Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4475: : Ants on the hot pan

The Emperor Ant is coquettish, but the Emperor Ant is also very distressed!

As the most popular existence among Oolong Fire Ants, he has always been the idol and dream lover of Oolong Fire Ants.

The Emperor of Ants only needs to be responsible for dressing up the beautiful land every day, and he has countless oolong fire ants who are standing in front of him.

When the ant emperor has nothing to do, he will bring a ticket to the oolong fire ant brothers to dig ore underground to eat, and sometimes they can also dig something similar to fire red spar.

This kind of thing is far more decorative than cultivation.

Don't ask why?


The ant emperor is male. He controls this oolong fire ant and has the supreme power. Therefore, he also has the right to mate with all females of the entire oolong fire ant race.

Because of this, the king of ants has another daily job, which is to keep the Oolong fire ants digging holes to store his descendants.

This was originally nothing, but just a while ago, a soldier ant accidentally dug out a metal box with a strange flame pattern.

This metal box did not know how many years it had been buried, but it was not rusted or destroyed, but it was still dazzling, just like a new box.

Because of the human consciousness and thinking, the ant emperor believes that the box must be a treasure, and it is a reward from heaven for him, the ant emperor, to control the entire Oolong fire ant race.

Don't ask why, the flame pattern on the box is the best proof.

The Emperor of Ant unceremoniously took the box as his own, and sneaked it to his secret base, which was buried in the cave of his descendants and opened the box.

Then, the ant king was stupid.

A puff of black smoke came out. Before the Emperor Ant could react, he lost control of his body.

Then he saw that black smoke turned out to be gluttonous, eating all his children and grandchildren clean.

After that, the king of ants watched the black smoke burrow into the ground and continue to eat his offspring on the next floor.

Do you think this is over?

This is just the beginning of the nightmare.

The darkness did not know how many oolong fire ant eggs had been swallowed, and finally started to devour the oolong fire ants.

Then the black smoke turned into flames and disappeared from the sight of the Oolong Fire Ants.

Immediately afterwards, something more tragic happened.

It turned out that the dead volcanic rocks at the bottom of the volcano frequently visited by the Oolong Fire Ants gradually came alive and turned into hot lava flowing along the caves dug by the Oolong Fire Ants.

Oolong fire ants are not afraid of flames, and they can even live on flames.

However, I don't know what the magma is. After the Oolong fire ants swallowed the magma, they all turned into rocks, and none of them were spared.

Reluctantly, the ant king could only order the underground paradise that belonged to them to be abandoned, and the criss-crossing ant roads were blocked to prevent oolong fire ants from eating by mistake.

Originally, the ant king thought that the matter should be over here, but gradually, he found that the underground temperature was getting higher and higher, and the extinct volcano actually started to smoke.

The ant emperor can only give another order to move the race to a higher ant road.

And the matter did not end there. The magma somehow entered the channel of the underground river, and the water flowing in the river started to burn, and this large area of ​​underground became a sea of ​​fire.

The current ant emperor is the ant on the hot pot. His little head can't figure out the reason, so he can only do it in a hurry!

After listening to the words of the king of ants, Li Tian was a little silly.

Things are a little different from what he guessed.

What the **** is that box?

And what the **** was put out in the box?

Even the powerful Oolong Fire Ants can't do anything about it, can Li Tian have a solution?

"Master Ant, don't worry, Elf Sky and Elf Rou are sent to save us by Lord Tree God. As long as you can send them underground, they can solve all the problems!" said a general tree elf.

"If this is the case, that would be great! Come, I will take my worker and soldier ants to dig you a passage leading to the underground river, and please be sure to subdue the **** thing. If you If we can do it, if we save our Oolong Fire Ant Clan, I am willing to give you my crown!" said the ant king.

Li Tian is even more stupid.

Something is wrong, why did you force me to Liangshan without understanding what the black smoke is?

And, what is the crown, that **** thing I want to do? Should I be the emperor of your Oolong Fire Ants?

"Eh, it's not so good! We just got here, and..."

Before Li Tian had finished speaking, there was another piece of information in his head.

"I know you won't want my crown. After all, this is a symbol of imperial power. If you want this crown, you will live with our Oolong Fire Ants in the dark underground! I know you are not willing, for Thank you, I will give you that box!"


Yes, that box should be the key.

Soon, the box was picked up by a few Oolong fire ants, and then handed over to Li Tian.

The box is square and square, and on all six sides are carved and painted some patterns that resemble auspicious clouds, and these patterns are actually regarded as flames by fire ants, which is stupid and terrible.

The volume of the box is only as big as a palm. Li Tian held it in his hand and looked over and over again, but he couldn't find the magic of the box.

If Situ Ningbing is here, maybe she can help me!

Li Tian handed the box into Youanrou's hands to see if Youanrou could see some clues, but how Li Tian gave the box to Youanrou, it was as if it were in Li Tian's hands.

Li Tianyou entered the space and asked Tang Xiaolong, Xue Ji, Xiao Hotpot, He Feng and others, but still no one could see the clues of the box.

Helpless, Li Tian could only put the box in the skin!

The speed of oolong fire ants drilling holes is absolutely superb.

It is said that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes give birth to phoenixes. Children born to mice will make holes. Li Tian didn't expect that the Oolong fire ants, who are called dragons, are also experts in hole drilling.

It's no wonder that the Dragon Clan doesn't recognize them, it's too lost.

Within half an hour, as piles of black magma fragments were pushed out of the cave by the Oolong fire ants, a cave with a diameter of more than two meters appeared in front of Li Tian.

Taking into account the cave-climbing skills of humble humans like Li Tian, ​​this cave is not straight up and down, but inclined forty-five degrees down!

At this moment Li Tian was melancholy again, really wanting to look up at the starry sky forty-five.

"Elf day, Elf soft, come on! If you can succeed, I can consider making you Yi Rou, and Yi Tian as appropriate!" The Emperor said proudly.

Go to your sister's Yi Rou, why don't you overcome the strength with softness?

Go to your sister’s ant sky, if you add a cheap word, is it more appropriate!

Seeing that the egg-sized flaming red spar on the tail of the ant king was aimed at Li Tian, ​​shining with red light, Li Tian could only stiff his head and walk in with the dark and soft.

"If you die, die! If you believe in Li Tian's luck against the sky, maybe there is any good luck?" Li Tian thought in his heart.

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