Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4385: : Carnival (2)

No one spoke, everyone held the mining tools tightly in their hands, squeezed together as much as possible, and walked forward slowly.

With a team of 100,000 people, even if it wants to speed up, it is completely impossible, unless it is a flat road.

Li Tian could feel the fear of the monks around him, and even Li Tian could hear their rapid breathing.

The Nether Sand Wolf did not start to act, it seems that they are afraid of the two withered bone clan powerhouses.



There was no sound when the footsteps fell on the soft sand, but the sound of the soft sand flowing was extremely harsh.

The Nether Sand Wolf is like a ghost in the desert, disappearing from time to time, and then suddenly appearing on another sand dune after a while.

That's right, as the nether sand wolves of the venerable level, they can also teleport.

This kind of feeling really seems like a dog, how did you say this ghost sand wolf learned to teleport? Do they also have inherited culture, but also have IQ?

"Brother Tian, ​​pay attention, those Nether Sandwolves seem to be about to start moving! When the Nether Sandwolves start to act, this marching team will speed up, and whoever is slower will be in danger at that time!" Hei Dazu The brother said.

Li Tian nodded slightly, and whispered to the cultivators and miners gathered around him, asking them to be vigilant.

These words of Li Tian are nonsense. Everyone here has a lot more experience than he and Tang Xiaolong. The monks and miners hold the digging tools tightly with both hands, without the slightest panic under their feet, their eyes are always staring at the distance. The ghostly sand wolf on the sand dunes.

It seems that everyone is waiting for a signal.

The number of nether sand wolves gathering more and more, the number of nether sand wolves visible to Li Tian alone has exceeded one hundred.

You must know that Li Tian and the others now have a team of more than 100,000, and the team is pulling very long. Li Tian doesn't know how many Nether Sandwolves are following them.

Suddenly there was a panic in the front crowd. Several miners with only first and second levels of monks were squeezed out of the crowd. These monks and miners didn't stand still and went straight down the desert.

"Save me! Save me! I don't want to die!"

Those monks and miners sliding down the sand **** shouted at the marching team with a desperate expression on their faces.

But as if everyone hadn't heard their miserable screams, the pace under everyone's feet could not help but speed up, as if the Nether Sand Wolf had already begun to attack!

Sure enough, a few dusty shadows instantly teleported to the side of the cultivator miners, opened the blood basin and began to bite the cultivator miners.

This is the signal!

The speed of all the miners suddenly increased, and everyone rushed forward as if they were crazy.

Even a powerful person at the venerable level did not dare to teleport away from the crowd without authorization.

And at this moment, Li Tian saw hundreds of gray shadows appearing instantly on the edge of the marching crowd, attacking the cultivators and miners at the extreme edge... Eh, lower his mouth.

The withered bone knives in the hands of the two Withered Bone Clan guys kept piercing into the necks of the Nether Sand Wolf, slaying the beasts, and the captains of this brigade also began to attack the Nether Sand Wolf!

However, in the frenzy of attacks by thousands of ghost sand wolves, the power of these powerful men looked like thunder and lightning hitting the surface of the ocean, and they did not have much effect at all.

Miners of the cultivator level were taken away continuously, and then torn to pieces by a few ghost sand wolves.

Of course, there are also Nether Sand Wolf being smashed to pieces by those miners with digging tools!

There is a smell of blood in the air, which makes people feel sick!

Halfway through the journey, according to Li Tian's incomplete estimation, at least five or six hundred people were squeezed out of the crowd and became the belly of the Nether Sand Wolf.

The nether sand wolves bite this piece of meat, the blood at the corners of their mouths is constantly falling in the desert, and their eyes show greedy expressions. Even if they have the corpse of the dead miner in their mouths, these nether sand wolves are still unwilling. Leaving, still constantly impacting the miners team.

At this time, there is no so-called brigade, squad, no so-called trust and friends, everyone is at large!

Finally, the shadow of Tucheng can be seen at the front of the team. After seeing Tucheng, the Nether Sandwolves stopped moving on, but because the team was too large, the tails of those teams continued to suffer from the Nether Sandwolves. Attack.

Li Tian couldn’t understand why Emperor Yu Shuang didn’t use flying vehicles to collect spiritual soil at the entrance of the mine. This way, firstly, it can reduce the death of miners, and secondly, the spiritual soil carried by these miners is not. Will be swallowed by those ghost sand wolves.

Brother Hei Dacu is a powerful person at the venerable level. As long as they don’t rush out, there should be no problem with their safety. Brother Hei Dazu seems to have seen Li Tian’s thoughts, and said to Li Tian with a smile: Brother, this is the balance! The Lycra Desert was originally the area of ​​the Nether Sandwolves. Humans are latecomers. The humans forcibly occupy the desert and keep digging. As a result, those Nether Sandwolves have lost a large area of ​​survival. In order to prevent the Nether Sand Wolf from attacking the Tucheng and attacking the mines, the once-a-month trek looks more like a human feeding of the Nether Sand Wolf!"

"Perhaps you still can't understand it now, but when we return tomorrow, you will find that these nether sand wolves seem to have suddenly disappeared a lot! Their attacks on us have also decreased a lot!"

"As for these miners, do you know how many people will be displaced and how many people will lose their lives in every direct conflict between the Venerable Kingdom of the Venerable Kingdom and the Venerable Kingdom of the Venerable? If Venerable Frost is willing, he can transport them every month? Thousands of miners here!"

"However, the number of Venerable miners like us is indeed a small number, and we are free to offend those big people. We guys have no way to hide in the death battle and can only sell themselves to the Laika Desert! If we are lucky enough to survive five hundred years, Then we can get free bodies forever, and maybe we can still find a good position in the imperial palace!"

"Of course, if you don't want to, you can also join the Spiritual Land Bandit, but...hehe, the Spiritual Land Bandit is not a happy land, if you accidentally be targeted by the emperor, the whole group can't be destroyed!" Hei Daru said.

Li Tian understood that this is equivalent to the ecological balance of the earth world.

What Li Tian can do is to keep himself alive and live better. As for the cultivating miner, there is really not much he can do.

Tucheng was already in front of him, Li Tian couldn't help but breathe out, the dawn of victory had arrived.

But at this moment, Li Tian saw that only one or two hundred meters in front of him, several old man cultivators were suddenly forced out of the crowd.

Not squeeze out, but push out!

Among these old man cultivators, Li Tian saw a few familiar back figures!

One of the old men is still carrying the back of another old man with difficulty!

"Four elephants... old man!"

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