Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4725: : The Banquet of the Water Ghost (3)

"who am I?"

Shuigui Guzi smiled slightly, drank the wine in the bottle, and continued: "Your question is really complicated. It makes me want to ask, how should I answer you?"

The water gun stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Please take a seat, drink with our respected patriarch and relive the past!"

Under the guidance of the water gun, Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong, Xiao Tianyi, Situ Ningbing, and Xue Ji took their seats separately according to the male left and the female right.

Among all the people present and the Shuigui tribe, Li Tian and others may have the weakest cultivation base, but because Li Tian and others are Shuiguiguzi compatriots and also guests, their seats are arranged far away from Shuiguiguzi. The nearest around.

As for the water gun, this guy is a super domain master-level powerhouse, and he is not even qualified to be seated. He stood silently behind the water ghost Guzi and poured wine for the water ghost Guzi.

As for Li Tian and others and the other Shuigui tribes, they don't have such a good treatment. If they want to drink, they have to pour their own wine.

After seated, the water gun was filled with wine.

Shuigui Guzi picked up the wine bottle and said, "Dear elites of the water ghost clan, please hold the wine bottle high, show your enthusiasm, and welcome guests from afar!"

"The brewing technology of this daughter's red wine was brought by the guests in front of us from the hometown of the patriarch, so you can drink to your heart's content. Be sure to entertain my compatriots and our guests!" Raising the wine bottle high, Shui Gui Gu Zi added.

What a **** thing is that fellow villagers meet fellow villagers and have hard fists!

As soon as he started toasting, Shui Gui Guzi began to greet Li Tian and the others.

Sure enough, as soon as Shuigui Guzi's voice fell, several Shuigui elites jumped up and teleported to Li Tian, ​​Tang Xiaolong and Xiao Tianyi holding the wine jar, surrounded by everyone, demanding to compete for alcohol.

"This must be the hero who killed several Donggong super **** family running dogs in Yecheng with the power of the emperor. Come, come, first drink with me three hundred altars of parallel imports!" A strong water ghost clan held a caliber. The giant wine jar of nearly one meter came to Li Tian, ​​stretched out his hand to push the other members of the water ghost clan aside, and said excitedly.

Seeing this wine jar, Li Tian was a little confused!

Your sister, this is a wine jar, this is obviously a water tank, OK!

How did Niujia Village's winery make it? When did the wine jars become so huge?

This is daughter red, high-quality liquor, not to mention three hundred altars, even if Li Tian is already a powerhouse in the Emperor Realm, it is impossible to drink such a cylinder of bar!

It doesn't matter if you are alcoholic, but the bladder can't stand it!

Also, what is your name?

Parallel imports? Can you make it more watery?

But Li Tian didn't dare to say such things. This guy is murderous, and the other water ghost clan powerhouses who are also the super domain master powerhouse, are pushed aside by the parallel importer, and they dare not even put a fart. , Can only turn around to deal with Tang Xiaolong and Xiao Tianyi.

Fortunately, Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji are female relatives, and they were not besieged by these water ghost elites.

Li Tian turned his head and looked at Shuigui Guzi, hoping that Shuigui Guzi could stop him with a word, but Shuigui Guzi smiled slightly, took his wine bottle and drank it, but completely ignored Li Tian!

Thousands of alpacas rushed past Li Tian's heart. He laughed twice and said, "The name of parallel imports is really thunderous!

"Really? So you've heard of my name! Hahaha, I'm still thinking that Netherworld has forgotten our water ghost tribe, has forgotten me parallel imports, hahaha, for this, we will do three hundred altars !" The parallel imports opened the wine jar excitedly, and started to binge drinking while holding the jar.


Li Tian smelled a sour taste in the wine jar of parallel imports. Although this taste did not resemble vinegar, it would definitely not be the daughter red brewed by Niujia Village!

Li Tian had smelled a faint sour smell before, but at that time he mistakenly thought that the smell came from the water ghost clan, so he didn't dare to ask more.

Li Tian picked up the wine bottle in front of him, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it slightly, with a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

He guessed right, this wine is not daughter red.

To be precise, this wine is not a complete daughter red, it should be someone who has mixed Netherworld water wine in the daughter red.

No, to be more accurate, it should be the daughter red in the water wine.

The alcohol content of this wine is not high, and it is no wonder that parallel imports dare to pick up the jar and drink, and in less than a minute, he has already drunk half of the jar.

Li Tian didn’t stop the parallel imports. When the parallel imports finished the whole jar of wine, he placed the jar Duang in front of Li Tian. Then Li Tian said, “The parallel imports are really huge, but I have to tell you one. The truth is, the wine made by the winemaking technology we brought is not so watery..."

"What do you mean?" Parallel asked questioningly.

Tang Xiaolong squeezed out from the members of the Shuigui clan who surrounded him, and said with a smile: "That means the daughter red you bought is a fake! The Shuigui clan used fake daughter red to entertain our guests. Tsk... "

Tang Xiaolong's words were like a bomb thrown into the water, and many water ghost elites immediately boiled.

