Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4672: : Xiuyu lonely (fourth more)

What does this mean?

The god-level uncle is gone?

Donggong Buchan also left?

How did even the super fierce who just appeared on the stage go? "

The strong onlookers are a little dumbfounded!

"Don't read it, we are not qualified to watch super domain masters fighting!"

"Why...no, why? Isn't our cultivation base not high enough to allow us to look up to them?"

"Look up? The gods fight, and the mortals suffer! The battle destructive power of the super domain master-level powerhouses is extraordinary. They really fight here, the entire Yecheng will be destroyed, and we are also very likely to be affected by the fish pond. !"

"In that case, my psychology is much more comfortable! God-level uncle is really handsome! But there are still some regrets in my heart..., the battle of the super domain master-level powerhouse!"

The strong onlookers all came to watch the play. Today's battle is already exciting and lively enough. Whether they can see a more exciting play, it has little effect on them.

But Tang Xiaolong, Xiao Hotpot and others are different. They also count on Ziyan Thunder Bear to turn the tide!

"Which side of the god-level uncle is it?" Little Hot Pot asked, looking at Tang Xiaolong dumbfounded.

Tang Xiaolong said with some dissatisfaction: "How do I know that he is over there! He rescued the little boss from Donggong Buchan's men, but now the little boss is trapped in that **** formation, why didn't he take action? Help?"

"The most important thing is that the purple flame thunder bear rushed to Yecheng all the way, which hasn't played the role that he should play, why was he also taken away?"

Purple flame thunder bear, super domain master realm exists!

He is the most powerful helper of Li Tian team.

He came out after a thousand calls, but he was taken away by the god-level uncle as soon as he showed his face. This is completely the rhythm of running a dragon!

Is this pair of enthusiastic expectant audiences?


Yechenghuangzun Venerable Kingdom!

A few hundred miles away from Yecheng, there are several towering peaks, which are called misty peaks!

This misty peak is called grace, but in fact it is a place where birds don't shit. The few trees are like hairs on a bare head, and they look extremely shabby.

Of course, the reason why Miao Miao Peak is called Miao Miao Peak is because it was once the place where the largest cultivation faction of the Venerable Kingdom was located.

In the eyes of ordinary non-cultivators, the Misty Sect is definitely the Daquan in Yecheng, but their head cultivation is only in the realm of cultivators.

The tree fell down and scattered!

Venerable Yecheng Huangzun's kingdom was destroyed, and the many cultivators of the Misty Sect moved and fled Yecheng Venerable's kingdom overnight, and this misty peak was also deserted.

Between the peaks, a few wooden houses stand alone!

A crescent moon hung on the top of the mountain, putting a layer of mystery on these buildings!


God-level uncle appeared on the top of Misty Peak!

In the darkness, you can also see the god-level uncle's left and right hands each lead a person, but it is the super domain master-level powerhouse Donggong Buchan and Ziyan Thunder Bear!



Donggong Buchan and Ziyan Thunder Bear were thrown out like sandbags by the god-level uncle. The figures of the two strong men turned a few times in midair and landed smoothly.

Facing a god-level uncle whose strength is far better than them, Buchan Donggong and Ziyan Thunder Bear have grievances, but they dare not speak.

But their eyes have already betrayed them.

Especially the Purple Flame Thunder Bear, his eyes were full of anger and stared at the uncle of the **** level, as if to say: How powerful is it? We are also super masters, how can we do this to us!

The god-level uncle completely ignored the eyes of Donggong Buchan and Ziyan Thunder Bear.

He sat on the roof of the main hall on the top of the mountain and said with a cold expression from a high place: "I brought you here to tell you that as a superdomain master, you must have the consciousness and consciousness of a superdomain master. be magnanimous!"

"Although Ye Cheng has been abandoned, after this major event, the deeds of the powerful men's fighting spread throughout the Nether Realm, and Ye Cheng will be very lively."

"Yecheng will be the main tourist destination operated by our Chamber of Commerce in the future. If it is destroyed by you in this way, your sins will be serious!"

"Aren't you fighting? Just fight here! Maybe your battle can create a brand new tourist destination, such as Donggong Buchan falling to the ground, or the purple flame thunder bear falling to the ground!"

"Old Monster Chu, you are really a businessman!"

"It's really vulgar that you have taken advantage of the battle at the Super Domain Master Level!"


Suddenly a voice came from the darkness, in this dark night, in this silent valley, it seemed extraordinarily abrupt!

The moment this sound came, a black shadow walked out of a thatched hut, and sat calmly on the stone bench in front of the thatched hut, slamming the fan in his hand casually.

Donggong Buchan and Ziyan Thunder Bear two super-domain master-level powerhouses involuntarily showed a trace of horror on their faces.

There are people here?

Why didn't they find it?

The god-level uncle had a calm expression and said to the black shadow: "Our Chamber of Commerce has no way to compare with the Super God Family. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the Chamber of Commerce waiting to be fed. Can I not do anything?"

Donggong Buchan has already seen clearly who the dark shadow is!

This person is no one else, but the current patriarch of the Cultivator Super God Family: Xiuyu is lonely!

What makes Donggong Buchan's ecstasy is that the strength of this lonely fish repairer is probably above the realm of the super domain master!

Based on the current performance of Xiuyu Silent Chat, Donggong Buchan fully believes that Xiuyu's lonely cultivation base can compete with the god-level uncle in front of him!

There was a hint of joy on his face involuntarily, and he walked a few steps quickly, bowed and said to Xiuyu lonely: "Donggong Buchan pays homage to the senior Xiuyu! The younger generation is ordered by the clan's grandmother to go to the Underworld to set up the senior Yuyu. , It’s just that the senior fish repairman wandered all over the world and couldn't see it. I didn’t expect to meet here tonight. The junior is really lucky!"

"Wandering around the world? Little Yuer, does this kid call you a bald donkey?" The god-level uncle immediately said gleefully.

"Old Monster Chu, does it have to be a bald donkey to travel around the world?" Xiuyu feintly asked.

Then Xiuyu looked at Donggong Buchan lonely, looked at him up and down a few times, and then said: "Since ancient times, heroes have been born as teenagers. As expected, the Donggong family has produced a few young talents..."

Donggong Buchan's heart immediately felt a bit proud. It seemed that La Xiuyu's solitude should have no problem as an alliance, so that he would have no worries and could fight Ziyan Thunder Bear with all his strength.

But at this moment, the cultivator's lonely voice turned and continued: "White Horse King Kong has no other abilities. The ability to face is definitely the first in the entire Nether Realm. He is right. You really show death! You don't need to fight anymore, just wipe your neck and kill yourself!"

"I wish to bet and lose! Old Monster Chu, I will take a trip for you now, and please move to the Underworld!"

"it is good!"

After that, the lonely Xiuyu and the uncle of the god-level teleported and disappeared at the same time, leaving only Donggong Buchan and Ziyan Thunder Bear in the cold wind.

"Or you can kill yourself, I thank you and your family!" Ziyan Thunder Bear untimely handed out a machete to Donggong Buchan!

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4th delivery! Writing is getting slower and slower, there are 2 more!

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