Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4634: : Fight against

Li Tian's speed is not unpleasant. Li Tian, ​​who is flying continuously on the building leaping vertically, has seen the butcher knife held high by the followers of the Lord Yushuangyu.

At this time, Li Tian continued to use gravity attacks, trying to rescue the three sons of the Netherworld from the butcher knife of the master of the frost domain. However, Ye Cheng is like a cloud right now, and Li Tian, ​​an emperor of the emperor level, is in front of many domain masters.



Li Tian's continuous display of heavy, did not know that it was easily broken by the domain master.

Of course, at this time, Li Tian would naturally not forget to show the instant.

But at the moment Li Tian showed up, the entire Yecheng was cast by a certain domain master.

Had it not been for the Yin Mo Yin Yin Niu Domain Lord and others behind Li Tian, ​​who kept breaking open the domains cast by other Domain Lords, I am afraid that Li Tian would not even have a chance to use them.

Li Tian's footsteps are fast, but no matter how fast Li Tian is, how can the butcher knife fall faster?

The Three Young Masters, Yecheng Emperor, Zhao Family Emperor, and Dragon Emperor are all in front of Li Tian, ​​but Li Tian seems helpless.

Could it be that Li Tian could only watch the Three Young Masters and their fathers die tragically in front of him?

Do not!

Li Tian is not willing!


The moment he saw Li Tian's figure, there was a slight smile on Ye Cheng Huangzun's face.

This is not a wry smile, not a silly smile, but a smile from the heart and soul.

"It's worth it! Even if I die here today, Emperor Ye Cheng is worth it!" Ye Cheng Huangzun thought in his heart.

Ye Liangchen, Zhao Ritian, and Long Aotian are very clear about how many catties Yecheng Huangzun has. When Ye Liangchen said that his brothers would come to rescue him, Yecheng Huangzun didn't believe it.

But now, Emperor Yecheng saw it!

The man with the cultivation level of the Emperor Realm actually came to rescue them!

"You guys who are called the three silly ghosts can meet such a good brother, even if I die here, it's worth it! I'm on the road now, even if I die, I can face it with a smile!"

The butcher knife of the Master Yushuang Territory's followers was still being raised high, but Ye Chenghuangzun suddenly jumped from the ground!

"Lao Tzu used to be a powerhouse at the Emperor level. Even if he died, he could only stand and die. How could he kneel and die in the hands of you rubbish!" Ye Cheng Huangzun said with a wild smile.

I have to say that Ye Cheng Huangzun's action really shocked the followers, and naturally, their movements were slightly stagnant for a few seconds.

However, Emperor Yecheng still thought too simple!

Behind them, there are a few strong domain masters alone. Blood domain master, Zichuan Great Emperor, Yushuang Domain master and others, since they want them to die on their knees, it is absolutely impossible for them to stand up and die!

A powerful coercion fell from the sky, instantly pressing on Ye Cheng Huangzun.

If Ye Chenghuangzun's current strength allows him to carry a heavy burden, then the coercion exerted on him is ten thousand catties, even heavier than ten thousand catties!

Without any suspense, the moment Ye Chenghuangzun jumped up, he knelt down again.

Click! There was a loud noise from Ye Cheng Huangzun’s legs, his leg broke from Ye Cheng Huangzun’s knee, and his two calves were instantly crushed into a pile of **** scum!

Do not!

This is not kneeling!

But the body of Emperor Ye Cheng is half short.


Emperor Yecheng suddenly spouted blood!

With his current cultivation base, it is completely impossible to resist the weight of the domain master-level powerhouse!

If it weren't for the mercy of the domain master who used his heavy hand, compared to the current picture, it would be that Yecheng Emperor had been crushed into a pool of scum.

In just an instant, Ye Cheng Huangzun had already become like this. For a while, the strong men on the square couldn't help but withdrew a few steps back.

"Father!" Ye Liangchen yelled with painful expression!

"I can't help myself, do you really think that such a waste as Li Tian can save you from here?" The Blood Domain Lord said with a sneer.

"Asshole, I fight with you!"

Among the electric light and flint, the Dragon Emperor and the Zhao Family Emperor made the same choice.

At this moment, they were not fighting or rebelling as the emperor, but as fathers protecting the third son of Netherworld.

As long as they can get a few seconds, no, even if it is a second, the brothers of the Third Young Master, Li Tian and others may rush over and rescue the Third Young Master from here!

The praying man's arm is a car, and he doesn't know his own strength.

If they still have the realm of the emperor, they may be able to resist for a few minutes.

However, their current cultivation base, for the domain master-level strong, is already weak and can be completely ignored.

Although this move is very tragic, but it has no use at all!



Two loud noises came out from the legs of the Emperor Zhao Family and the Dragon Emperor.

Needless to say, the two once majestic emperors are also kneeling!

But their actions bought Li Tian a few seconds!


In just a few seconds, Li Tian had already galloped for several hundred meters, getting closer to Yecheng Huangzun Mansion Square.

Li Tian roared: "You dark and soft! Shoot me those bastards!"

There is no need for Li Tian to deliberately greet, the dark soft behind Li Tian broke through to the realm of the domain master in an instant, and she has already taken up the strong bow in her hand, with three heavy arrows on the bowstring, boom! The ground shot out.




The powerful spiritual force rolled three heavy arrows, making the speed of the heavy arrows almost reach the speed of light.

In this second, I heard the sound of the bowstring, and in the next second, the heavy arrow was shining with light, and it was instantly shot towards the followers of the Lord Yu Frost!

Faced with this sudden change, the eyes of the followers of the Lord of Frost Territory showed horror involuntarily, and subconsciously picked up the heavy arrows with the blade of their hands.

However, all of this was in vain. How could the heavy arrows shot by the domain master-level powerhouses that they were only able to provoke the Venerable level seven or eight-level?



The heavy arrow shot by You Yinrou pierced the blade in their hands and passed through their bodies.

After the heavy arrow, the baby's arms were thinner, but when the heavy arrow passed through their bodies, a hole thicker than the mouth of the bowl appeared in the body of these followers.

"No... impossible..."

"Domain Master...Domain Master...Save me..."

These venerable followers turned their heads to look at the Frost Territory Lord at the same time. They did not expect that they would be killed like this in front of the Frost Territory Lord.


Three heavy arrows, killing six people at the same time, then instantly flew back to the hands of You Yinrou!



Blood is still dripping from the heavy arrow!

The square was quiet in an instant!

When fighting with the tiger flood domain master, the dark soft three heavy arrows were broken by the tiger flood domain master, leaving only one heavy arrow to be used.

While You Anrou was sad, Li Tian picked up the broken heavy arrow, and every few days, Li Tian gave the heavy arrow intact to You Anrou.

Moreover, the heavy arrow was also carved with a heart-piercing symbol.

You dark and soft knew that this was the masterpiece of those skilled craftsmen in Li Tiantian's Qiong Spear, so Li Tian consumed a lot of precious ore from the dark forest.

The wind blows, and everyone's clothes are blowing and hunting!

Lord Yu Shuangyu looked into the open air, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, took a step forward, raised the weapon in his hand,'Red Slash', and snorted coldly, and said: "Huh! I am going to kill no one yet. Who can stop it!"

In the next second, a ray of light flashed across the sky, but the spear of the sky was heavily pierced in front of the Lord of Frostland.

And on the Qiong Spear of the sky, there was still a **** corpse.

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