Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4567: : Desperate (4)

Li Tian is missing!

Also missing with Li Tian were more than 8,000 students from the Netherworld Academy and meteorites that fell from the sky.

This is the result that the elders of the Nether Academy and many domain masters and emperors saw after entering the core area after the smoke and dust of the wheel cover in the sky were gradually dispersed three days later.

Being missing is nothing more than a nice psychological comfort.

Everyone on the scene understood that the chance of surviving from the falling meteorite like a mountain was lower than the chance of these students ascending in the daytime.

The faces of Emperor Zichuan, Emperor Canghai, and Star Territory were particularly ugly!

But seeing a missing meteorite, their hearts have a little more hope.

But why did this meteorite disappear?

In the history of the Netherworld, there has been no meteorite falling, but the number of meteorites is very small, at most three or two, and the size of meteorites is also very small, and it is quite good to have the size of a grinding disc.

But no matter how many, no matter how big or small, those meteorites have never disappeared.

These emperors and domain masters looked at each other, and the elders and deans of the Nether Academy were also at a loss.

Why did this meteorite disappear?

Is it true that meteorites are not meteorites, but solid ice?

Vaporized during the burning process?

This is the last explanation given by the old dean, and it seems that there is only the past that this explanation can best explain.

But those emperors and domain masters had their judgments and thoughts in their hearts.

For the next ten days, these elders in Nether Academy have been searching for survivors.

It is a pity that they were very injured. Except for the survivors who had escaped at the time, in the core area where the meteorite fell, let alone survivors, there was not even a complete corpse capital.

More corpses have been completely swallowed by the flames, some corpses have been completely carbonized, and only a few corpses have left scattered pieces of corpses. Under such circumstances, who can believe that Li Tian is still alive?

This incident was the most tragic death in the history of Nether Academy. So many students died and disappeared, especially those from the upper academy. Nether Academy had to give an explanation to those venerable kingdoms, empires, and kingdoms.

Just as the attention of all the powerhouses in the Netherworld was focused on the disappearance of the meteorite, at this time another major event occurred in the Netherworld.

The Secret Realm of Death Battlefield is open!

The secret realm of Death Battlefield was opened once in five hundred years, and now it has not been more than twenty years since the last secret realm was opened, but why did the secret realm suddenly open?

No one can answer this question.

This may be good news for those practitioners who missed the last time they entered the secret realm, but when they rushed to the secret realm entrance with all their hardships, they found that they made things simple.

The secret realm was opened, but their masters of the cultivator level could no longer enter the secret realm of the death battlefield.

"What's the matter? Isn't the entrance to the secret realm already opened? Why can't we enter? Do we have to wait another five hundred years?"

"That's right, who can explain to me, since the people inside can walk out, why can't the people outside walk in?" The monks who arrived here complained suspiciously.

But who can explain to him, can explain to him?

At the entrance of the secret realm, there are constantly masters of cultivators and venerable masters coming out of it, just like those practitioners who want to enter the secret realm, these cultivators and venerables who come out of the secret realm are also a head. Foggy.

They looked suspiciously at the people who suddenly appeared next to them, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"What's the matter? Am I not trying in the death battlefield? Why do I suddenly appear here?" A cultivator asked in surprise.

"I... I don't want to leave the battlefield of death, I will die! Oh, let me in!" Several refugees were crying and wanted to turn around and rush into the secret realm, but they were bounced back by the invisible wall.

The faces of a group of naked cultivators, with only a few pieces of cloth covering their lower body, were full of stunned expressions. The next second they suddenly puffed and fell to the ground, crying with tears streaming down their faces: "Finally escaped. Now, thank God, let us finally escape from the battlefield of death alive."

"Woo, I would rather be an ordinary person in the future than enter the death battlefield. The inhuman beasts in the death battlefield even grab clothes!"

Among the naked crowd, only one person did not kneel to the ground. The big gun under his hip stood upright, but he did not have the slightest shame.

This guy turned out to be a powerful person at the venerable level.

"Who saw my wife? Who saw my wife! God the thief, I am circling you, I am loving my wife, why did I suddenly appear here?" The naked Venerable was angry Shouted.

Seeing this, the crowd of onlookers already knew the truth.

The Secret Realm of Death Battlefield was opened in advance, but the opening this time was completely different from the previous one.

People outside cannot enter the death battlefield, and people inside the death battlefield cannot stay inside.

These cultivators and venerables who suddenly appeared at the entrance of the secret realm were all brought out by an invisible force without exception.

At this time, a Venerable with a lizard head appeared in the crowd.

Venerable Lizard Head was in a trance, and after a while, there was a hint of joy on his face.

"I actually came out of the battlefield of death alive, haha, in the past ten years, I have lived in fear..."

"This is not the time for me to sigh, I must rush back as soon as possible and wrap Master Kanglubu's news of the death of Kang Erfu!"

"Li Tian, ​​soon you will know what will end up offending Master Kang Lubu!"


Venerable Lizard Head disappeared.

Not long after Lord Lizard Head disappeared, Lord Bingchan appeared.

Venerable Bingchan was injured by Li Tian, ​​he changed back to his original shape and escaped a catastrophe, but the wings on his body were also snatched by Li Tian.

"I actually returned to the Netherworld! Haha, I unexpectedly returned!"

Venerable Bingchan looked around, but did not find Li Tian's figure, and then let out a breath.

"This may be God's arrangement. Li Tian, ​​aren't you in the battlefield of death to rule the king? I think how long can you be arrogant now when you return to the underworld!"

"Despicable boy, I will let you know that I am more despicable than you!"

"Slaying the fifth-level son of the Wuji Emperor, and killing the descendants of the blood domain master, the son of the blood Zhengxin, just these two, I will be enough to kill you hundreds of times!" Venerable Bing Chan said with a sneer.

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