Never expected, la la la la~

There is only one stone platform in this room. There is a wooden box on the stone platform. The wooden box is open, and there is a key in the square!

That's right, really the key!

Li Tian quickly walked to the stone platform and confirmed whether there was any mechanism on the stone platform. After confirming that there was no mechanism, he took the wooden box in his hand.

This wooden box is exactly the same as the one given to Li Tian by the elder, and the key inside is almost exactly the same.

That's right, this turned out to be the key to open the door to the underground library of Nether Academy.

Although there was only one, it was enough to make Li Tian excited.

"Haha, it takes no effort to break through the iron shoes and find no place to find a place. I didn't expect to find the key here! I'm too fucking! This key seems to have appeared here just to wait for me!"

Why did this key appear here, no one can answer Li Tian.

There is no need for Li Tian to investigate the cause, just like the eggs are delicious. You have to see the old hen laying eggs with your own eyes. This is to cause trouble for yourself.

In a great mood, I feel that this cave is not so disgusting.

Li Tianshun took away all the other things except for the maggot meat and bones that he didn't know what it was.

These things may not be of much use to Li Tian, ​​but to ordinary villagers, they are of great use!

Li Tian returned to the cave living area again.

These young women were so frightened that they huddled together and looked at Li Tian tremblingly. Once Li Tian raised his head to look at them, these girls immediately dropped their heads.

Li Tian didn't go but said these girls.

In the earth world, there are psychological counselors who can help children who have been overly frightened to get out of their psychological shadows. It is estimated that there is no such profession in the Netherworld.

Besides, Li Tian had already helped them kill the Lord of the Tiger and Flood. Li Tian was already of immense merit. As long as these girls could get out of their psychological shadows and laugh at the future life, that was beyond Li Tian's control.

There was no words for a night, as Li Tian continued to refine his spiritual power, a new day of sunrise came outside the cave.

"The bird domain master has been killed by me. Believe it or not, will you leave? If you leave, I can send you out of the Tiger Mountain. If you don’t leave, I will go back and tell the people in Niujia Village. Let the people in Niujia Village notify your corresponding village chief!" Li Tian said.

These girls are still curled up and haven't slept all night, their spirits are a little weak.

Seeing that these girls didn't react at all, Li Tian was not reluctant, and strode out of the cave.

Just walking outside the cave, Li Tian saw a familiar figure: Child Erniu!

Li Tian suddenly felt hell.

This child is only five or six years old. Although the children of the Netherworld are a little bit earlier than those of the earth world, how did this child get here overnight?

This is totally unscientific!

"Fairy, please teach me immortal skills! I am willing to worship you as a teacher!" Er Niu knelt on the ground and said to Li Tian.

and many more!

"Child, tell me first, how did you get here? In one night, how could you rush from Niujia Village to the valley a hundred miles away?" Li Tian asked.

"One night? Oh yes, the time of the immortal must be different from our time! For ordinary people, it has been seven nights and eight days." Er Niu said.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Li Tian said decisively.

The boy Erniu did not argue with Li Tian, ​​saying: "The fairy thinks it is impossible, this is impossible!"

"Juvenile, this kid didn't lie!" The **** of obscenity spoke at this moment.

"Come on, then you explain it to me? Is it true that I am a goddess? Is my time slower than others' time?" Li Tian said.

"Juvenile, you didn't watch the "Blue Spirit Scroll" carefully when you saw it. In the process of refining spiritual power from the "Blue Spirit Scroll", your time will be much slower than others. If you don't believe it, you can ask about it. You dark soft, she can definitely answer your doubts!" ​​said the **** of obscenity.

Li Tian looked at Er Niu and saw that the child was a little stronger than ordinary children, with a little dark skin, but his clothes were a little ragged, and there were some wounds on his face and arms.

"Child, tell me, how did you get here? How did you discover this cave?" Li Tian asked.

Er Niu pondered for a while, and said: "Don’t hide from the fairy, I have been smarter than children of my age since I was a child, and my body is stronger than children of the same age. After the fairy left, I once asked the village private school Mr. Tiger Mountain’s Direction, and then I started to walk in this direction. On the way, I met a caravan, and this caravan had a carriage. They took me to Xiajia Village and gave me a lot of kick."

"There are a few old medicine-gatherers in the summer village. They are quite familiar with the terrain of Tiger Mountain. I went to visit those old people. One of them drew me a map of Tiger Mountain and gave me a hatchet. !" While talking, Er Niu showed the small hatchet in his hand to Li Tian.

Then Er Niu continued: "I saw the fairy in the river valley, as well as her, and the fairy beast of the fairy! I saw the fairy cultivating and did not dare to disturb the fairy, so I hid in the jungle. That night the fairy used the fairy again Shushu summons more immortals, and then I followed the immortals!"

Li Tian was frightened by the perseverance and courage of Er Niu.

Such a small child dared to do things that adults would not dare to do, Li Tian had to admire this child!

"What if you can't find me?" Li Tian asked.

An awkward smile appeared on Er Niu's face, and said, "Before I had long hair, I didn't think I could not find you, but I suddenly thought of this problem on the way. The dry food I brought is even if I eat frugally. It only lasts for ten days. If I can't find you, I can only return to Xiajia Village, and then let the people in Xiajia Village send me back!"

Li Tian had to wonder if Er Niu's five or six-year-old body contained a twenty or thirty-year-old soul.

Just like the legendary traveler!

"Now I ask you two questions, first, your name, second, what do you want to learn?" Li Tian asked.

"If I go back to the immortal, I will be called Er Niu. My parents are crude and uneducated. If the immortal doesn't mind, I would like to ask the immortal to give me a name!" Er Niu said.

"So what do you want to learn?"

"I want to be as strong as an immortal, so I can protect important people!" Er Niu said.

Li Tian thought slightly, and said, "The monsters here have been beheaded by me, but I have not mastered the strength. The monsters have been bombarded by me and there is no scum left, so I have a way to prove it to you, believe me. What?"


"Then you help me complete the meeting! I will give you a name and send you to a place where you can practice these exercises!" Li Tian said.

Er Niu's face was filled with excitement, and said: "Say the fairy, I am willing!"

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