Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4376: : First Lin Nether

The clone Li Tian stayed in the earth world, and Li Tian's deity took Situ Ningbing, Xueji, Tang Xiaolong, Long Yin, Liu Jimeng, and Ye Meijing to the Netherworld through the gate of the restricted area!


The clear sky is like blue, and the red sun is clear!

A few unknown birds swept across the sky quickly.

Netherworld, the gate of the forbidden zone.

The door of the restricted area under the sun is full of sacredness, and a faint soft light shines on the door of the restricted area.

There are a total of eight guards of the gates of the restricted area guarding the gates of the restricted area from the four sides in the south, east, north and west.

For thousands of years, the gate of the restricted area has been standing in this valley.

If it weren't for the fact that four visitors from the earth world entered the Nether Realm through the gate of the Forbidden Zone 13 years ago, bringing some vitality to the Nether Realm, the people in the Nether Realm would have almost forgotten the existence of the gate of the Forbidden Zone.

Thirteen years ago, the four elders called the Four Elephants passed through the gate of the restricted area and came to the Netherworld.

If you say you come, come, after all, there are not as many as the four of you in the Underworld, and there are not too many of you four.

For example, their masters who only have a cultivation base are not very good in the Netherworld. If they keep a low profile, it is completely possible to get mixed up.

However, the old man of the four elephants passed through the gate of the forbidden area. First, he wanted to explore the secret behind the gate of the forbidden area. The second was to find a way to restrain the three corpses. The third was to guard the gate of the forbidden area in the Netherworld.

The elders of the four elephants can be said to be cultivating geniuses, and they gradually understood the true meaning of cultivation in the Nether Realm during the battle with the three corpses.

One year after the end of the world, in the process of recovering and healing their injuries, their cultivation bases have improved by leaps and bounds. Before crossing the gate of the forbidden zone, among the four of them, the ill old white tiger's cultivation base has reached the third apprenticeship. level.

This strength can definitely be said to have been a small part of the peak in the earth world.

But in the Netherworld, then everyone is stunned.

However, the four-xiang elders who first came to the Netherworld had no intuitive understanding of the cultivation strength of the Netherworld. The first thing they encountered at the gate of the forbidden zone were some first- and second-tier cultivators.

These first-level and second-level cultivators are numerous and powerful, and they have great strength behind them. Of course, they don’t put the Sixiang elders in their eyes, and want to tap something good from the palms of the Sixiang elders. As a result... these cultivators The first- and second-level guys were severely cleaned up by the four elephant old man.

Being misled by the practitioners who were defeated by them, the old man of the Four Elephants believed that the strongest in the Netherworld was probably the seventh or eighth level of the practitioners.

It is this arrogance, coupled with the deliberate mischief of those first- and second-level practitioners, deliberately boasting that the old man of the four elephants is a man standing on the top of the earth world, and told the old man of the four elephants if he wants to obtain the right to guard the gate of the restricted area. You have to go to the Shuanghuangzun.

These four elephant old men are too innocent, and they are really looking for the Frost Emperor under the temptation of those first- and second-class practitioners.

As a result, these four guys were sadly reminded.

They found Emperor Yu Frost and asked the Emperor Frost to hand over the gate of the restricted area to their four old guys to guard, and those first- and second-grade cultivators deliberately boasted that the old four elephants came from the earth world in front of the Frost Emperor. A man who can stand on top of the earth world.

Thus angered Emperor Yu Shuang.

Emperor Yu Shuang is a hapless guy.

This guy used to be a domain master, and was once a stronger existence than the current top twenty domain masters, but he was fighting against a super fierce from the earth world about 7,000 years ago. This guy was severely injured and had a cultivation base. Continuously plummeting, directly fell below the realm of the domain master, and finally stayed at the sixth level of the Venerable.

If it weren't for the exceptional talent and determination of Emperor Frost Emperor, I am afraid that Emperor Frost Emperor would never be able to set foot on the ninth-level peak realm of the Lord again.

But for Emperor Yu Shuang, the earth world was a shadow that could never be erased in his heart.

He did not dare to think about the powerhouses of the earth world, nor did he want anyone to mention the earth world before him. Even if the gate of the forbidden zone was built in his territory for thousands of years later, Emperor Frost would deliberately stay away from the gate of the forbidden zone. .

The words of the four elephants elders were in the ears of the Frost Emperor, and it was tantamount to mocking him.

The angry emperor Yu Shuang just used coercion to kneel down in front of him oppressively.

His anger has not been eliminated. At the order of the Frost Emperor, the old four elephants were imprisoned in the iron cage as a monkey, and then under the guard of the Frost Emperor’s followers, he was dragged into the kingdom of the venerables of the Netherworld. exhibition.

Emperor Yu Shuang threw the four elephant elders into the desert mines of the Kalai Desert, and asked the four elders to dig for him for five hundred years before forgiving them.

After that, Emperor Yu Shuang ordered several of his masters to guard the gate of the restricted area.

And told these guardians that the SLR came from the earth world through the gate of the forbidden zone to the nether world, no matter who it is, first have a fight, and then throw it into the mine pit of the Kar Desert.

As a result, the corpse was also a tragedy ten years ago.

After finally moving the earth world and fleeing back to the Nether Realm, this guy had not had time to be happy, he was violently beaten by those guardians of the noble level.

If the corpse was not for the corpse clan of the Netherworld, and he voluntarily sent the red cut to the frost emperor, I am afraid he would have no way to avoid being thrown into the mine pit of the Lycra Desert.

Naturally, Li Tian didn't know these things that happened in the Netherworld more than ten years ago.



Li Tian felt a white light flashing in front of him, and every few seconds, the distorted feeling in Li Tian's body disappeared.

Opening his eyes, Li Tian found that he was already in the Netherworld!

"This should be the Netherworld!" Li Tian thought in his heart.

Immediately, Li Tian brought Tang Xiaolong out of the space of Void Yasha. Before Li Tian had time to bring out Situ Ningbing, nor did he have time to bring the Third Young Master from the space of Qiong Spear of the sky, there was a flash of light around him. A few figures passed by.




The eight powerful masters teleported to Li Tian and the others, and surrounded Li Tian and others.

Li Tian's eyebrows couldn't help but raised slightly. He first came to the Nether Realm. Before he had time to take a good look at the scenery of the Nether Realm, he was immediately surrounded by the venerables of the Nether Realm and looked at their unfriendly eyes. The mood is extremely bad.

More importantly, although Li Tian couldn't understand the strength of these venerables, their cultivation level was obviously stronger than that of Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong.

"Hey, in the past ten years, someone has finally come from the earth world, hahaha, in the past ten years, the brothers have been trapped in this place where the birds do not shit, and they are going crazy. Brothers first greet "A sneer with a scorpion on his mouth, and a white long-haired venerable sneer on the sneak.

Powerful pressure fell from the sky!

"The Venerable is a strong person above the second level..."

Before Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong had time to explain, they knelt instantly!

Then, these seven or eight Venerables turned out to be like rogues, and they really beat and kicked Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong.

Punching and kicking are both important, but it is very humiliating.


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