Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4418: : Who is the hunter (3)

The combat effectiveness of He Feng and others is not weak.

If Li Tian had not been fascinated, this battle would have been faster!

We must know that in the Qiong Lance of the Sky, there are more than 20 cultivators above the fifth level of Venerable Spirit Soil Bandit, and there are also five cultivators of the sixth level of Venerable. If these people are brought out, the combat effectiveness will be stronger.

However, Li Tian didn't expect that the dead person who was staring at him turned out to be You Wuqing, otherwise he would not be able to hold it big. In the space of Void Yasha, only He Feng, a Venerable Seventh-level peak powerhouse, and a few others were left. A five-level powerhouse of the Venerable.

"Don't leave one!" He Feng ordered again.

This place is only a few kilometers away from the city of Venerable Youhua Yaoxun. If these followers of You Wuqing escape from here, once they are allowed to escape into the Venerable Youhua Yaoxun and attract the Venerable Youhua Yao, then even more A few He Feng is also a dead end.

Since he wanted to kill, he decided not to show mercy.

Following He Feng’s order, Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong, and You Wuqing were directly thrown on the ground like sacks. Several figures galloped past He Feng, and they appeared in You Wuqing’s followers in an instant. By the Lord.

Because of He Feng's coercive attack, You Wuqing's body was trapped by a follower. Even if he could barely move, he would definitely suffer a lot when fighting!

Coupled with the ferocity of the robbers in the spiritual soil, the hands that have already started are naturally merciless.



Several blades that were shining with cold light pierced into the bodies of five faint followers in an instant.

These spirit soil robbers are definitely good killers, they are quick and accurate, and with a single blow, the stabbed venerables have fallen to the ground softly.

The cultivation bases of the five spiritual soil bandits are all in the early and mid-level realm of the Venerable, and the strength of these followers is almost equal to each other, but now these followers are controlled by the pressure of He Feng, which makes these spiritual soils The robber fights without pressure.

As soon as the five followers died, these spiritual soil robbers immediately rushed to the next target.

Withered Bone Crane and Withered Bone Stork, after throwing Tang Xiaolong and Li Tian on the ground, they pretended to laugh twice, and then rushed towards...Nether Sand Wolf.

That's right, the goal of these two guys is the Nether Sand Wolf!



The cold light flashed, and the knife fell with his hand!

Two ghost sand wolves that are several times larger than a turn of their heads rolled on the ground gruntingly. The head of the ghost sand wolf was cut off, and hot blood was sprayed from the neck of the ghost sand wolf, and the two strong bones The boned body was completely dyed red.

"Haha! Haha!"

The two teasers were bathed in blood, with childlike smiles on their faces.

The blood of the Nether Sand Wolf slowly seeped into their bones, and when their bones absorbed the blood of the Nether Sand Wolf, it seemed that some changes were still taking place.


The two teasers kept smearing the blood of the Nether Sand Wolf on their bodies.

"Move fast! I don't know if I exert pressure to attract the attention of other venerables, so we must solve the battle as quickly as possible!" He Feng shouted again.


He Feng twisted the head of one of his followers, dropped it on the ground, and continued to rush to the next target.

That's right, this is slaughter!

These Venerable Followers of You Wuqing, the highest cultivation level is Venerable Level 5, how could it be He Feng’s opponent? In less than a minute, eleven Venerable Followers and heavy axe The men have fallen in a pool of blood.

The heads of the twelve Nether Sandwolves were chopped off by the two Withered Bone Races!

The battle ends without suspense!

"Clean the battlefield and evacuate quickly!" He Feng ordered again.

These people do not lose sight of being spiritual bandits who have spent many years in the Laika Desert. They acted quickly. When He Feng gave orders, these guys quickly took care of the blood stains on their bodies.

Someone was responsible for packing up the skin bags on these corpses, and the two strong men of the Withered Bone Race carried Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong at the same time.

He Feng held You Wuqing in his hand, looked around and saw that there was nothing unusual nearby, he immediately shouted: "Go!"

After a few seconds, these figures disappeared into the woods again.


He Feng and others disappeared in the woods for only half a minute, and a figure appeared in the woods instantly.

The person who came was Venerable Nanlan Peak.

This majestic ninth-level early powerhouse went to the Frost Emperor's kingdom to seek to see the Frost Emperor. As a result, the Frost Emperor did not see his face, and the Frost Emperor disappeared.

Afterwards, Venerable Nanlan Peak entered the Laika Desert according to spiritual tracking.

He went to Lingtu City and Tucheng, but did not find any trace of Li Tian.

Traced all the way to the Venerable Kingdom of Youhua Yaozun.

Fortunately, although this spiritual tracking is tall, it is not accurate.

This thing is not gps, it will not be precise positioning.

And there is a time delay, the most important thing is that this time delay is not fixed yet.

This made Venerable Nanlan Peak very painful when tracking Li Tian.

Otherwise, with his strength, Li Tian would have already fallen into his hands!

"This blood is still hot, this guy should still be around here!"

"From the way these corpses died, you should not be alone now. It seems that you still have a lot of helpers in the past few months!"

"Hey, it's a pity that in front of my Nanlan Peak, these helpers of yours are just a few numbers! You can't get away with these!" Venerable Nanlan Peak squatted on the side of a follower's body, stained with blood on his hand He put it in his mouth, licked it, and said with an excited expression on his face.

The voice just fell.


A powerful coercion fell from the sky!

A man of various appearances appeared in this forest instantly!

This man wore a red and green robe with big flowers, which looked like the most common bed sheet in China in the decades before the end of the earth world. This robe was like a dress, and the robe could be dragged five or six meters on the ground.

A machete two meters long was hung around his waist.

Men are men!

But applying this rouge gouache on his face and adding that thin beard will give people a sense of insanity.




Venerable Nanlan Peak thought of these three words in his mind, and then a name appeared in his mind: Venerable Youhua Yao.

"You killed these people?"

"You Wuqing follower, eleven people died in your hands, you are really a good method!" Youhua Yaozun said with a sneer.

Venerable Nanlan Peak's head grew instantly.

Nima's eyes saw that I killed you? I'm just passing by.

Passing by, you know?


"You don't need to explain, and I don't want to hear you explain! It's just a few elders who are not influential, and die..."


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