Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4522: : Nether Academy (2)

Domain Master Ziyan Thunder Bear still wanted to talk to the elder in charge, but the elder in charge said nothing.

Although the pen elder of the Nether Academy entered the dark forest, he looked down on the Nether beasts in the dark forest from the bottom of his heart, and looked down upon the domain masters crowned by monkeys.

The elder in charge slowly tasted the wine, looked at the west, and watched the setting sun parallel to the sea of ​​clouds, dyeing the sea of ​​clouds into a sea of ​​fire, and completely ignored and full of contempt when he spoke to the Purple Flame Thunder Bear Domain Master several times in a row.

But the domain master of Ziyan Thunder Bear did not dare to have the slightest displeasure.

"This wine smells like Niulanshan?"

Li Tian and the four domain masters couldn't be more familiar with each other, and the **** of the earth vulture domain master swallowed a mouthful of water and asked.

The elder in charge was even more proud.

He entered the dark forest this time just to confirm whether the masters of the Nether Beast Domain who had been to the human world were still alive.

After entering the dark forest, he was attracted by the smell of wine, and following the smell of wine, he found the current tavern of the third son of the netherworld.

The elder in charge is a big figure in the dark academy. He may have heard the names of Ye Cheng Huangzun and others, and he naturally wouldn't know the younger generations like the Third Young Master.

If you want to drink fine wine, the elder in charge will buy it. The metal coins he brought in are not recognized at all, and naturally you can't even buy a glass of wine.

For this reason, the elder in charge can only reluctantly cut his love and exchange a treasure he had previously obtained from the dark forest for a few bottles of Niulan Mountain.

For these bottles of Niulanshan, the elder in charge pays special attention and love. Every time he takes them out, he slowly tastes the wine, and he can taste the wine for half an hour.

Hearing these territories talking about this wine now, his heart was naturally proud.

"Yes, it is Niulanshan. Have you ever drank it?"

"I've had a fluke! This wine is good, but as far as I know, there are better wines in the tavern. That's a well-deserved divine wine!" Li Tian said.

The elder in charge looked at Li Tian suspiciously, nodded and said, "Yes, you are right. There is indeed a better wine in the tavern, but the price to change for that wine is not small!"

"The old gentleman is so powerful, as long as the old gentleman wants it, they dare not give you a good wine?" said the Yinmoyin cattle domain master.

The elder in charge seemed to have been insulted, and gave a vicious look at the Lord of Yin Mo Yin. The Lord of Yin Mo Yin suddenly felt like falling into an ice cave. All the hairs on his body were erected, and even breathing became extremely difficult. .

After a while, the pen elder sighed again and said, "You wait for the ghost beast, but don't know how to teach. Since I am the pen elder of the Nether Academy, how can I do this kind of bullying?"

"I'm a scholar! What I follow is the way to become a holy and a god. How can I give up my belief in cultivation for a few pots of wine? How can I be like a vulgar beast like you!"

The dark forest, no, it should be the law of the whole underworld that the weak eats the weak.

For these powerhouses, whether it is wine, beauty, or treasure, they can be solved with powerful force. To put it more popularly, it is to grab!

However, Nether Academy is a special existence.

Their approach to cultivation is also completely different from the other powerhouses in the Nether Realm and the Nether Beasts.

As for the existence of such a high-competitive writing elder, it is indifferent to do such things.

Therefore, even if the elder in charge is greedy for a cup, he can only exchange the treasures he carries for wine.

"Yes, yes, yes! I'm waiting for vulgarity, I'm waiting for beasts!" Domain Master Ziyan Thunder Bear nodded quickly and said.

Hearing that the pen elder was full of disdain and contempt for the four domain master brothers, and even he was despised in it, Li Tian's heart suddenly felt a little unhappy.

What are you pretending to be?

I drank Niulanshan, the lowest price among Laozi Litian Tibetan wines. Now I am pretending to be deep and full of cultural connotations.

Since you can pretend, I will pretend to be one for you too!

Li Tian flipped it casually, and there was a stack of crystal clear jade bowls in his hand!

These bowls were brought from the earth world. When drinking in the space of Void Yasha on weekdays, Li Tian uses the bowls!

Several domain master brothers looked at Li Tian cross-legged on the ground and placed the bowl in front of him. The Yin Mo Yin Niu Domain Master asked, "This is... begging?"

Li Tian almost spurted out a mouthful of blood and went to beg for your sister,

"Brothers, sit down! I invite you to drink!"

When it comes to drinking, the faces of these four domain masters can't help but show joy!

The amount of fine wine they exchanged was originally not much, and they had already ruined it before coming to the Holy Peak.

After arriving at the Holy Peak, several domain master brothers also wanted to ask Li Tian for some wine to drink, but because Li Tian was quietly practicing, they were too embarrassed to bother.

Hearing Li Tian's invitation to drink, the throne domain master brother suddenly became a beast, sitting cross-legged in front of the bowl placed by Li Tian, ​​staring straight at the jade bowl with a look of expectation.

