Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4518: : Four Stone Tablets (1)

The mutant crow flew out with a grudge, and flew into the sea of ​​clouds with the dark saints.

Li Tian and others accelerated the pace!

Although it speeds up, it is only relative!

After walking around the mountain for a short while, a towering boulder archway suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Behind the archway is a winding path with steps less than half a foot wide.

The trail was winding, looking up, like a giant snake, disappearing at the end of the line of sight.

There is a road, although it is only a small road, Li Tian and others are already excited.

They boarded the path one after another, and their figures quickly flashed across the path.



Without the impression of demi-god power, Li Tian and others are not slow.

In a blink of an eye, it has already reached more than ten feet high.

Standing on the steps of the trail, looking down, the ring zone is getting farther and farther, but the sea of ​​clouds is endless and spectacular.

Even the masters of the domain master level, they can fly above the clouds, but they rarely have the opportunity to see this magnificent landscape.

However, standing on the steps, there is a mountain that is as smooth as a mirror beside him, and there is no place to grasp it. It feels like a gust of wind will come, and it may be blown down.

Li Tian and others did not dare to stay too long, just glanced at the sea of ​​clouds under their feet, and rushed toward the top of the mountain.



A group of figures flashed by quickly, the four domain masters plus Li Tian, ​​their speed did not want to go up and down, the distance between each person was no more than ten meters.

The sea of ​​clouds under Li Tian and others' feet is endless white at noon. When the red sun sinks, it will turn to dark yellow again. When the sun disappears completely, the sea of ​​clouds will turn black just like the sky.

But Li Tian and others have not reached the top yet!

Looking up at the sky, the sky is full of stars.

No, Li Tian even felt that there were stars all around, and he was also hanging in this space like the stars.

The difference is that Li Tian feels that he is very weak, very small, like a dust.

Sea of ​​clouds, stars, sun and moon!

Li Tian felt a different world.

Only in this environment can Li Tian have a deeper understanding of Qingyun nine realms!

Li Tian felt the spiritual power in his body surging involuntarily, and these spiritual powers unknowingly practiced according to Qingyun's cultivation rules.

Li Tian's feet did not stop, his mind moved faster.

What is the strong!

When Li Tian was still a Liaocheng boy, he felt that Situ Ningbing was the strong, and then Li Tian gradually became stronger. As his forehead became stronger, Li Tian felt that the strong seemed to be endless.

However, there is always a barrier in Li Tian's heart!

That is the power of heaven and earth!

Human cultivators, no matter how powerful they are, they will always be bound by the various constraints of the heavens, the earth, nature, and the rules of Taoism.

And the realm of human cultivation is inevitably limited!

The strong at the second level of the Venerable can fly into the sky and cross the clouds, but the clouds are their limit.

The strong in the realm of the domain master can pass through the clouds, fly out of the atmosphere, and withstand the fierce wind, but even the domain master does not dare to stay in this environment for a long time.

Domain owner,

Still a mortal body!

Still subject to various Taoist rules!

Even a high-speed flying gravel in the vault can make the domain master fall.

If you want to break through the nature of heaven and earth, and the rules of Taoism, you must be stronger, surpass the heaven and earth, surpass Taoism, and become a demigod.


All this seemed too profound, Li Tian only felt that the heaven and earth in his heart had changed a little before he knew it.

Although this change is vague, it seems to be in chaos, faintly.

However, Li Tian felt that once this kind of change formed, his cultivation level would be changed by leaps and bounds!

Looking at the flowers in the mist and the moon in the water.

Even if Li Tian knew that this realm was extremely powerful, he couldn't touch it even if he wanted to touch the barriers.

"Don't worry, now I have this kind of enlightenment, as my cultivation base keeps getting commissions, and as my eyes widen, maybe this kind of height is beyond reach!" Li Tian thought in his heart.




The figures of Li Tian and others kept pointing upwards.

At this time, the other four venerables, because they had never practiced Qingyun, did not have just practiced Qingyun Qi Jue to the Dzogchen realm like Li Tianna, did not watch the sun as the cultivator boomed to the top of the mountain, and did not see the mountains and small mountains. That kind of feeling, at this time, they also have no such chance and idea.

But they always have a belief in their hearts: climb to the top!

Gradually, when they looked up again, they found that the top of the holy peak was no longer as high and low as the stars in the sky, and the winding trail in front of them could already see the end.

Finally about to reach the top.

Li Tian and others speed up again!

At this time, everyone's mood changed again.

Involuntarily a wave of arrogance appeared in their hearts, a kind of domineering arrogance to give to others!

That's right!

For thousands of years, no one in this dark forest seems to have been able to reach the top of this dark holy peak!

And Li Tian did it!

They are the strongest in these thousands of years.

They are qualified to feel proud, qualified to feel domineering!



The black figures of the five are like black arrows.

The Lord of the Earth Evil Tianjiu domain did not slow down at all, with a hint of excitement on his face, turned his head slightly and shouted: "Brothers, we are finally on the top!"

"Hahaha, brothers, I'll be one step ahead!" Tiangangyan raccoon domain master also exclaimed excitedly.



These two figures first disappeared on the winding path, and finally stood on top of the holy peak!

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian, ​​Ziyan Thunder Bear Domain Master, and Yin Devil Silver Bull Domain Master also arrived back and forth!

Before reaching the summit, Li Tian and others brain made up various stunning pictures of the summit.

Qionglou Yuyu, Shenxiao Jiangque, Qihua Yaocao, Xuanxiao Danque.

"Danya Qiongge walks happily, Bihaixiancha leaps in his heart."

However, the reality is...

"This is the Holy Peak?"


The eyes of Li Tian and others are almost falling to the ground!

The top of this dark sacred peak is a platform with a total area of ​​no more than 500 square meters.

This platform is pitted and flat, and it will not be cut off by the sword of God in the legend!

The platform was bare, without any flowers or trees, nor the imaginary Qionglou Yuyu. At the center of the platform, there was a small stone house that looked dilapidated and black!

There is a stone monument at the front, back and left of the small stone house!

The height of these four stone steles is more than ten feet tall, from the side, they look like a flagpole erected in front of a small stone house!

After experiencing thousands of fortunes and suffering, seeing this kind of scene, it is false to say that Li Tian and others are not disappointed in their hearts. The four domain masters lie on the ground together, looking up at the stars in the sky!

"Tomorrow morning, we will leave after bowing! Holy Peak, but so!"

Li Tian looked at the low stone house and the four towering steles, but he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Is this the god's site?"

Li Tian walked over involuntarily!

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