Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4752: : Sturdy Dog


It's coming!

However, it was not parallel imports, but Li Tian, ​​Vicious Dog and Xiao Tianyi!

The vicious dog followed Li Tian out of the space of the Qiong Spear of the sky, and immediately felt the battle between two super domain masters not far away.

According to Li Tian's description, the Vicious Dog knew that the Eastern Palace Super God family sent someone to intercept Li Tian. Fortunately, Li Tian was surrounded by two super domain master-level helpers, Water Bird and Xiao Tianyi, which was spared.

Hearing this news, the vicious dog couldn't help being angry.

What a shameless super **** family, to deal with a Li Tian who only has the realm of the domain master, he sent two super domain master powers in the family, and the Donggong demon pupil can actually rank first in the Donggong super **** family. Fives.

Although the vicious dog is anxious to go home, he is not anxious at this moment.

The Vicious Dog took the initiative to ask Ying to assist Li Tian and Xiao Tianyi in dealing with the Donggong Super God Family.

The power of the gods?

It's better to keep Li Tian to save his life, this kind of fetish is a one-time thing, if it is consumed, it will really be gone!

Li Tian, ​​Xiao Tianyi, and Vicious Dog, as soon as they discussed, they immediately worked out a plan to besiege the demon pupil in the East Palace.

Xiao Tianyi and Li Tianzhu attacked the East Palace Demon Eye, and the Vicious Dog went to deal with the spirit water demon gourd released by the East Palace Demon Eye!


Donggong demon pupil felt the air around her body suddenly fluctuate, and she suddenly felt a little alert in her heart. At this moment, huh! Huh! Huh! Three figures appeared in this battlefield in a row, it was Li Tian, ​​Xiao Tianyi, and Vicious Dog.

"Li Tian, ​​I didn't expect that you would dare to chase over, really looking for death!"

The Donggong demon pupil roared, and the ninety-nine black fire purple dragons he controlled abandoned parallel imports, uttered several dragon chants in the sky, swayed and swarmed towards Li Tian.

Although Li Tian’s cultivation is not the strongest, the Donggong Demon Eye also knows that Li Tian is definitely the most difficult one. If he cannot quickly make Li Tian lose his fighting ability, Guang Li Tian will continue to release the black fire purple dragon. One skill can annoy him to death.

"I fuck!"

As soon as Li Tian appeared on the sea, the ninety-nine black and purple dragons immediately surrounded him.


Ninety-nine black fire purple dragons rushed out of Li Tian's body instantly, and launched a counterattack against the black fire purple dragon controlled by the Donggong demon pupil.

However, in front of the black fire purple dragon in the Donggong demon pupil, Li Tian felt that the black fire purple dragon released by him from the "Blue Cloud Jue" was like a paper paste, completely vulnerable.

The dragon chant sounded constantly around Li Tian's body, and Li Tian's black fire and purple dragons were almost always killed by a spike.



The black fire purple dragon released by the Donggong Demon Eye did not attack Li Tian, ​​but directly penetrated Li Tian’s body skin, penetrated into his body veins, swallowed the spiritual power in Li Tian’s body veins, and destroyed Li Tian with spiritual power. Into the black fire purple dragon.

The intense pain caused Li Tian to kneel down again.

Li Tian's body floated on the surface of the sea, and his sweat kept falling.

"Your sister, play this one again!"

Li Tian roared in his heart: "However, Lao Tzu has already prepared! It's cheap to molest God!"

"Hahaha, I like this kind of battle! Although these black fire purple dragons are almost similar to the black fire purple dragons you released, they are the spiritual power of the Donggong demon pupil, refining his spiritual power, I have nothing to do Guilt!" said the **** of indecency.

your sister!

The obscene **** is clearly refining the spiritual power of Li Tian's body veins!

However, the spiritual power in this body's veins is after all a small number. As long as the Donggong demon pupil is painful, even if Li Tian consumes more spiritual power, Li Tian is willing.


