Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4670: : God can play (2nd more)

"Idiot! Can't you escape if you can't beat it? Isn't the weapon in your hand the spear of the sky is a fire stick?" said the obscene **** with disdain.

When death is approaching, you still pay attention to what kind of spirit, what kind of integrity, this is definitely a dead end!

Since Li Tian couldn't find a way to deal with the blood domain master for the time being, then just hide!

At least you can't die because of physical injury, arm poisoning, or lack of resistance!

At this time, if you talk about a big hero, and would rather die than surrender, then it is definitely pretending to be forced.


Li Tian's figure disappeared instantly!

Having treated Li Tian as a desperate situation, and seeing that he could easily behead Li Tian, ​​the Blood Domain Lord who received his head suddenly became a little messy?

"People... people? How could this **** disappear suddenly?"

The Lord of the Blood Domain released his divine consciousness and looked for Li Tian's figure in this sea of ​​blood. Unfortunately, he only saw the Qiong Spear of the sky that had sunk into the bottom of the sea, but Li Tian seemed to be **** and disappeared like this.


The inner world of the Heavenly Spear!

It is always quiet and peaceful, and the people in the three cities lead a carefree life.

Li Tian stumblingly walked out of the Giant Stone Temple without letting Venerable Beishan follow him.

Li Tian is a loser now, and he doesn't want Venerable Beishan and others to see him embarrassed.


Li Tian's figure disappeared from the entrance of the Giant Stone Temple again.

"Master Li Tian gets hurt from time to time?" Venerable Beishan asked suspiciously.

"I was injured! Lord Li Tian was covered in blood, and there were wounds on his back and arms, but from the point of view of the wounds, the injury was not serious, but this time the adults' opponents are all in the realm of the emperor and the domain master. The strong!" said Venerable Dongshan.

"Unfortunately, our cultivation base is still too weak to help Master Li Tian!"

"You said we should tell other adults about Li Tian's injury?"

"What we can do now is to cheer and pray for Li Tian secretly..."



Li Tian teleported to the sky above the largest freshwater lake inside the Qionglance!

Then Li Tian's body became a free fall, directly descending from the sky, plunged into the cool lake water!

The lake was clear, and all the blood on Li Tian's body was washed away instantly.

A group of swimming fish was frightened by Li Tian and fled around, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Li Tian floated weakly on the lake, looking at the sky, feeling the washing of the wound by the lake.

The wind and the waves were calm, if it weren't for fighting in his heart, Li Tian, ​​lying on the lake at this time, seemed to be at ease.

"You can't hide for a while. Outside of the **** sea of ​​blood, there are god-level uncles for the time being. The safety of the dark and soft should be guaranteed, but I can't hide in this heaven forever. In the space of the spear, right? A way to deal with the blood domain master must be figured out as soon as possible!" Li Tian thought anxiously.

The obscene voice came again: "Little Li Tian, ​​would you like to think about my plan again?"

The plan of obscene God is to let Li Tian drink the blood of the blood sea like a fool. What kind of **** plan is this **** thing, even a person with a low IQ would not do it like this!

"You can try one for me?" Li Tian said angrily.

The obscene **** said excitedly: "Is this serious? Li Tian boy, the blood in the blood is the strongest spiritual power. Don't say it, I really have a way to absorb this spiritual power!"

"God, if you have a way, why didn't you say it earlier? You see, I am beaten up like a dog in the water, how can you bear it? Now you can say, how can I absorb the blood? Do you want me to do it again? Loan your body?" Li Tian asked.

The obscene **** shook his head and said: "No need, no need, but you need to endure more pain!"

Then the obscene **** began to talk about his methods.

"Boy Li Tian, ​​do you remember the Evergreen Sword that you got from the material elder?"

Li Tian nodded.

"I really envy your boy's **** luck. This 10,000-year-old sword is not an ordinary commodity. If I am not mistaken, this 10,000-year-old sword is also an artifact!"


Li Tian suddenly became a little faint?

"This...Is my **** luck too good? The weapon hiding from the material elders is still a divine weapon? No, it's an insult to God. I think that weapon is very ordinary, why is it a divine weapon? You don't You might be wrong!"

It's a little unhappy to molest God!

"Boy, who is the **** of the two of us? Am I still wrong? The material elder's cultivation is not weak, and he is considered a strong person in the realm of the domain master, but his ability is also capable of spurring this eternal young sword. That's it."

"Didn’t you notice that even if the Evergreen Longsword is out of the hands of the material elder, the towering trees and nine giant vines that grew from the Evergreen Longsword still exist? And the material elder’s cultivation base has not been lost. Long sword and suffer losses!"

Thinking about it this way, it really is true.

For now, the Evergreen Longsword is like an island suspended in the spiritual lake of Li Tian's heart, and the towering giant tree and nine giant vines still exist!

"Okay! Even if you are right, how can I absorb the sea of ​​blood?"

Speaking of this, Li Tian suddenly thought of an unreliable way, which is to pour all the seawater in the blood sea into the space of the heavenly spear, so that even if the blood sea has more spiritual power, the heavenly spear The space is enough to fit!

But Li Tian soon overthrew this unrealistic idea.

