Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4556: : Underground Library (2)

"Underground library? What is this place?" Li Tian asked.

Fifth Shuiyue was startled. She didn't seem to have thought that Li Tian would not know this place. However, Fifth Shuiyue concealed it well and said with a slight smile, "You are the deputy dean of the Tibetan Academy. You don't even know this place. know!"

"I wiped it, I just came to the library for a few days. I only know that the library has six floors. Is there a basement under our feet? I really don't know this! If you want to go, I will take it now. You go!" Li Tian said.

Fifth Shuiyue let go of Li Tian, ​​smiled and said, "It's not necessary anymore. When you are fully familiar with the Tibetan Academy, I will come to you again!"

"Then our double repair?"

"I'll talk about it next time!" Fifth Shuiyue said with a charming look at Li Tian, ​​the lady who was extremely seductive.

Fifth Shuiyue didn't stay in the library for too long, and told Li Tian of her thoughts, then turned and left.

Not long after Fifth Shuiyue left, the elder in charge also came to the library.

"Elder Li has become the deputy dean of the library. I haven't had time to congratulate him. I paid a special visit today to congratulate Elder Li Tian on his promotion. It is really gratifying!" The elder in charge said to Li Tian.

Li Tian's face was almost swollen from being beaten. What's so gratifying to stay in this place where the birds do not shit!

"The elders in charge should not laugh at me. I would rather stay in the academy and flirt with the beautiful female students!" Li Tian said helplessly.

"Elder Li doesn't understand this, do you know why there were two deputy deans in the library before you became an elder, but they were always vacant?" the elder in charge asked.

"Hehe, because no one wants to come here to be the vice president of this bird!"

"Why don't you think about why the dean of this library is the old dean concurrently? I saw Elder Shuiyue just now. If I guessed correctly, then Elder Shuiyue would have to ask you for it!" said the elder in charge.

"how do you know?"

"How do I know, I'm afraid that the only elder in the entire Nether Academy is Brother Li Tian. You don't know the importance of this library!" The elder in charge looked around and saw that there was no one else on the left and right. The elder in charge said in a low voice: "You know Who is the former dean of the library?"

"Who? Isn't it the old dean?"

"No! It's Chu Jiangnan!"

This is the second time Li Tian has heard this name.

Li Tian only knew that Chu Jiangnan used to be an elder of the Nether Academy, and later defected from the Nether Academy, where he went unknown.

Later, Li Tian also asked other elders, wanting to hear about Chu Jiangnan's deeds. Unfortunately, no matter which elder he was, he would immediately change his face as soon as he heard Chu Jiangnan, and he avoided talking about Chu Jiangnan.

Even the fifth water moon!

"Elder writing, I'm really curious, what kind of person is Chu Jiangnan? Why did he defect from Nether Academy again?" Li Tian asked.

A trace of panic flashed across the face of the elder pen, and waved his hand again and again, saying: "We won't talk about this, we won't talk about this!"

"Elder Li, before I took you into the Nether Academy, I promised to let you study the Nether Beast Art, but you also know that there is no Nether Beast that reaches the realm of the domain master in our academy, and there is no special subject for this."

"So, if you want to learn the Nether Beast Art, you can only rely on your self-study. I will first take you to the top of the library to find some materials and documents on the Nether Beast Art. You can study by yourself. If you If you encounter any difficulties in the learning process, you can also come to me!"

After that, no matter Li Tianwei forced the elders to seduce them, the elders would avoid talking about Chu Jiangnan.

Li Tian could only change the topic, from Chu Jiangnan to the library, and gradually to the underground library.

However, the elder in charge has become a frightened bird, and he is very cautious in answering Li Tian's question, because when it comes to the underground library, the elder in charge is acting stupid.

There is no way, Li Tian can only give up.

Looking at the ghost beast texts in front of him, Li Tian had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen these ghost beast texts elsewhere.

Li Tian thought of Situ Ningbing, and wanted Situ Ningbing to study these ghost beasts together with him, so that Li Tian could master the ghost beasts quickly.

However, when Li Tian thought about taking these materials and documents out of the sixth floor of the library, he found that these books and documents carved on stone tablets or animal bones could not be taken out anyway.

It was as if there was some magical power in these books that prevented Li Tian from doing this.

"Elder Li, don't do it in vain. If you want to study by yourself, you can only study here. You can't get these books out of the library unless your strength reaches the realm of the old dean!" said the elder before leaving. .

The elder in charge is gone, and only Li Tian is left on the sixth floor of the entire book group.

"I still don't believe it!"

Li Tian tried to send these things into the space of Void Yaksha, but it turned out that Li Tian could easily enter the space of Void Yaksha, but these animal bones and stone pieces were not brought in by him.

Li Tian wanted to send Xue Ji or other people in the space of Xuyacha to the sixth floor of the library, but he couldn't do it either.

This is probably not the problem with those books, but there are some constraints in this library!

The reason why Li Tian can enter this layer, and can easily enter the space of Void Yasha, is probably due to Li Tian's identity.

In this way, Li Tian could only start to learn by himself.

The matter of the underground library was also left behind by Li Tian.

I have to admit that Li Tian is not learning material, especially this kind of ghost beast literature that looks familiar but has no idea what it is. Li Tian probably taught himself for a month. Li Tian consulted various literature allusions. Finally Only dozens of characters were recognized.

In this month, Fifth Shuiyue visited Li Tian twice, but did not ask about the underground library, as if she had never mentioned it before.

Of course, Fifth Shuiyue did not mention the matter of Shuangxiu with Li Tian, ​​even if Li Tian mentioned it, she would quickly distract the topic.

The elder in charge came once, to instruct Li Tian to study the Nether Beast Art.

The old dean came once and gave Li Tian a one-foot-long metal key. He didn't say anything, but asked Li Tian to keep it safe.

Not long after the old dean left, the elder also came to the library to find Li Tian.

"It's really weird. The library in the past was deserted, as if all the elders were hiding from the library, but since Elder Li Tian became the deputy dean of the library, our library seems to have become incense. Even the great elder is here!"

"It's very strange. Although this library does not limit the elder who can come, and the elder can not come, but the elder seems to be the first time we have come here in these thousands of years since we entered the library!"

"Is the great elder also for that matter? If this is the case, then it seems that the great elder is ready to exert his strength!"

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