Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4413: :The correct use of spiritual soil

When leaving Tucheng, there was an extra blanket beside Li Tian!

The blanket is a person, not a real blanket.

The blanket is He Feng's son.

As for the specific name of the blanket, it doesn't matter.

The name is just a code name.

The blanket left Tucheng crying!

The old lame handed the little lame and the blanket to Li Tian, ​​and asked Li Tian to take them both.

In fact, Li Tian prefers the old lame to follow him.

Although the old lame guy is lame, he is an eighth-level powerhouse of the Venerable, and this strength is not an ordinary calf.

If an old lame follow Li Tian to the dark forest, Li Tian's safety factor can be greatly improved again.

But the lame man refused Li Tian's invitation!

As soon as the blanket was gone, the old lame also left Tucheng.

Li Tian went west, and the old lame man went east.

Li Tian's goal is the dark forest, and the old lame's goal is Yu Shuanghuangzun.

He Feng knew that it was basically impossible for the old lame to survive.

To Emperor Shuang, that was the closest existence to the domain master.

But He Feng did not stop the lame man.

For thousands of years, the driving force for the survival of the old lame is the little lame.

Now the little cripple’s back road has been arranged, and He Feng and other spiritual robbers are protected. The little cripple’s future does not need to spend in the Laika Desert, and the old **** has no reason to stay in Tucheng.

The old lame man is going to talk to Emperor Yu Shuang, who is not his father-in-law, about his life and ideals.

The old lame did a big thing before he left!

He rescued all the miners in Yushuanghuangzun's mine and gave them to Li Tian for free.

Including those two strong bone clan teasers.

The two withered bone clan powerhouses both possessed the Venerable's fifth-level peak cultivation base. These two teasing powerhouses were afraid of the Frost Emperor, and originally wanted to resist, but they saw the Niulan Mountain in Li Tian's hand. All the halazi shed.

This is a real thing, definitely not made up by Li Tian.

Li Tian also wondered how the skeletons could still play harrass.

Li Tian only used two bottles of Niulanshan, and completely bought these two withered bones!

And these two Withered Bone Races were extremely thorough in betraying Yu Frost Emperor, and they also took the miners to hand over all the spiritual soil excavated in this month to Li Tian.

Although it is far less than the spiritual soil accumulated in the spiritual soil city for thousands of years, it is better than nothing.

In this regard, Li Tian expressed a warm welcome.

In addition, a bottle of Niulanshan was specially rewarded to the two strong bones.

Then, after autumn, settle accounts.

The captains who were trying to deal with Li Tian with the corpses were picked out one by one, and then beheaded by Gao Liang. Their corpses became the fertilizer for the spiritual land cultivated by the bandits.

Although the space of the Heavenly Qiong Spear was empty now, it was much more lively than before.

The Xuling tribe built two more big cities to accommodate the miners in the earth city and the earth city respectively. Of course, these miners at the monk level are free, but they also need to continue to cultivate spiritual fields and become spiritual farmers.

After He Feng's explanation, Li Tian knew the correct way to use spiritual soil!

Method one: gnaw!

It is like a Nether Sand Wolf, directly taking in the spiritual soil as a trace element, gnawing the spiritual soil into the stomach.

The advantage of this method is that spiritual power is absorbed quickly, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to digest. Only a few animals and non-human cultivators such as the Nether Sand Wolf and the Corpse Clan dare to use this method.

Of course, the biggest disadvantage of this method is that it has great side effects.

Not only will it affect the heart of the cultivator, but it will also affect the mind of the cultivator.

Otherwise, after the Nether Sand Wolf reaches the realm of the Venerable, the IQ of these guys is only equivalent to a three-year-old human.

As for the corpse race, this kind of race is definitely a strange existence. They can gnaw spiritual soil into their stomachs and then bury themselves in the soil. After a long period of time, they can absorb the spiritual power of the spiritual soil.

Fortunately, the cultivation base of the corpse race is generally low, and seldom can obtain spiritual soil, otherwise, the corpse race can definitely become a big race in the Netherworld.

Method two: forcibly absorb!

Just like Chen Peng, he took the spiritual soil as the spiritual source to absorb, forcibly inhaling the veins.

The advantage of this method is also fast absorption, even faster than nibbling this method! Just like smoking du, the common method is to smoke, and the way to die is to inject.

The pleasure of injection comes quickly, but it is also fast to die. After all, this method of gnawing may also excrete debris through excretion.

This kind of cultivation method also has a great disadvantage, that is, when the cultivation level reaches a certain level, it will be difficult to increase the cultivation level, and even get sick from time to time, which greatly reduces the cultivation level.

Method 3: Directly use spiritual soil as an auxiliary tool for food preparation.

For example, when making the netherworld chicken, it will be wrapped in a layer of spiritual soil, and then through a special production process, the spiritual power of the spiritual soil is made to the nether chicken.

This method is simple and rude, and much safer than the previous two methods.

However, the consumption of spiritual soil is extremely high and the utilization rate is not high.

Only the strong at the local level are willing to absorb it in this way.

Method 4: Reclaim the spiritual field.

The spiritual valley is planted through the spiritual field, and the harvested spiritual valley is made into spiritual food, and then through the diet, the body system digests the spiritual power contained in the spiritual food.

This is the safest way to practice. It is naturally pollution-free, safe and pollution-free. The disadvantage is that it is extremely slow.

First of all, Linggu has a growth cycle, planting and harvesting once a year.

But for the guys in the Underworld who have a life span of thousands or even tens of thousands of years, slowness is not a problem.

Of course, because of the scarcity of spiritual soil, this spiritual food is not qualified for ordinary cultivators.

Even if they enjoy it, they can't feel the spiritual power of the spiritual food, which is just delicious food.

Of course, ordinary Venerables cannot afford spiritual food.

The output of Lingtian is extremely low, not even one ten thousandth of ordinary crops.

Moreover, every time a stubble of spiritual valley is planted in the spiritual field, it must be repaired again, and the spiritual soil needs to be continuously consumed.

Although this method is safe, it is not very useful for Li Tian.

Although Li Tian does not need spiritual power now, he has enough spiritual power in his veins and atrium. What he needs now is to cultivate these spiritual powers, make these spiritual powers his own spiritual power, and then hit a higher level of cultivation. .


After leaving Tucheng, after a long journey of more than ten days, Li Tian finally walked out of the Laika Desert.

Then, according to He Feng's instructions, Li Tian headed north, towards the dark forest.

Li Tian seems to be a lone traveler, crossing the entire Laika Desert alone.

Coming out of the Laika Desert, the desert is surrounded by a vast land of no owner, this area Li Tian can use teleport at will.

Li Tian teleported to the Venerable Kingdom of more than a dozen ordinary Venerables.

After three months of traveling, the low-key Li Tian tried to avoid the Venerable Kingdom of the Emperor and arrived at the Venerable Kingdom of the Flower Demon Venerable closest to the dark forest.

Venerable Youhua Yao, a powerful Venerable of the ninth level of Venerable, although he has not reached the realm of Emperor Venerable, but his Venerable is also prohibited from teleporting in the country.

So Li Tian can only walk through it on foot.

Entering the Venerable Kingdom of Youhua Yaozun, Li Tian's eyes almost straightened.

Beautiful women can be seen everywhere in His Holiness.

"Master, do you want to go to the dark forest? The journey from this venerable home is long. The little ladies are willing to go along the way. The uncle only needs to give a few dollars at will, and the little girls on this road are your choice !" As soon as he entered the house of the Venerable, several enchanting beauties surrounded Li Tiantuan.

Pharaoh next door

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