Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4730: : Past life, this life, the next life

"We are in the Netherworld!"

"The power of the Netherworld more than 7,000 years ago is like a cloud. At that time, although the super **** family, god-level race, and ancient family rarely showed up, the domain master-level powerhouse and super-domain master-level powerhouse of the Nether world were It's not uncommon. After Li Kuafu arrived in the Netherworld, I followed him to the dark forest, to the sea of ​​death crying, to the gust of wind, and finally to the Wanshen Mountain!"

"In the beginning, we were just tourists, just full of curiosity about the Netherworld. However, after going to Wanshen Mountain, the memory of Li Kuafu's previous life began to awaken, and he told me a memory that suddenly appeared in his mind."

"You may not believe it yet, but his memory is completely consistent with the battle of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain in the Nether Realm legend. You must know that we are strong from the earth world. We have never set foot in the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain before. If it were not for the memory of his previous life, how could Li Kuafu know so clearly?"

"In Li Kuafu's memory, the fall of his previous life was due to the siege of the four super **** families and the sacred masters of the entire Netherworld, the domain master, and the super domain master. At that time, his past life memory began Gradually awakening, he finally knew why he had to come to the Netherworld!"

"Then, I followed Li Kuafu and started to slaughter the Netherworld. The ninth-level peak powerhouse, the emperor, the domain master, and the superdomain master-level powerhouse of the ninth-level, continue to fall in the hands of Li Kuafu!"

"Hahaha, the entire Netherworld was shocked by Li Kuafu's intrepidity. Only then did these Netherworld powerhouses know that the powerhouses in the earth world were not something they could provoke."

"Can you imagine that kind of scene? The domain master is in the hands of Li Kua's father, like a grass recommendation, killing at will, the super domain master-level powerhouse, even if several people join hands, the same will be beaten by throwing his helmet and discarding his armor!"

Li Tian was shocked!

Tang Xiaolong was shocked!

Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji were shocked!

Many water ghost elites were equally shocked.

Who could have imagined that more than seven thousand years ago, it was Li Kuafu and Water Ghost Guzi who stirred up the entire Netherworld.

"Our patriarch is really strong, he was already a man of the underworld more than 7,000 years ago!"

"Yes, it's a pity that at that time our Shuigui clan was like a bereavement dog. We were in panic all day long. Hidden in the rain forest had already severed our connection with humans..."

"Fortunately, when the patriarch came to our water ghost clan, he did not raise the butcher knife, otherwise..." Thinking of this, one of the water ghost clan elite couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and subconsciously shrank his neck.

While everyone present was shocked, they all looked at the Water Ghost Guzi at the same time. Now they already know some of the following stories.

This is a story with a tragic ending. Li Tian clenched his fists, gritted his teeth slightly, and looked at the water ghost millet.

Just now Shui Gui Gu Zi said a word: Past life.

The strong man who fell from Wanshen Mountain was Li Kuafu's previous life, and Li Kuafu should be regarded as this life in the story told by the Water Ghost Guzi, but in the earth world, Li Tian's biological father Li Kuafu can only be used to describe it.


"At that time, we were really crazy, and we were really happy! The powerhouses of the entire Netherworld would be discolored when they talked about Li Kuafu..."

Speaking of this, a trace of sadness flashed across Shuigui Guzi's face, and his eyes drifted from side to side, as if he was recalling something extremely painful.

He picked up the bottle, wanted to take a sip, but found that the bottle was empty.

Shui Gun wanted to get up to pour some wine to Shui Gui Guzi, but Shui Gui Guzi waved his hand to refuse.

"It's just that I was still too naive at that time. I don't know that Li Kuafu still has deeper hatred in his heart. From that time on, all the powers of the Nether Realm of the ninth level and above spontaneously formed an alliance, and everyone’s goal was only One person is Li Kuafu!"

"It's just that Li Kuafu's strength at that time has reached the peak realm of Transcendent Lord, even if it is also a strong person in the pinnacle realm of Transcendent Lord, it is difficult to escape from his hands!"

"Kill...Kill...Kill..., hahaha, only more than 20 domain master-level powerhouses were beheaded, and the number of emperor-level powerhouses left behind was even less, while the super domain master-level powerhouse As long as they are not attached to the super **** family and haven't lived in seclusion, they will all fall!"

"Father Li Kua used his own power to forge the future generations of the Netherworld!"

Tang Xiaolong only felt that the blood in his body was already burning!

This story, no, these things sound too passionate!

Compared to Li Kuafu, what he and the little boss are doing seems to be a little trouble, there is no way to compare!

Situ Ningbing and Xue Ji have been completely impressed by Li Kuafu's deeds!

A strong man from the earth world can even level the entire nether world and become the strongest in the nether world. No wonder that the nether world later closed all the channels leading to the earth world, so they were scared!

Only Li Tian has a gloomy face.

"I have said before that Li Kua's previous life was lost because of being killed by the Super God Family. Li Kua's purpose is only to force the Super God Family out. He wants revenge!"

Water Ghost Guzi paused, his eyes gradually fell on Li Tian, ​​and he looked up and down Li Tian a few times, and then continued: "Our goal has been achieved. Li Kuafu shocked the entire Netherworld. He successfully caused The attention of the Super God Family, he successfully angered the Super God Family!"

"Donggong and Sanlu, the two super **** families, have joined forces and sent more than fifty super domain master-level powerhouses. Their patriarch, two super powerhouses close to the demigods, led the team to besieged Li Kuafu and me... …"

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, and a hero can't hold back a pack of wolves.

"Although Li Kuafu is only the pinnacle of the super domain master, even if he is besieged by two powerhouses close to the demigod level, he still does not lose the wind. If... without me, Li Kuafu is completely possible from the netherworld Jie retreated all over, but...but..."

There were tears in the corner of Shuiguiguzi's eyes again.

"We escaped, but Father Li Kua was not so lucky this time. His previous life fell because of the Super God family, and his current life also fell because of the Super God family."

"However, Li Kuafu told me that as long as his soul is immortal, he will enter reincarnation, and he will still be reborn! He will still stand at the pinnacle of the earth world and the underworld..."

"Father Li Kua died in my arms, and my best brother... left to protect me..."

"I believe Li Kuafu will not lie to me, so I practiced the clone, let my clone go to the earth world, and let my clone cultivate the little four elephants in the earth world..."

Li Tian finally understands!

Although Li Kua’s father was not Li Tian’s biological father 7,000 years ago, Li Tian also recorded this hatred on the Super God Family. Li Tian gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "Donggong Super God Family, San Lu Super God Family..."

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