Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4427: : The tough old lame (4)

Venerable Xindao and Venerable Tibet simultaneously attacked the lame man.

Venerable's 7th and 8th level battles are so powerful that the whole world seems to be discolored.

The onlookers eating melons had already retreated thousands of meters away, but these onlookers did not give up, standing on the roofs and eaves overlooking the direction of the imperial palace.

Thousands of meters away, the people I saw were only the size of an ant, but these onlookers still enjoyed it.

"It's so powerful! When can I break through to the realm of cultivators!" Some teenagers chirped and said excitedly.

In front of the imperial palace, the ancestor had already been kicked by the lame man, but the ancestor's figure flashed and rushed over again.

Except for Venerable White Book, the other three Venerables, like the old lame, are all eighth-level Venerables, but their cultivation levels are slightly different. However, for those who are strong in cultivation, the difference is a thousand miles away. .

The old lame was one enemy four, and he didn't lose the wind at all, but would kick the other venerables into the air from time to time.

Corpse's face was ugly.

Emperor Yu Shuang asked him to lead the four venerables to behead the old lame. At that time, he promised to take the old lame head to see the lame.

However, he didn't expect that the old lame guy, who had broken a leg, had such a strong cultivation base and so strong combat power.

"Waste, it's for the four of you to join forces to deal with the old lame, not for you to fight in a wheel fight, join forces... Do you know when you join forces?" The corpse shouted anxiously.

Venerable Xindao’s heart was originally uncomfortable. In addition, he was suppressed by the lame everywhere, and was kicked off by the lame several times in a row. I already felt that his face was dull, and then I heard the curse of the corpse, the mind of Venerable Xindao There was a hint of panic unexpectedly.

At this moment, the old lame man's palms slammed on Venerable Xindao's body.

At that moment, Venerable Xin Dao felt that his body veins had been broken, and he actually lost control of his body.


With a loud noise, the body of Venerable Xindao slammed into the magnificent vermilion wooden door at the main entrance of the Imperial Palace.

Venerable Xindao felt that his body seemed to fall apart, and after several seconds, he stood up swayingly.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a hole of three or four square meters in size on the vermillion wooden door of the Imperial Mansion, and Venerable Xindao couldn't help but feel even more flustered.

It is not only Xin Dao who is flustered, but there are also several other Venerables and the Guarding Venerable.

The door of Huangzun Mansion was the face of Emperor Yu Frost. Now this door was smashed, as if a few holes had been caught in Emperor Yu Frost's face.

"You...you are looking for death..." the voice of the corpse said tremblingly.


The old lame teleported to the front of the corpse, his palm suddenly grabbed the neck of the corpse, and lifted the short winter melon from the ground.

The corpse was shocked, constantly releasing coercion to attack the old lame, kicking his legs, but how could he be the opponent of the old lame with only the Venerable's third-level cultivation base?

He felt azure blue spiritual power pouring into his body through the old lame arm, and these blue spiritual power kept flowing in his veins.

The corpse felt cold all over, but at this moment, he felt the azure blue spiritual power in his, the veins turned into ice, and his veins were instantly pierced into holes.

"Do not……"

"Do not……"

The corpse felt that the spiritual power of his physical veins began to flee, and his cultivation realm continued to plummet at this time.

"Save me...Come on, just me..." The corpse shouted, lowering the other venerables.

However, at this moment, the other sages seemed to be injured at the same time, humming constantly, and no one helped him.


"It's up to the owner to beat the dog, the old lame man, I don't think it will kill you for the sake of your daughter's face, you are really the one I dare not kill you?" Huangzun Mansion, the powerful Huangzun finally couldn't bear to speak again.

"Huangzun save me...Huangzun save me...I know who knows the secret of Hongzhan!" The corpse was like a man who fell into the water grabbing the last straw and shouted.

The air is forbidden at this moment.

The whole world seemed to stop.

Immediately after the sky and the earth changed color, a force visible to the naked eye fell from the sky.


This coercion instantly fell on the old cripple, completely covering the old **** wheel.

The old lame's body shook slightly, his whole body's strength seemed to be imprisoned instantly, and his arm moved towards

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Bi Bibi

Bibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibi, Bibi


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Bibi, Bibi, Bibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibibi

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