Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4713: :Invitation card

Everything in the world changes rapidly.

At the beginning, Baima King Kong calculated that the loneliness and life of fish-fishing had expired, so he was unwilling to help the super-god fish-fishing family against the Sea-Monster Clan.

However, as the White Horse King Kong continued to deduced, he calculated that the loneliness of fish repairing could come back to life, and even the strength soared. Therefore, the white horse King Kong led the elites of the White Horse family to the Nether Cry Sea to help the fish repair super **** family.

However, the White Horse King Kong soon promoted that the sea-monster girl did not show her death, and there would be a mysterious powerhouse to help. White Horse King Kong did not want the White Horse Super God family to participate in the battle of several demigods, so he repelled the Sea-Monster family. , He led the tribe to leave.

Now, everything is consistent with the deduction of King Kong White Horse.


The battle between the Sea-Monster Clan and the Super God Cultivation Clan that took place in the Nether Cry Sea of ​​the Underworld ended like this.

There is no real winner in this battle!

The super **** family of Xiuyu has suffered heavy losses.

Those domain masters and super domain masters that they chased into the Netherworld Weeping Sea were strongly counterattacked by the Sea-Monster tribe, and none of the domain masters and super domain masters who had chased into the deep sea escaped!

At the end of the battle, the Super God Cultivation Clan only lost ten of the super domain master-level powerhouses, and the death toll of the domain master-level powerhouses reached 53. The loss to the elite of the Cultivation Cultivation super **** family reached nearly one-third. One.

The loss of the Sea-Monster clan seemed to be even more severe. They were sniped by members of the Super God Cultivation Fish Clan, and attacked by members of the White Horse Super God Clan. Nearly fifteen of the Sea-Monster tribe fell, while the number of Little Monsters was even greater.

With this battle alone, the Sea-Monster Clan may hardly want to make a comeback in a short time!

But for the Super God Family of Xiuyu, although their losses were heavy, their gains were even greater! Because their Patriarch, Patriarch Xiuyu was lonely in this battle, unexpectedly broke through to the demigod!

There is an extra demigod in the family, and the loss of ten super-domain master-level powerhouses, if this is a business, the super-god fish-cultivation family is still worthwhile.

Unfortunately this is not a sale.

There are clansmen and family members behind these super domain masters and domain master-level powerhouses. Even if the people in the Netherworld are used to seeing life and death, even if the fish super **** family will not treat the families of these powerhouses, the pain of losing family members is They need to bear it by themselves.

Xiuyu lonely thanked Chu Jiangnan, and sent someone to the White Horse Super God Family to send a letter thanking the White Horse Super God Family for their help, and set up a team led by Super Territory Master Powers on the shore of the Nether Cry Sea. , Many domain owners as the backbone members of the inspection team, and this led the remnants to return to the Super God Family.


After the battle ended, Chu Jiangnan left the Underworld quietly.

In this battle, the demigod Chu Jiangnan lifted his whole body and was not injured, but Chu Jiangnan accidentally released the darkness in his heart again.

Suddenly attacking the old dean and the great elder, bearing the notoriety of bullying the ancestor and defecting from the Nether Academy, these things kept appearing in Chu Jiangnan's mind, which made him fall into fear and pain!

At the beginning, as the dean of Nether Academy, although the strength of the old dean could not be said to be invincible in the world, it was also the existence that made the patriarchs of the four super **** families jealous.

However, Chu Jiangnan Heart Demon invaded...

"Old Dean..." Chu Jiangnan's hair is messy, his clothes are ragged, his cheeks are dirty, his eyes are red, and he kneels on the ground, tearing his hair with his hands, and hissing in pain.

After so many years of fighting with the inner demon, Chu Jiangnan thought that he had already defeated the inner demon. As long as he made up for the regret in his heart, he could ascend and enter the realm of the gods.

However, he did not think of an evil thought in his heart, just an evil thought, but instantly knocked him back to his original shape again, and the heart demon was still in his heart.

"Kill..., kill Xiuyu Lonely, the Nether Realm does not need a new demigod!"

"Kill..., destroy the super **** family, let these hypocritical guys go to hell!"

"Kill..., kill the Li Tianjun regiment, as long as the mysterious woman looks at it, it's your enemy!"

The heart demon was harassing, a crazy voice kept yelling in Chu Jiangnan's heart, bewitching, Chu Jiangnan now is like a madman, and he can't see that Chu Jiangnan at this time is still alive.

"Get out of my heart, you devil..." Chu Jiangnan yelled hysterically.

"Hey, don't pretend to be a saint. Isn't this Netherworld a world where the weak and the strong eat? You are not wrong, I am not wrong, kill them...Kill them you are the only **** in this Netherworld!"

"no no……"

Chu Jiangnan suddenly got up from the ground and stumbled forward a few steps, huh! Instantly teleported and disappeared.


What happened in the Nether Continent has not yet passed back to the Nether Continent.

The Li Tianjun regiment took control of several fallen domain masters and emperor kingdoms, including the Frost Territory Lord and the Blood Territory Lord.

Regarding what Li Tian did, other domain masters, emperors, and even the super **** family and ancient families did not have any reaction. It seems that these big forces have acquiesced to the rise and existence of the Li Tian army.

Li Tian's heart was a little uneasy.

What Li Tianjun defeated this time represented the alliance of the Donggong Super God Family, and even Donggong Buchan was beheaded. How could the Dong Gong Super God Family sit idly by?

Before the storm, it is often extremely calm.

Although there is Xiao Tianyi, a super domain master-level powerhouse beside Li Tian, ​​Li Tian still has no confidence in his heart. Li Tian dispatched all the Heavenly Assassin Legion, and let these Legion members begin to collect all kinds of information, especially the information of the Eastern Palace Super God Family, and strive to know oneself and the enemy.

During this period, Li Tian also seized the time to refine the aura in the body's veins, striving to break through to the realm of the domain master as soon as possible.

Time passed, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

According to the information sent back by the members of the Skythorn who were sent to the location of the East Palace Super God Family, the East Palace Super God Family still has no movement, as if they have accepted this reality.

"No..., the Donggong Super God Family will never stop here!"

Originally in the residence of Lord Frost Territory, in the practice room, Li Tian closed his eyes tightly and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Li Tian is seizing the time to refine spiritual power.

Although he can do two things with one mind, he still tries not to think about these issues to avoid distraction.

"Little boss...Little boss..."

In the corridor of the underground exercise room, Tang Xiaolong screamed like thunder.

When Li Tian was practicing, only Tang Xiaolong and other cronies dared to disturb Li Tian so unscrupulously.

Tang Xiaolong appeared here, and Li Tian didn't want to cultivate at ease.


Tang Xiaolong, a steel door weighing more than a hundred thousand catties, easily pushed open, and Tang Xiaolong walked in.

"Xiaolong, what's going on, see what excites you!" Li Tian stood up and said.

Tang Xiaolong was very excited. He waved a metal plate in his hand and said, "Little boss...This is an invitation letter from the Colosseum for the little boss to participate in the Beast Contest held every five hundred years!"

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