Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4526: : Nether Academy

This fat girl is called Gigi Lai!

Eh, to be honest, if she is insulted by her figure and appearance, this name is a bit insulting.

The brother Gigi Lai said was a student named Wu Shaojia from the Middle School of the Netherworld Academy. He was probably over a thousand years old, and he now possesses the first-level Venerable Realm.

Such a level of cultivation is of course not enough in the middle school, it can only be regarded as commonplace.

However, in the eyes of the students of the inferior colleges, the realm of the first level of the venerable is already a very powerful existence. At least if Wu Shaojia wants to stay in the college, he has the qualifications to apply to become an assistant teaching in the inferior college.

And if he leaves the college, Wu Shaojia can get a good job whether he goes to the ordinary state of the Lord, or to the ordinary family or the chamber of commerce.

And Gigi Lai studied makeup, which is equivalent to the beauty of the earth world.

There will be a big difference between the two, whether they are present or in the future, and it is precisely because of this that Gigi Lai has a close eye on Wu Shaojia.

But now, because of the appearance of Zi Chuanyan, Gigi Lai has also been trapped in the dormitory for three days.

"Sorry!" Situ Ningbing apologized.

"I want you to solve this problem yourself. Otherwise, what's the use of apologizing? What if Brother Jia misunderstands me and ignores him? What if our marriage blows up? At least you can afford it?" Said bitterly.

My day, the eight characters have not been written yet, this guy has already said that the marriage is on.

"I can only say I'm sorry, I won't rush out because of a word of yours and put me in danger!" Situ Ningbing said.

Gigi Gigi sat up abruptly, jumped off the bed, and stared at Situ Ningbing angrily, and said, "What does it mean to put you in danger because of a word of mine? It's obviously because of you that you put me in danger? ?"

Gigi Lai's cultivation is only in the realm of cultivation. Situ Ningbing was originally unwilling to talk nonsense with Gigi Lai. Now this guy is aggressive, but Situ Ningbing's heart is a little more tired!

"With all due respect, distance produces beauty. If your brother really likes you, these few days will make him miss you more and his feelings for you will not change." Situ Ning said with a cold smile. .

Situ Ningbing knew that Gigi Lai and that Wu Shaojia had already had multiple physical relations. This is not a secret in the lower academy. Situ Ningbing's subtext is: If Wu Shaojia dislikes Gigi Lai, he just regards Gigi Lai as his. With venting tools, even if Gigi Lai pesters Wu Shaojia every day, Wu Shaojia will have a day of fun!

"Hey, you still have reason? Don't think you have the strength of the realm of venerable, I will be afraid of you, I am your predecessor. Also, in this Nether Academy, it is useless to be beautiful!"

"In the past, there were a lot of people who were prettier than you in the lower academy, but in the end they were nothing more than a venting tool for the guys from the upper academy! You..." Gigi Lai's eyes were full of disdain, and he snorted coldly. After two sounds, the picture of Situ Ningbing falling under Zichuan Yan's hip was automatically filled in his mind.

Situ Ningbing did not argue anymore.

Gigi Lai’s words are correct, Nether Academy is not a paradise on earth, and the rules of the jungle in the Nether Realm are also applicable here, otherwise there would be no division of upper, middle and lower third-class colleges.

The death of a few insignificant students in the lower academy is nothing more than normal, and it may not even attract the attention of the elders in the academy.

And the teaching assistants and teachers of the lower academies have a strong cultivation and strength, and may not be as strong as the followers of the strong ones in the upper academies. In this case, these guys will open one eye in order to protect themselves. , Close one eye and pretend to see.

Thinking of this, Situ Ningbing finally knew why she hadn't seen the teaching assistant in the past few months.

When Gigi Lai saw that Situ Ningbing stopped talking, she was even more proud.

"In fact, you don't need to worry about it. With your beauty and cultivation, you are completely likely to enter the middle school. If you go to Zichuanyan, as long as his father Zichuan the Great can say something for you, maybe you You can easily transfer to a secondary college!"

"Even if you can't transfer to a secondary college, it is not difficult to fascinate Zichuan Yan with your beauty, you may even become the future princess of the Zichuan Empire! I can't hope for this kind of thing, you Still refused!" Gigi Lai really said sourly.

Situ Ning sneered and said: "Don't say it is the princess of the Zichuan Empire, even if the emperor of the Zichuan Empire asks me to be the emperor, I will not fall in love with him! My man is an indomitable man!"

"You have a man? How is your man's cultivation level?" Gigi Gigi asked with excitement and gossip as if hearing some great secret.

"Like me, the Venerable's third-level early stage!"

"Oh, then you should tell Zi Chuanyan clearly, maybe he will lose interest in you!" Gigi Lai said with an imperceptible sneer.

Will Zi Chuanyan lose interest in Situ Ningbing? Gigi does not know, but Gigi does know that if Zi Chuanyan really knows that Situ Ningbing has a man of the third level of the Venerable, then Zi Chuanyan will most likely send his entourage. He went to kill the man, and then took Situ Ningbing as his own.

However, in contrast, Situ Ningbing's position in Zi Chuanyan's heart will drop a lot, and it is entirely possible that he will become a tool for venting!

Thinking of this, Gigi Lai's heart was still a little excited, and she kept fanning the flames next to Situ Ningbing's ears, asking Situ Ningbing to find Zi Chuanyan.

Situ Ningbing didn't pay attention to Gigi Lai, sitting on her bed, looking out the window, thinking about how to overcome this difficulty.


Li Tian was secretly remembered by the elder in charge of the Netherworld Academy, and was left in his room, restricting Li Tian's personal freedom.

Then the elder in charge went to the Dean of the Dark Academy excitedly to report his harvest in the Dark Forest this time, especially Li Tian.

Li Tian was trapped in the room. The room looked like it was repaired with huge rocks. There were slight spiritual fluctuations between the huge rocks. Li Tian tried to get out of the room several times, but whether it was the door or the window, Li Tian Can't get out.

"Netherworld Academy, it is really extraordinary, I can actually feel in this room the feeling similar to the small stone house on the top of the holy peak!" Li Tian sighed secretly.

Anyway, he couldn't get out, Li Tian was free and wandered around in this suite.

There are seven or eight rooms in this suite of the elder in charge of the writer on two floors, including a study room, exercise room, meeting room, reference room, storage room, etc.

Li Tian advanced into the study room and saw that most of the books in the study room were animal skins, a few of which were bamboo slips, and some were made of rough paper.

"Hey, let me first see if there are any practice secrets in this study!"

Li Tian sneered and immediately turned the study upside down.

These books are written in ordinary goods, almost all of them are reproductions.

But let's not say that there are many information in these books that Li Tian has not heard before!

Li Tian squeezed all the books in the study into the space of Void Yasha, and waited for time to read it later.

Coming out of the study, Li Tian went to the storage room again.

There are a lot of things stored in the storage room, and if you look at it from the eyes of ordinary people, many of them are considered sea treasures.

But if it was compared with the treasure Li Tian had obtained in the dark forest, the difference was really not a star.

Seeing the poor and good things in the storage room, Li Tian embarrassedly... put them away again.

After that, Li Tian entered the reference room.

After entering the data room, Li Tian knew what the elders were.

"Mom Dan turns out to be a student file manager, what kind of pretense is it going to pretend!" Li Tian looked at the student information in the library, picked up a volume of information, flipped through it a few times, and said disdainfully.

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