Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4415: :prey

Hearing this smelly man's words, Li Tian couldn't help feeling the chrysanthemum tighten.

"You mean... they are not women?"

The stinky man showed a mean smile, nodded slightly and said, "Nor can you say that, they are hermaphrodite to be precise!"

I rub!

When he looked at those beautiful women again, Li Tian suddenly felt a chill.

There are also hermaphrodite creatures in the earth world, but these creatures are generally low-level creatures, similar to land snails, slugs, earthworms, etc. Of course, in the normal process of human reproduction, there is also a very small probability that hermaphrodite characteristics will appear, but can Only a certain country in Southeast Asia is truly hermaphroditic.

Of course, these are all acquired through hard work to become hermaphrodite!

Li Tian didn't expect that there would be such a magical species, androgynous people in the Netherworld!

No wonder these beauties are tall and outstanding.

"Hey, brother, I have a good news and a bad news to tell you! But telling you these two news I need to bear a lot of responsibility and risk, so..." The smelly man showed what you know Expression, said to Li Tian.

Li Tian took a few steps back, pulling a little distance.

Li Tian was thinking about turning around and leaving, and then he thought about it, isn’t it just some coins? When he died on the battlefield, Li Tian collected a lot of netherworld coins, not to mention that Li Tian now has a lot of spiritual sources and spiritual soil. Coins are of little use to Li Tian.

Li Tian flipped it casually, and there was already an extra skin in his hand, which was filled with metal coins from the Underworld.

The smelly man immediately smiled brighter when he saw the skin.

Reached out to take Li Tian's skin bag and said, "Do you want to hear the good news first or the bad news first!"

"Say some good news and listen to it!"

"The good news is, because of You Wuqing, in this Venerable Kingdom of You Hua Yao Venerable, there will never be a woman to pester you again!"

This is indeed good news for Li Tian, ​​after all, it can save a lot of trouble.

"What about the bad news?"

"The bad news is that you have been targeted by You Wuqing, and now you are the prey in You Wuqing's eyes. You Wuqing is a descendant of Youhua Demon Venerable, and the prey he is staring at in this Venerable Kingdom is still rare. Few escaped alive! Unless you turn and leave the Venerable Kingdom of Youhua Yaozun now, you will be the same." The smelly man said with a strange smile.

"What do you mean? Isn't You Wuqing a good man? He is a man!" Li Tian asked.

"Hey, this is the kingdom of Venerable Youhua Demon. Any magical thing can happen. That You Wuqing looks like a man in appearance, but he is the same as these women, and he is also hermaphrodite, but he He appears to be a male only, but like those women, he kills both men and women."

Li Tian suddenly felt bad, and threw the jade medal You Wuqing threw to him directly to the man in front of him.

Before the end of the earth world, the habit of breaking sleeves and the goodness of Longyang had been legalized in some countries, but as a normal man, Li Tian still felt a little unacceptable.

In the Netherworld, he could encounter even more weird things, hermaphrodite, male and female killers, thinking of this kind of thing Li Tian shivered all over, a little nauseous.

You Wuqing's cultivation base is not high, and Li Tian can easily solve him.

Those followers of You Wuqing are not very strong either, at least ten such strong can be brought out at will in Li Tian's space of Qiong Spear of Heaven.

But here is the kingdom of the Venerable Youhua Yaozun. The Yuhua Yaozun is a strong man in the middle of the ninth level. Li Tian doesn't want to provoke anyone at this level for the time being!

"Are you going to turn around and leave the kingdom of the Venerable Youhua Demon? Or continue to venture forward? If you leave here, and then want to enter the dark forest, you need to take a detour. It takes about three or two years to pass through. The kingdom of the emperor, the Venerable Kingdom, entered the dark forest through another area."

"If you take the risk, there is no way. You can dress up like me, so he might lose interest in you." The smelly man asked.

Li Tian hesitated!

The nether world is vast.

If there was no such kingdom of the emperor, Li Tian could use teleport to quickly go around and enter the dark forest.

But it is precisely because the kingdoms of those powerful emperors and ninth-levels are connected to each other, it is really impossible to pass through these kingdoms without two or three years.

For Li Tian from the earth world, wasting two or three years on the road is a bit unacceptable!

"Would you like me to help you! A bag of coins, I can take you to a magical place, after going to that place, I can dress you up a bit uglier than mine, but you will definitely not It smells bad! This way you can easily pass through this country to the dark forest!" The smelly man continued.

Li Tian looked at this stinky man, his cultivation was only the first level of the sage.

"If you dare to play tricks, I will make you better than dead!" Li Tian said.

With that, Li Tian took out another bag of coins.

"Hey, how dare I play tricks? Your cultivation base is much higher than mine. Would I make fun of my life? Just rest assured, I am a man with professional ethics!" Said.

After receiving Li Tian's coins, the smelly man led Li Tian and walked out of the Venerable National City of Youhua Yaozun, and galloped toward a forest.

Li Tian followed closely behind.

Soon, the two entered a forest.

The ancient trees in this forest towered to the sky, and each tree had a double hug, and the man's speed did not slow down, but accelerated and rushed forward.

Probably moving forward in this direction for more than fifty miles, the scene in front of me gradually changed. The trunks of the big trees nearby became thinner and thinner, and some of the trunks were even dead.

"Almost there!" the man said.

Li Tian did not speak, but he was a little more wary of this man in his heart!

Li Tian secretly communicated with Xukong Yasha.

At this time, the man had brought Li Tian to the bottom of a mountain.

A clear spring on the mountain flows slowly, and at the bottom of the clear spring, there is a mud puddle about several hundred square meters.

The quagmire was dark and there were still bubbles on it.

"Here, here is this quagmire. The black mud in this quagmire has a magical effect. As long as the mud is applied to your face, it can change your appearance, and it can last for half a year! This half a year is enough You have passed through the Venerable Kingdom of Youhua Yaozun!" the man said.

"Try it first!" Li Tian said.

Without the slightest displeasure, the man threw the giant axe aside, and stretched out his hand to continuously smear the mud on his face.

With these actions, Li Tian saw the man's face as if it was radiated, and it became ugly and harder to look.

The man crawled out of the quagmire again, and continued: "If you want to get rid of it quickly, you can wash it with this clear spring water, and you can restore your original appearance in a while!"

As he said, the man picked up Qingquan and washed his face again. After a few minutes, as expected, the man changed back to his original appearance.

"It's amazing. These muds are the best grooming cosmetics, and these clear springs are makeup removers!" Li Tian decided to pack more of these black muds and clear springs, and he might still be able to use them in the future.

"I brought you here, and my task is complete! Then it's up to your luck, I will flash it first!"

After that, the smelly man disappeared in a teleportation, and he didn't even have time to take his great axe.

Li Tian squatted on the edge of the quagmire, began to collect the black mud, and smoothly smeared a few pieces of black mud on his face.

After applying the black mud, Li Tian suddenly felt that his face seemed to be half swollen, and there was a crisp and numb feeling on his face.

Li Tian continued to collect the black mud.

"It's a pity that these black mud can only make people ugly. If you can beautify people, if you transport these black mud to the earth world, then you will really earn money!" Li Tian thought in his heart.

Suddenly, Li Tian felt his head sink, feeling that his brain seemed to have lost the ability to think at that moment. Then Li Tian plunged into the black body quagmire and lost consciousness.



Several figures appeared beside the quagmire, headed by You Wuqing.

"Hey, no one has ever escaped the prey I was fancying!" You Wuqing said with a wicked smile on his face.

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