Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4690: : Reactions of all parties (2) (2nd more)

Tuk tuk!

There was a knock on the door outside, and before Donggong Peony stood up to open the door, a man in a black robe had already pushed in! The figure of the black-clothed man flashed, and Da Ma Jindao sat on the Grand Master's chair, looking at Donggong Peony with a gloomy expression!

Seeing the visitor, Donggong Mudan showed a trace of trepidation on his face, and quickly stood up, knelt down in front of this person, bowed his head and saluted this person.

"Patriarch, you... how did you get out?"

The visitor is no one else, it is the patriarch of the Donggong Super God Family that is shaking the sky!

Donggong Zhentian is the brother of the former patriarch Donggong Batian. The two are about the same age, but they are very different in their cultivation talents.

Donggong Batian’s cultivation base tens of thousands of years ago had entered the semi-god realm, and he was one of the few strong men in the entire Nether Realm who could ascend into the **** realm, but Donggong Zhentian’s cultivation base was only at the fifth level of the cultivator!

It is a template for waste materials!

But when Donggong Batian was seriously injured and he passed away soon after he was severely injured, Donggong Zhentian’s cultivation talent was thoroughly stimulated. It took less than 10,000 years for this guy to be promoted from the fifth level of the cultivator. It has almost reached the realm of a demigod now!

However, he retreats thousands of years ago and delegated the management power of the Donggong Super God Family to Donggong Mudan, the purpose of which is to attack the semi-god realm.

However, Donggong Zhentian's retreat cultivation was not ideal. After a thousand years of cultivation, he was still at a loss. His cultivation still remained at the peak of the super domain master realm, and he did not even see the threshold of the demigod realm.

Donggong Zhentian knows that his cultivation has reached a bottleneck. If there is no chance, even if he continues to retreat for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, his cultivation will still not make any progress, and it may even touch the demons of his heart and become confused.

As a last resort, Donggong Zhentian can only give up halfway and give up retreat!

The mood of Donggong shaking the sky at this time can be imagined, it is terrible!

But as soon as he left the customs, he heard worse news: Donggong Buchan, the former leader of the Donggong Super God family, was beheaded, and the Donggong Ancient Sword and Donggong Hidden Sword were beheaded! How could Donggong Zhentian sit back and ignore this kind of embarrassment to the Donggong Super God family to the entire Nether Realm!

The temperature in the training room dropped suddenly, Donggong Mudan knelt on the ground, and she could even feel the ground like an ice layer, giving her a icy feeling.

But Donggong Peony dare not look up!

Donggong Zhentian is now not only close to the demigod, but also his temperament has undergone some changes!

In the Donggong Super God Family, Donggong Zhentian is the sky!

No one dares to violate this ancestor!

Although Donggong Mudan and Donggong Zhentian are of the same age, their cultivation base also possesses the super domain master realm, and its strength is comparable to the peak existence of the super domain master realm such as the old dean.

But in front of Donggong Zhentian, a super power who is infinitely close to the demigod realm, she even feels difficult to breathe.

Donggong Zhentian stared at Donggong Peony with gloomy eyes, and said coldly: "Peony, do you know wrong?"

Donggong Mudan's head was lowered lower, and he kept saying: "Peony knows it was wrong!"

"Very good, very good! So how are you going to end it now?" Donggong Zhentian said.

Donggong Peony raised her head slightly, looking up at Donggong Zhentian, and said in a trembling voice: "Know! I'll send someone...no, I personally take charge of Li Tian, ​​and I must kill Li Tian!"

The expression on Donggong Zhentian’s face was only slightly better, and he said to Donggong Mudan: "Mother, get up, this time it’s not you, but the two super **** families, fish repairing and white horses. You can deal with Li Tian’s affairs. Leave it to others to do it, and send a few more super domain master-level powerhouses! The face of our Eastern Palace Super God family can't be lost like this!"

After a short pause, Donggong Zhentian continued: "A few days later, you will go to the Underworld with me, and we will visit Xiuyu and the White Horse Super God Family together!"


Underworld, the white horse super **** family!

After seeing the information passed back, King Baima couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and there was no clear cloud on his face.

"I have already said that you show your face to death, but you still do your own way. The results now prove once again our white horse family's facial expression skills! It is a pity, a pity, a young talent, a genius who hopes to hit the half-god realm, has just fallen. !"

White Horse King Kong stood in front of the window, looking out the window. The sky outside the window was covered by a thin cloud, and the moonlight of the crescent moon could still shine through the thin clouds, but there was light rain in the sky.

White Horse King Kong shook his head and said: "Trouble! This is really troublesome! Let me figure it out, this old killer..."


In the Super God Xiuyu family, the members of the clan who had already received the news did not have any emotional fluctuations, and everyone still seized the time to cultivate according to Xiuyu's lonely instructions.

Cultivation is the first priority for everyone in the Cultivation Super God Family! The fish repair family also uses the strength of cultivation to measure a person's status and value within the family.

At this time, Xiuyu solitude is still on the way back from the quiet continent, but even if the patriarch is not in the clan, everything is unfolding according to the plan of Xiuyu solitude!

There is now a distinguished guest in the clan, it is Chu Jiangnan who is called a god-level uncle!

It has been several days since Chu Jiangnan came to the Underworld, but in the Fish-Xiu family, except for the first elder who took charge of the family and Chu Jiangnan, everyone in the clan didn't even know that Chu Jiangnan was coming!

The rain beats the plantain, and the patter!

The light of bean yellow illuminates the room, and Chu Jiangnan lies on the soft couch, closing his eyes and resting!

At this moment, the first elder knocked gently on the wooden door and said, "My lord, it's time to go!"

Chu Jiangnan's eyes opened suddenly, and his figure disappeared in a flash!


The same time, different locations.

The extremely ancient families and mysterious races in the Nether Realm have also received news of Li Tian's victory!

Some of this ancient family have already geared up and are ready for birth, while others are still cautiously waiting for the opportunity.

On the contrary, the mysterious races turned out to be ecstatic when they got the news!

"Haha, it seems that the dominance of several super **** families over the underworld has declined, and it is the time for us unpopular races to rise!" The patriarchs of these mysterious races said excitedly.

All this seems to have nothing to do with Li Tian. After several days of trekking, Li Tian finally stepped into the kingdom of Lord Frostland again.

The door to the restricted area!

The news of Lord Yu Frost’s death has not been completely delivered to Lord Yu’s Venerable Kingdom!

At this moment, in the dark night, four or five venerables who guard the gates of the restricted area squatted together and whispered. They glanced at a simple tent not far away from time to time, and then smiled knowingly on their faces.

The candlelight beats, and the figures of a man and a woman shine on the tent through the candle light!

The wheezing sounds coming from inside the tent, and the sound of flesh and flesh colliding with each other, coupled with the shadow puppet-like scenes, everyone understands what is being done in the tent at this time!

Guarding the gates of the restricted area is a chore, and these guardians are like being sent here, and they rarely have the opportunity to get close to women.

It took five full years for these guardians to wait for such an opportunity, so these men cherish the opportunity in front of them very much. They will use the most brutal moves and the greatest strength to vent their desires!

Message to readers:

For the 3G Bookstore webpage, I can only say that it’s too late! Convulsions at any time!

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