Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4650: : Evolution (1)

Li Tian was stunned!

The material elder is dumbfounded!

The onlookers eating melons couldn't believe the picture in front of them!

Donggong Ancient Sword and Donggong Hidden Sword couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing!

The figure that suddenly flashed over was not someone else, but it was a small blue tile that had never been visible or dew!

Following Lord Yu Frost, inaccurately speaking, it was the scream of Emperor Yu Frost, declaring the tragic fate of Emperor Frost to continue!

The shoulder armor of Lord Yu Frost's right arm connected to the right half of his body was torn off by Xiao Qing Wa, and then directly swallowed by Xiao Qing Wa.

"Ah! ~ Save me!" Emperor Yu Shuang let out a painful scream, and his body kept moving backwards. The only left hand wanted to condense the spiritual power into a sharp blade to slay the small green tile, but he continued. The cohesion has failed several times!

Although Lord Yu Frost’s cultivation level is still at the realm of Emperor Zun, Lord Yu’s body is still numb because of being sucked by the tentacles of the obscene god. His nerves want to control his arms, but it is fundamental. There is no way to do it.

And now, Lord Yu Frost instantly lost half of his shoulder armor, blood was continuously spraying from the wound, and the spiritual power in his body veins was also uncontrollably drifting around!

If it is not controlled, Master Yu Frost's cultivation realm will continue to plummet.

Donggong Ancient Sword and Donggong Hidden Sword hesitated for a moment. They looked at each other, and both saw a trace of disappointment in each other's eyes. In the end, they did not choose to jump out and rescue Emperor Yu Frost.

The material elder was taken aback, the Evergreen Longsword in his hand shook out a sword flower, and Li Tian was shaken back with a sword, and he teleported towards the Lord of the Frost Territory, hoping to rescue the Lord of the Frost Territory from the young blue tile.

How could Li Tianyou give Elder Material Materials this opportunity!

The current Red Slash clone of Yushuang Domain is still controlled by Void Yaksha's Void Vortex, only facing a domain master level powerhouse, Li Tian said that he has no pressure!


Li Tian roared, and the black flames on the Qiong Spear of the Sky and the seven forty-nine purple electric dragons flew together. In an instant, the Qiong Spear of the Sky seemed to be hundreds of times longer, and its power also increased a lot.


Li Tian's feet were a little on the ground, and his body easily jumped more than a dozen meters high. Li Tian grasped the Heavenly Qiong Spear with both hands, using the Heavenly Qiong Spear as Monkey King's golden cudgel, and slammed it hard at the material elder.

As soon as the material elder teleported to a distance of less than three or four meters from the small blue tile, he felt the fear that fell from the sky, and instantly felt like he was going crazy.

"Don’t this **** Li Tian know that Lao Tzu’s side is his pet? Does he want to kill the two of us with a stick? It’s very possible that what this **** likes most is to kill a thousand enemies and hurt himself. Although Lao Tzu has fallen into the sun, he is also a domain master-level powerhouse. Lao Tzu's life is much more expensive than this low-level ghost beast!"

The most important thing is that, at this time, Xiao Qingwa's blood basin was big mouth, Yu Shuangzun has been torn and swallowed a large piece of skin by Xiao Qingwa, Yu Shuangzun is now even faintly calling for help. Not anymore.

Even if the material elder can repulse the little blue tile or beheaded it, this is a matter of whether the Frost Emperor will save it.

The material elder could only abandon the small blue tile, and a trace of the fragrance of plants drifted over the Evergreen in his hand, and then as the surging spiritual power of the material elder poured in, the blade of the Evergreen sprouted and bloomed instantly, and then a towering giant tree emerged from This evergreen grew out, and nine green vines coiled around this towering giant tree.

The nine green vines snaked towards the Qiong Lance of the Sky that descended from the sky, instantly entwining the Qiong Lance of the Sky and Li Tian.

The onlookers who ate melons were once again shocked by the sight in front of them.

"This... what is this? Who is this mysterious guy wearing a mask?"

"His cultivation base seems to be slightly stronger than that of a domain master-level powerhouse. Could it be... Is he a member of the Super God family?"

"Does it matter who he is? Don't you see that Li Tian has been completely swallowed by the huge vine? Just now I felt that the stick in Li Tian's hand suddenly became huge and awesome, but there are huge trees and giants here. In front of the vine, Li Tian's stick is like an embroidery needle!"

"Yeah, is this over? Li Tian won't be eaten by this giant like this, right?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, you think, Li Tian is a fierce man who fought alone against the two powerful masters of Frost Territory Master and his Red Slash clone. How could he just be able to catch him?"

"Huh? Look at Li Tian's Nether Beast, that guy is really not afraid of danger. Under this situation, he is still devouring Frost Territory Lord, and Yu Frost Territory Lord is about to be eaten by that Nether Beast!"

That's right, Xiao Qingwa's eyes are now only Yu Frost Emperor!

The man is a sword and I am a fish. Now Emperor Yu Shuang has no power to fight back, and for Xiao Qingwa, Emperor Yu Shuang's body means spiritual power!

After continuously devouring a few pieces of Frost Emperor's body, the little blue tile finally found what it wanted in Frost Emperor's body, a fist-sized spiritual power crystal!

And this crystallization is exactly where all the cultivation bases of the Frost Emperor are condensed!

"No...no..., how can you do this to me like this ghost beast! I'm the domain master...behind me there is a super **** family...you...damn" Emperor Yu Frost looked at Xiaoqing desperately Wa, his arm was weakly tapping Xiao Qingwa's claws!

The strong onlookers began to shake their heads!

"I didn't expect that the magnificent Yushuang Territory Lord would die under the mouth of such a Nether Beast whose cultivation level is only in the mid-level ninth level of the Venerable. What a strong irony!"

"Yes, now it's up to the mysterious man wearing a mask to turn the tide, if his giant vine can't control Li Tian, ​​this battle may be over!"

"Look at that ghost beast, I think it looks like the legendary golden-eyed blue lion?"


The little blue tile was cold at this time, it completely ignored the words of the Frost Emperor.

For Little Blue Tile, no matter how awesome Yu Shuangzun was once, how powerful your forces behind him are, it is useless, you are a piece of meat, the source of Little Blue Tile's spiritual power!


Little Qingwa's blood-stained teeth easily crushed the crystal, and when the surging spiritual power began to wantonly, he swallowed the crystal whole in an instant!



The sound of thunder began to sound from the body of the little blue tile, and then golden spiritual power flowed out from the body of the little blue tile. At this time, the little blue tile looked like a golden lion king.

However, this golden-shaped spiritual force thread rushed to his pupils quickly along Xiao Qingwa's body, and then got into Xiao Qingwa's pupils!

"Could it? Is this the golden-eyed lion evolving?"

"The emperor... the emperor-level golden-eyed lion, hahaha, I didn't expect that today we can still see the legendary emperor-level golden-eyed lion!"

The onlookers are excited again in an instant!

Yu Shuang, who had fallen to the ground like a pool of rotten meat, was automatically ignored!

Message to readers:

Come in the morning and keep your spirits all day long!

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