On the other side, as a fluffy vicious dog, as soon as he teleported to the surface of the sea, he immediately became the target of that spirit water demon gourd.



The huge vine of the spirit water demon gourd was like a soft whip, and once flashed, it had wrapped one of the arms of the vicious dog.

This spirit water demon gourd was pulling the huge body of the vicious dog, and constantly approaching the spirit water demon gourd.

And the nine green gourds on the vine opened the lid at the same time and poured the liquid in the gourd down in the direction of the vicious dog.

This is some goose yellow liquid, which looks chaotic, and the smell from this liquid seems to be stronger than the strong acid of parallel imports.

"It's poison!"

A trace of fear flashed across the evil dog's eyes, and a white bone tail suddenly appeared behind the evil dog.

This white bone tail is like a white bone blade with a length of more than a few hundred meters, directly slashing towards the branches of the spirit water demon entwining him.

Click! With a sound, the branches of the spirit water demon gourd exceeding the thickness of the bucket were directly cut off by the bone tail blade.


The vicious dog's figure dodged, avoiding the venom that dropped from the head.

The venom fell into the sea, and the surface of the sea instantly turned waves, gurgling, like boiling water bubbling.

The roots of the spirit water demon gourd in the seawater turned black in an instant, and quickly softened, and a yellow liquid like thick water continued to flow from these roots.

In a few seconds, the roots that were still green just now turned black.

At least the roots within a thousand square meters have turned black.


The sea water continued to dilute this poisonous, but the roots of the spirit water demon gourd within nearly a thousand square meters were still completely rotted.

"This poison is so strong. If this poison rains on a person's body, I am afraid that it will be melted instantly and even the bones will not be seen!" The evil dog thought after a while in fear.



The white bone tail of the vicious dog is like a sharp harvester, constantly slashing the branches of the spirit water demon gourd. The branches that have been chopped down are rapidly withering, and then change into spiritual power and disappear. in the air.

The spirit water demon gourd would not sit still, the giant main branches and vines stretched silently over the vicious dog's head, and the nine gourds opened the lid again.


The vicious dog snorted, but his figure suddenly disappeared on the sea.

In the next second, the vicious dog was already suspended in mid-air. His hands suddenly grasped the main branch vine, the white bone tail behind him stood up straight, and then he slashed towards the main branch vine.


The main branches and vines, which had a diameter of at least more than ten meters, were cut off easily by the bone tail of the evil dog.

The nine gourds that had lost the support of the sea burst instantly and turned into powder.

However, this spirit water demon gourd was not dead.

Although the main branches and vines were chopped off, suddenly hundreds of bucket-thick vines grew from the chopped parts.

Spirit water demon gourd, the most dangerous thing is this gourd.

Now that the gourd has been cut, the spirit water demon gourd has lost the most powerful means of attack, even if there are more branches, in the eyes of the evil dog, it is just a mustache.

The vicious dog raised his head and roared, and even opened his mouth and bit on a branch of the Spirit Water Demon Gourd. He tore it forcefully, and directly tore off the whole branch, and then chewed it with big mouthfuls.

The branches of the spirit water demon gourd turned into spiritual power, and were quickly swallowed by the vicious dog.

And the white-bone tail of the vicious dog still doesn't stop, and it still keeps reaping.

This picture is like a herbivore with its own lawn mower!

Everything in the world, one thing drops one thing.

Even the parallel imports, the spirit water demon gourd who felt jealous, were harvested by the evil dog, and this spirit water demon gourd did not resist at all.

"This guy is so tough!"

"If this guy didn't participate in the war, I'm afraid it would take some trouble to deal with this spirit water demon gourd!"

No worries, the body of the parallel imports has completely softened and turned into a slimy liquid floating on the sea.

"Now, I should behave!" Parallel said.

At this time, parallel imports, if you don’t look at the color, are like oil spills from crude oil floating on the water. Of course, parallel imports are not real oil spills, but the whole body has become a highly toxic liquid.

This oily flower did not drift with the flow, and drifted towards the Donggong demon pupil at a rapid speed.

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