Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4737: : The real thing (2)

Li Tian frowned, and he couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

This black flame was cultivated from the blood spirit source. It was overbearing and abnormal, not to mention the flesh, even if it was metal steel, it could be refined instantly, turned into molten iron, and even disappeared completely by burning.

However, this black flame had already burned on the parallel imports, but was instantly extinguished by the acid water released from the parallel imports.

A wicked smile appeared on the corners of the parallel imports, and his body croaked endlessly, as if the acid water was also melting his body.

As the body of the parallel imports melted, puffs of white smoke were continuously released from his body, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of burning chemical dyes.

"Boy, these gases are poisonous, I advise you to hold your breath!" The parallel imports reminded.

Even if the parallel imports were angry and moved genuinely, he knew that he and Li Tian weren't angry enemies when he approached him. His goal was only to defeat Li Tian, ​​not really to wound or behead Li Tian.

"Thank you!"

When Li Tian just smelled the pungent smell, he had already held his breath, and he dared not breathe in any more of this air.

But even so, Li Tian felt that his body skin began to feel a whizzing sensation, as if thousands of small insects were crawling over him.

The skin gradually turned pale red, as if it was sunburned by the hot sun, and many small red dots the size of sesame appeared around the pores of the skin, and the center of the small red dot was a bit dark black.

Now, although Li Tian's skin does not hurt, it is very itchy.

"Hey, the parallel imports are really real. Li Tian, ​​this kid is just a domain master-level powerhouse, and he can actually make him real. It seems that Li Tian's strength is really not to be underestimated!" Water Gun said.

"With Li Tian's current strength, he can definitely be said to be the strongest in the entire Netherworld domain master, but his opponent is a super domain master-level powerhouse after all, and the parallel guy’s spiritual power is very strange, even ordinary. The super domain master-level powerhouse is not his opponent. If the parallel imports are not merciful, Li Tian will probably die miserably!" Water Cannon nodded and said.

Waterfowl had a different view. He shook his head slightly and said, "Although Li Tian's spiritual power restrains the water ghost tribe, his black fire spiritual power and purple lightning spiritual power are not effective against parallel imports. On the contrary, I I feel that parallel imports are restraining Li Tian."

"But even so, I feel that Li Tian's has not yet exerted his true strength. You know, according to the information sent from outside, when Li Tian was in the realm of Emperor Venerable, he had already killed the domain master in Yecheng. Now. His realm has reached the domain master, can't he slash across levels... defeat the super domain master realm powerhouse?"

Waterfowl originally wanted to say ‘kill’, but after a little consideration, he said that he conservatively used the word defeat.


"The reason why the super domain master is called the super domain master is that the strength of this realm is far above the domain master realm strong. For a simple example, if the spirit in the body of the domain master level If the power is river water, then the spiritual power in the body of the super domain master level is the big river. This is not in a single body, no matter how strong the cultivation base of the domain master level is strong, there is still a world of difference from the super domain master. !"

"Yes, I also think it is absolutely impossible! Now that Li Tian and the parallel imports are both in the domain of the patriarch, the true strength of the parallel imports has been suppressed. If this is a life and death battle without the intervention of the patriarch, Li Tian is very He will soon be swallowed by the old poison like parallel imports with his acid water!"

Other strong water ghosts have expressed their views.

Among these strong players, only Waterbird is slightly optimistic about Li Tian.

Water Ghost Guzi squinted slightly, he did not comment on the opinions of these water ghost elites.

"Li Tian, ​​show your true strength, let me see if I can see the shadow of Li Kuafu in your body." Water ghost Guzi thought to himself.


Tang Xiaolong, Situ Ningbing, and Xue Ji frowned.

This is just a friendly contest of friendship first and victory second, but they can also feel the danger.

As Li Tian's brother and Li Tian's woman, they naturally hope that the ultimate winner is Li Tian.

Of course, it is not just hope, Li Tian has created too many leapfrog killing miracles in the past, so in their hearts, they also think that Li Tian will become the winner.

Only so far, the fighting situation has not developed according to their expectations.

"Little boss, come on!" Tang Xiaolong clenched his fists and said in a low voice.

Xue Ji was praying secretly in her heart.

The former goddess could only help Li Tian in this way now. Xue Ji's heart was still full of sadness, but apart from this way, Xue Ji didn't know what other way she could help Li Tian.

"Perhaps I should leave for a while and wander around in the Nether Realm alone..." Xue Ji thought a little bit frustrated in her heart.


In the domain of Shuiguiguzi, Li Tian was fully absorbed.




From the mouth of the parallel imports, acid water was continuously sprayed out. The green acid water flew towards Li Tian like a cannonball.

This is not a cannonball, but its power is far stronger than a cannonball.

Li Tian's feet kept twitching on the ground, using the rebound force to avoid the attack of acid water cannonballs.

If he couldn't avoid it, Li Tian would use the spear of heaven to pick up the acid water cannonball.

It's just that this acid water is not a cannonball after all. When the sky spear picks up the acid water cannonball, the acid water cannonball will explode on the spear tip of the sky spear.

Although the entire acid water cannonball would not fall on Li Tian's body, there was still less blood splashed on Li Tian's body.


The acid water instantly corroded Li Tian's clothes. Although Li Tian had deliberately used black flames to condense a layer of spiritual power armor under his clothes to protect his body.

But this acid water can easily corrode the armor of the black flame spiritual power.

Fortunately, while this little acid water corroded the black flame, it was also suffering from the backlash of the black flame. When the acid water finally landed on Li Tian’s skin, Li Tian felt that his body skin was The crimson soldering iron was hot, and his body skin made a belching sound at any moment.

The pain is inevitable, but as for the pain, Li Tian felt that all the small red spots on his body seemed to be on fire, and the instant pain was beyond his tolerance.


Li Tian couldn't help but let out a scream!

"Hahaha..., Li Tian, ​​this is the end of our competition. You are not my opponent at all. If you continue the competition, I am afraid you will only suffer from eating more flesh and blood!" Parallel said with a smile.

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