Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4353: : Secret Channel

After the end of the world, the Jingnan District was divided into Kyoto City and became an administrative district of Kyoto City, but Jingnan never recovered to its pre-apocalyptic glory. ,

As the capital of the end times, Jingnan District still retains a large number of military units and departments.

Because of this, the night in Jingnan District is much bleak than the night in ordinary cities.

Under normal circumstances, after seven o'clock in the evening, the sun has not completely set, and most of the streets in Jingnan District are already rare.

At this time, the last afterglow of the sun in the sky set, and the sky was still dark. Liu Feng's figure flew easily over the city wall and sneaked into the southern part of Beijing.

Liu Feng seems to be quite familiar with Jingnan District, and his figure quickly shuttles through the alleys of Jingnan District.

Now Liu Feng is a desperado, and his speed has been played to the extreme.

A drunk tramp was standing on the corner of the street urinating, Liu Feng flashed past the tramp like a wind, the tramp shivered and **** his hand.

The drunk tramp turned his head abruptly, saw that there was nothing behind him, and couldn't help cursing a few words.

Soon, another body image flashed behind him like wind. This time the homeless man clearly felt a cold wind blowing from behind his neck. This time the homeless man was really scared to pee and peeed. A pair of pants.

As soon as the cool breeze blew, the tramp's Jiujin woke up completely, and screamed and turned around and fled to a deeper alley.

Liu Feng turned his head abruptly when he heard the exclamation of the tramp, but there was nothing behind him.

Liu Feng hid his body behind a big tree and stayed for about ten seconds. He looked like a fierce hungry wolf, his eyes constantly scanning the street.

The streets are empty and there is no one on the streets.

"Is it my illusion?" Liu Feng thought in his heart.

After a few more minutes, the streets were still empty.

"It seems that I have become a frightened bird!"

Liu Feng confirmed that there was no one behind him and continued to rush.

Li Tian was familiar with the direction in which Liu Feng ran. It was exactly the direction of the dilapidated factory where Liu Feng was stationed when he was the commander of the army.

According to Liu Baoming's intelligence department, well, in fact, there is no need for the intelligence department to investigate.

At the end of the end of the world, most of the core cadres in the same process of wind and rain held positions of different levels in China. Although this dilapidated factory was circled as a cultural relic site, although a large amount of money was later invested in maintaining this factory, it still remained in the end. Without changing the factory's destiny, the factory would fail.

The factory is only guarded by a few veterans who are on the same route every day.

Because of the special relationship between this factory and Liu Feng, the Intelligence Department has also investigated the factory, but there seems to be nothing unusual in this factory except for a few sleepy veterans waiting to die.

But today, these veterans changed their sleepy looks, and their eyes were full of light. These veterans gathered at the front door of the factory today, whispering, as if they were waiting for someone.

Soon, a galloping figure appeared in their eyes.

The faces of these veterans showed excitement, and their bodies began to tremble slightly.


"Except on TV, I haven't seen a legionnaire for almost ten years!"

"We can have another fight with the corps leader!"

"But... we are all these old bones, we have to leave China and come back again..."

"What bullshit, don't you believe the legionnaire?"

A few dozen seconds later, Liu Feng appeared at the door of this dilapidated factory. He was surrounded by these veterans and walked into the factory.

"Are you all ready?" Liu Feng asked directly without greeting.

These veterans found that today's meeting seemed a little different from what they had imagined, but they also knew that the legion commander was now the most difficult period, so they didn't care.

"Ready!" said one of the veterans.

"Okay, take me there!" Liu Feng said impatiently.

These veterans surrounded Liu Feng and came to a dilapidated factory building. The factory building looked very dilapidated from the outside, but walking into the factory... well, it looks even more dilapidated inside the factory than outside. , But in one corner of this factory building, there was a command room that seemed to have been built for five or six years.

Several veterans looked around, surrounded Liu Feng, walked into the factory, and walked directly to this command room.

Walking into the command room, a few veterans pushed the command room's command platform aside, and a passage appeared under the command platform.

"A few old brothers, let me go with me! As long as we leave China, with my ability, we can definitely make a comeback!" Liu Feng said to several veterans.

"We are waiting for the words of the legion commander..." Three of the veterans expressed their willingness to follow Liu Feng on the spot.

Only one veteran hesitated for a while, thought for a few seconds, and said, "I am willing to follow the legion commander too, but...but I..."

"Lao Chai, your grandson is not your own. He is just your adopted grandson. Now he is an adult, and he has already got a good position under the care of the legion commander. What can you not bear? When you let us guard here, you should have such a day, so you should go with us!" Some of the other veterans said dissatisfiedly.

The veteran who was called Lao Chai thought for a few more seconds before nodding.

The faces of several other veterans immediately showed long-lost smiles, but they didn't notice a trace of killing intent flashing across Liu Feng's face.

"Several brothers, you go down first, and I and Lao Chai will break after!" Liu Feng said.

Several veterans did not doubt, got into the passage one after another, and kept walking down.

When the other veterans walked down for about a minute, Lao Chai wanted to walk down, but was stopped by Liu Feng.

"Old Chai, since you can't bear your grandson, you can stay!"

"Leader, I..."

"No need to say more, I know, you followed me before the end of the world, and I believe you will not betray me."

"Legion commander, if I have my next life, Lao Chai will still be the commander's soldier!" Lao Chai said excitedly.

Liu Feng nodded slightly, and suddenly he shot suddenly, reaching out to pinch Lao Chai's neck, and easily snapped Lao Chai's neck.

"Lao Chai, don't wait for the next life." Liu Feng slowly laid down Lao Chai's body, a fierce flash in his eyes said: "It's not that I don't believe you, now I don't even trust myself!"

After speaking, Liu Feng looked around again before he got into the passage.

About a minute later, Li Tian's figure appeared on the side of the passage, and then Liu Baoming was brought out of the space by Li Tian.

"Liu Baoming, do you know where this passage leads to?"

When Liu Baoming saw this passage, his face was pale, and he said, "This...this is my negligence of duty. I will ask Master Li Tian to punish you!...What should we do now? Let's chase after him, or Liu Feng will run away! "

Fluttering, the mutant crow and Feitian Yasha flew in from outside and landed on Li Tian's shoulder.

Now Liu Feng is still diving into the ground, and their surveillance mission has been completed.

Jixing Yasha was summoned by Li Tian from the space, without Li Tian speaking much, Jixing Yasha went straight into the ground.

Seeing these Yasha and mutant crows, Liu Baoming's face was full of surprise and doubt.

"You don't know where this passage leads, but I know, I really didn't expect Liu Feng to have left behind. It's no wonder that you can't find out his deployment in Jingnan District, but...huh, it's a pity Liu Feng, he met me, Li Tian, ​​he can't escape!" Li Tian said with a sneer.

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