Let’s not talk about the method used to send the blood of this sea of ​​blood into the Qiong Lance of the sky, even if there is such a method, Li Tian can't let the people in the three cities in the Qiong Liao of the sky suffer death!

"Boy Li Tian, ​​your luck is against the sky. According to my observation and analysis, this eternal youth artifact is one of the few artifacts that can be perfectly integrated with the human body!"

"Now, you control these nine giant vines, slowly enter the veins of your body, and then control the roots of the towering giant tree into your body! Don't look at these big trees and giant vines, in fact, these things are also part of the Evergreen Sword ."

"Now, let your body merge with the Evergreen Longsword to truly achieve the unity of the human sword, you can use the power of this Evergreen Longsword. The roots of this giant tree will become your body hair, and the giant vine will interact with you. When his limbs are fused, you can absorb the spiritual power in the blood sea to your heart's content!"

"The realm of the domain master can no longer stop you, your goal is the realm of the super domain master, a demigod, a quasi-god, a god!" The more you speak, the more excited you are, the more excited you are!

Li Tian's eyes are straight!

God knows how to play!

Not to mention that, as long as Li Tian's cultivation reaches the realm of the domain master, is it not fun to kill the blood domain master?


I rub!

Hearing these two words, Li Tian knew that there was no good fart in his belly!

"Farts!" Li Tian said dissatisfiedly.

The **** of obscenity did not have the same knowledge as Li Tian, ​​and then said: "I'll use the words of your earth world to describe it. When you are fully integrated with the Evergreen Longsword, your body shape will change to a certain extent, and then you will no longer It's you, but the swordman!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, you may not like this word very much, maybe you can accept it more with a human-shaped sword! The most important thing is that since then, a woman has no relationship with you, and you basically bid farewell to your sexual life!"

When he thought that he had so many wives like flowers and jade, he would be a widow, and Li Tian would no longer be able to do anything ashamed, Li Tian was furious in an instant!

"Obscene god, you are a bastard! Is this a **** thing done by humans? Since the everlasting youth is an artifact that can be integrated with people, then leave you to fuse! You bitch!"

"Hey, Li Tian boy, you are still too young! Can that kind of shy thing work for a lifetime? Is the temptation to become a **** than the shy thing bigger?"

you are not a fish, how to know the joy of fish?

For any man, that kind of thing should still be quite important!

The obscene **** continued without understanding: "Besides, do you think I don't want to fuse with the evergreen artifact? It's a pity that I am not a **** human, just a meteorite! Oh, even if I can become a human form, I can’t get rid of the fact that I am a meteorite!"

"The shy thing, the baby really wants to do it!"

Hearing the obscene **** claiming to be a baby, Li Tian almost vomited.

Fuck your sister!

Is it because you are not humane, so you have to turn Lao Tzu into an eunuch?

"If this method doesn't work, then you have to force it to break the formation! You have to be prepared to keep getting hurt and keep hiding in the space to heal!" said the **** of obscenity.

Li Tian let out a sigh of relief.

Damn, there are other ways!

Compared with not being able to do shy things, even if the body is injured more, what is it?

"Li Tian, ​​have you noticed that after entering the sea of ​​blood, the weapons in the hands of the blood infants have changed from the ribs of the blood domain master to the blood blade?" the **** of obscenity asked.

"Yes, but what does this have to do with breaking the formation?"

"Stupid boy, if I'm not wrong, the ribs in the hands of the blood infant domain owners were the key to the formation. That is to say, there are at least four ribs in this sea of ​​blood. As long as you can find these ribs, If any blood domain master’s rib is destroyed, this big formation will not break itself!"

The flames of battle started to burn in Li Tian's chest.

Break the line!

Destroy the ribs of the blood domain master!

Not for anything else, just to continue doing shameful things!

The **** of obscenity continued and said seriously: "You don’t have much time, Li Tian, ​​you have to hurry up to heal your injuries! And you have to adapt to the battle in the blood sea as soon as possible, otherwise you have not found the ribs of the blood domain master. Will be cut into pieces by the Lord of the Blood Domain and the Lord of the Blood Infant Domain!"


Outside the **** formation of the spirit pool of the Blood Territory Lord, the onlookers looked at the **** formation on the square of Yecheng Huangzun Mansion. In their eyes, they could only see the blood in the great god, and the **** smell was pungent. I can't see what is going on inside the big formation.

The smile on Donggong Buchan's face grew stronger and stronger: "Hey, it seems that the **** Li Tian is completely trapped in this big formation. It's just a matter of time before death!"

At this moment, with a strong wave of spiritual power, a burly shadow appeared on the square!

"Hahaha, brother Li Tian, ​​my old bear is here too!"

Message to readers:

The second delivery!

The writing of this chapter is uncomfortable. Although Li Tian is a pig's foot and has a pig's foot halo, Li Tian's current strength is definitely not the opponent of the blood domain master!

The story must be reasonable, and it must not be made up.

So if you want to find a way to keep Li Tian alive, you'd better be able to defeat the blood domain master.

It takes a lot of brains, so write slowly!

There are 4 more today! Update 1 chapter in about 1 hour!

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