"Impossible, this wine is a water gun..."

The water gun suddenly seemed to have been stepped on its tail, and hurriedly said: "This is my daughter's red wine. The merchant who sold the wine to me has sworn!"

Li Tian doesn't want to entangle too much with this kind of thing, he just wants to know as soon as possible who Shuigui Guzi is!


Li Tian flipped it casually and uncovered a few boxes of Niulanshan Erguotou from the space of Void Yasha, asking Tang Xiaolong and Xiao Tianyi to open the wine and pour the wine into the wine jar in front of Li Tian.

"Good smell of wine... Isn't it... Is this the authentic daughter red wine?" Many elites of the water ghost clan smelled the scent of Niulanshan wine, and said with some intoxication.

Li Tian did not stop, and continued to take Niulanshan Erguotou from the space of Void Yasha.

Can you brag about parallel imports?

Today I will let you blow up!

Six hundred jars of fine wine?

Lao Tzu is an old Chinese doctor who specializes in all kinds of bragging!

After a while, Niulanshan Erguotou has filled a tank!

Li Tian kept going out to Niulanshan again.

"Master parallel imports, come, please drink this altar. With the mass of your water ghost tribe, I believe you can drink up to six hundred altars!" Li Tian said.


The parallel imports swallowed, not being frightened, but happily saying: "Really? Can I really drink six hundred altars?"

"Drink! This kind of wine is enough!" Li Tian said with a look of careless expression.

"Hahaha, okay, then I'm welcome!" The parallel imports picked up the jar and started drinking.

Don't even mention that the amount of alcohol used by the parallel imports is definitely not a boon. This jar of wine is not only Niulanshan, but also other fine wines, and even foreign wine is poured in it.

Just smelling the smell is enough to make people drunk.

However, it took less than five minutes for the parallel imports to drank this jar of wine.

However, the parallel hair has changed various colors, and his cheeks and skin are also constantly changing color, just like a chameleon.

"Drink this tank again!"

In the past few minutes, Tang Xiaolong and Xiao Tianyi had already filled another jar of wine, and said with a smirk holding the jar in front of the parallel imports.

"Hey, then I'm not welcome!..." the parallel imports said with a burp.

The parallel imports picked up the jar again, and it was another binge!

It blows loudly, but this wine is not an ordinary water wine. Just halfway through drinking, the parallel imports begin to shake, and the hair is like a neon sign in front of a barber shop, changing its color constantly.

The other water ghost tribe kept swallowing saliva. Obviously, they were envious of parallel imports having the opportunity to drink such fine wine.

"Parallel, you are really parallel!"

"Can you do it? If you can't, change someone and let me drink!"

"Hahaha, you see that the hair color of parallel imports has changed several rounds. It seems that the smell of red wine for this daughter is really strong!"

The other elites of the water ghost clan are still a little bit elite, and there are all kinds of booing around the parallel imports!


Parallel products were finally overwhelmed by alcohol, and fell to the ground, slumbering, completely unconscious.

The wine jar also smashed to the ground, smashed to pieces, the wine was overflowing, and the fragrance of the wine was overflowing.

"Drunk...Drunk...The parallel importer is actually drunk, hahaha..."

While the other elites of the water ghost clan laughed at them, they swarmed up like wild dogs seeing hot shit, pounced on the ground, and began to **** the wine flowing on the ground.

It's so ugly and ugly.

Li Tian was completely frightened by the sight in front of him!

Are all the water ghosts reborn as alcoholics? As a superdomain master-level elite, they can actually do such a shameful thing.

Shuigui Guzi's face was extremely ugly.

Although he is not a water ghost tribe, but now he is approaching the patriarch of the water ghost tribe, and seeing these water ghost tribes show such a nature, he can't help but feel a little angry.

"You are the powerhouses of the superdomain master level, the elites of the water ghost clan, and the powerful existence standing at the peak of the nether world. Look at what you are now!" Water ghost Guzi said angrily.

The elites of the water ghost clan looked at the water ghost millet with some fear, and continued to **** the wine on the ground, even sticking out their long tongues to lick the ground.

Shuigui Guzi felt very embarrassed, and he roared abruptly, and a surging spiritual power poured out from his body, instantly covering the entire hall.

Those super-domain master-level water ghost elites suddenly seemed to be caught in their necks, their faces flushed, and their bodies twisted in pain.

"Get out of here!" said Shuigui Guzi.

As soon as Shuiguiguzi's words fell, in the entire hall, apart from the water gun standing behind Shuiguiguzi, the drunken parallel imports, and a few other elites of the water ghosts who did not crawl on the ground to drink wine, other elites of the water ghosts It disappeared instantly.

The banquet has not yet started, it is over!

Li Tian looked at the water ghost millet, smiled slightly, and said, "Now you can tell me who you are!"

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