Tian directly digs the corner of Huaxia, let Dog Nose take charge of the British Isles, Shelipuding and He Zhizhuo assist Dog Nose, and Weiwei and Ouyang Man take charge of the Hawaiian Islands.

In the future, these islands will become permanently neutral areas and become tourist cities in the true sense.

Think of Li Tian still a little excited.

Facing the sea, spring flowers bloom, this kind of day will not be far away.

Because of Li Tian, ​​Huaxia has become the well-deserved sole hegemon of the earth world. A meeting of global heads of state will be held in Kyoto in a month. In fact, this is more or less a dignified meaning for Huaxia to let all parties come to congratulate.

Everything was arranged properly, Li Tian decided to go to the remaining four caves of the eight dragons in Wangta Temple to find out. However, at this moment, something happened that Li Tian did not expect!

Ye Meijing and Liu Jimeng, who stayed in Dongying Island, are missing!

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