Li Tian flipped it over, and there were already two more bottles of Moutai in his hand.

Open the bottle cap of Moutai, and the wine is full of fragrance.

"Good wine! This...I have seen this wine at the auction. It's really good wine!" Domain Master Ziyan Thunder Bear said excitedly.



Li Tian filled five jade bowls!

As soon as the elder in charge smelled Moutai wine, he could immediately smell that Moutai was softer and more fragrant than his Niulanshan wine. Looking at the jug in his hand, he was unavoidably moved.

What's more, the Moutai in Li Tianyu's bowl has a slight energy fluctuation, while the energy fluctuation of Niulanshan is almost invisible.

The elder in charge took a sip of the wine in the hip flask, suppressing the gluttons in his belly, and looked at Li Tian and the others with some embarrassment.

"Who is this youngest guy? It seems that his cultivation is only the sixth level of the Venerable. What did he climb this holy peak? I didn't pay attention just now. Now it seems that this little guy appears here. It's weird."

"This wine is really good, I am afraid it is much better than the one I bought from the Dark Forest Tavern, but where did this little guy get these wines!"

The elder in charge was wondering about Li Tian's identity, and his face showed a trace of disdain.

"What does this guy want to do? Does he want to use fine wine to make friends with me? If that's the case...? Humph, I can drink wine, but I want to make friends, hahaha, you are not qualified!"

Li Tian didn't know the thoughts in the mind of the elder in charge. He picked up the wine and clinked glasses with the four domain master brothers, and drank a bowl of wine.

"Good wine! Good wine!"

"Hahaha, it really is a good wine! This is so much better than the Niulanshan we drank before!"

Several domain owners were excited, Li Tian flipped through them and took out a few bottles of Moutai!

The elder's eyes are almost straight, and he thumps his chest and thinks: "Civil, guilty, this kind of wine is for tasting, how can you taste good or bad like a cow chewing peony?"

However, Li Tian and others did just that.

Li Tian drew two bowls of wine in a row, with a slight flush on his face, and said excitedly: "If there is wine, how can there be no poetry for fun? Let me chant a poem to cheer you up!"

"Poetry? Brother Li Tian still chant poetry?" The faces of the brothers of the domain masters were full of doubts.

The elder in charge heard Li Tian's words, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

Are there poems in the Netherworld?

This must be true!

Because the Nether Academy in the Netherworld emphasizes the sacredness of Confucianism and Taoism, and cultivates the sages, domain masters, even sages, demigods, etc.!

"If your boy chants poems, then I can take you to the Nether Academy to continue practicing! If your boy chants nonsense stuff, then I will let you know the price of insulting Sven! "

Li Tian stood up abruptly, flipped it, and then another bottle of Moutai, opened Moutai, Li Tian held the bottle and gulped and drank.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Tian raised his arm, pointed it sharply into the sky, and sang loudly:

You don't see, the nether water comes from the sky, rushes to the sea and never returns.

Don’t you see, Gaotangmingjing has white hair in sorrow, and the morning is like a blue silk and snowy evening!

You must be happy in life, don't make the golden bottle empty to the moon.

I am born to be useful, and come back when my wealth is gone.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cows is fun, and you will have to drink three hundred cups.

Master Cen, Dan Qiusheng, will be drinking, not stop drinking.

A song with Junge, please listen to me.

Bells, drums, and jade are not expensive, but I hope I won’t wake up after being drunk.

In ancient times, sages and sages were lonely, and only the drinker kept his name.

In the old days, Wang Chen had a feast of peace and joy, and he fought for a long time.

What is the master's word for less money, it is necessary to sell to the king.

Five-flowered horses and golden fur, Hu'er will exchange fine wines, and sell them together with you... Ten thousand... Gu... Worry!

The poem is Li Bai's general in the Tang Dynasty, and it has been memorized, but the entire top of the holy peak has been quiet for a few minutes!

"This...this is the poem? Although I don't understand what the Li Tian brothers sing, but after listening to the poem, my heart will feel a surging feeling! It seems that the spiritual power in the veins of the body is active! "Ziyan Thunder Bear Domain Master said excitedly.

The Tiangangyan raccoon domain master nodded fiercely, with some tears in his eyes, and said: "Yes, I...I feel this way too. No wonder this old gentleman from Nether Academy calls us animals! This... The power of poetry!"

The landlord Tianjiu domain master and Yinmo Yinniu domain master didn't even understand the content of Li Tianyin's poems, but they heard a majestic feeling, a feeling of arrogance.

The elder in charge was even more shocked!

This poem is completely different from the poem in the Netherworld, but the elder in charge also felt a powerful force, even when Li Tian sang this poem, the elder in charge couldn't help but dance with him.

It's like... it's a song and dance!

"Poetry, this is a new type of poem. I just listened to this poem once, but I feel that the spiritual power in my veins has begun to be spoiled! If... if I can make such a poem, then I Will it break through to the realm of sacredness?" The elder in charge thought intoxicated.

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