Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4754: :Ran away?


Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief!

At the moment the Donggong demon pupil was cut, the spirit water demon gourd on the sea disappeared like a cloud of smoke blown away by the wind.

Xiao Tianyi had fainted and fell into Li Tian's arms.

With a pity on his face, Li Tian stretched out his hand to stroke this little Tianyi's head.

"Thank you! My child!" Li Tian said softly.

At this time, the water ghost who had returned to its original form looked at the vicious dog in surprise!

Parallel products still have too much self-confidence in him, thinking that the most powerful existence of him, the water ghost clan, should be more than enough to deal with the Donggong demon pupil. Only now did he understand how ridiculous his arrogant thoughts are. .

If there is no Li Tian, ​​if there is no Tianyi, if there is no vicious dog, he who rashly attacked the Donggong Demon Eye today, even if he would not be beheaded, I am afraid it would be difficult to get rid of him!

What makes parallel imports feel lingering is that when the bone tail of the vicious dog cuts over, he, the super domain master-level powerhouse, can't avoid it at all!

When the blade formed by the white bone tail slashed through his body, the parallel imports even felt his soul tremble, and the intense pain made him forget the existence of time.

"What a powerful guy!" The parallel imports thought to himself.

For such a powerful guy, parallel imports never want to meet again. Of course, the last thing he wants is to be an enemy of a vicious dog!

After the evil dog slashed the monster pupil of the East Palace, his tail was restored to the ground without any harm. It was just an ordinary white bone tail, which was completely wrapped around Li Tian's waist, wrapping Li Tian and Xiao Tianyi. Put it on his shoulder!

"Li Tian, ​​the battle is over, I should go!" said the vicious dog.

Li Tian stood up slowly, still holding Xiao Tianyi in his arms, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Okay, thank you! There will be a period later!"

No need for more willingness, the vicious dog's performance just now has completely conquered Li Tian.

The tail of the vicious dog put Li Tian on a coral reef steadily, and looked down at Li Tian, ​​but the vicious dog said nothing. After a few seconds, the spiritual power in the air fluctuated slightly, but the vicious dog did not say anything. Has disappeared out of thin air.

It was as if the bad dog had never appeared before.

On the sea surface, the blood of the Donggong Demon Tong's blood had been diluted by the seawater, and only a few broken internal organs floated on it. The other half of the Donggong Demon Tong's body had also sunk on the bottom of the sea.

"Obscene God, this time all previous efforts have been abandoned, and you have not swallowed the spiritual power of the super domain master-level powerhouse, but... next time, next time I will never lose again!" Li Tian said to the Obscene God.

"East Palace Demon Eye is the top five strongest in the Eastern Palace Super God family. I feel quite lucky that you can retreat with your whole body. As for the Super Domain Master-level powerhouse, there will be opportunities in the future!" said Obscene God.


Tang Xiaolong has teleported to Li Tian's side, looking at Li Tian with a look of admiration, and said excitedly: "Little boss, you are really amazing! Donggong demon pupil, super domain master-level powerhouse, Donggong super **** The top five powerhouses in the family were actually split in half by you! That scene...tsk tut... it makes people excited to watch!"

Li Tian didn't know if Tang Xiaolong had no brains, or if he didn't speak through his brains, he would say so.

In the battle just now, Li Tian's greatest contribution was probably the living target, allowing Donggong Demon Tong to do everything possible to kill him.

If there is no parallel imports to raided the Donggong Demon Eye, interrupting Donggong Demon Eye and slashing Li Tian with a spiritual power demon knife, if there is no Xiaotianyishe to stand in front of Li Tian, ​​if there is no evil dog's last power king, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Since the realm of the cultivator, I have been killing existences that are stronger than me across levels. This also makes me involuntarily arrogant. I can slay the dragon venerable when I am at the eighth level of the cultivator. , This made me despise the powerful masters of the venerable level. And when I was in the realm of the emperor, I beheaded the master of the frost domain again, which made me start to despise the powerful masters of the domain!"

"Now, my strength has reached the realm of the domain master, and I have begun to despise the super domain master-level powerhouse again! I proudly believe that as long as the cultivation base is slightly stronger than me, I can cross-level beheaded. I didn't expect , Today this battle will be so tragic."

At this moment, Li Tian can be regarded as recognizing himself.

In the past period of time, Li Tian was too relaxed.

After he killed the domain master-level powerhouse at the level of the emperor, his self-confidence was inflated even more.

After the water ghost Guzi helped him break through the advanced stage and reach the realm of the domain master, Li Tian unexpectedly had a kind of domineering in his heart to look at the world and give me someone else.

Thinking about it now, how ridiculous he is.

Li Tian may be the most powerful existence in the domain master state.

But any superdomain master-level powerhouse is definitely not simple.

Little Tianyi, parallel imports, vicious dogs, water birds, Donggong Jiangshan, Donggong Demon Eyes, the cultivation base of which one does not need to be Li Tianchai.

Li Tian just clenched his fist, secretly made up his mind!

"There will never be this kind of embarrassment again, absolutely not! Absolutely!" Li Tian said to himself.

Must constantly improve one's own cultivation.

Tang Xiaolong was already immersed in the joy of watching the battle just now!

At this moment, Tang Xiaolong even felt the spiritual power in his body veins running uncontrollably.

It seems that there is only a chance to break through to the realm of the domain master!

Li Tian looked at the parallel imports, but found that the parallel imports were standing on a coral reef, seeming to be looking for something.


Li Tian held Xiao Tianyi, teleported to the side of the parallel imports, and said humbly: "Thank you, the parallel imports, for your help. If there were no parallel imports, we would have suffered misfortune on the flying treasure ship. Thank you!"

Parallel goods waved his hand and said, "I don’t need to say thank you. It’s also my arrogance, that’s why I attacked the Donggong Demon Eye and Donggong Jiangshan, but I didn’t expect the Donggong Demon Eye’s cultivation base to be far above me, if it weren’t for you. Arriving in time, the consequences are disastrous. We are evened!"

"Master parallel imports, are you looking for something?" Tang Xiaolong asked.

Parallel goods said with a puzzled look: "I attacked Donggong Jiangshan and injured Donggong Jiangshan. I wanted to give him as a gift to Li Tian, ​​but now he is gone! Has he sunk into the bottom of the sea?"

"Donggong Jiangshan is also dead? Haha, this is great! Now that the Donggong Super God Family loses two powerful main forces, when we get revenge, it will be easier!" Li Tian said happily.

The parallel imports shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm afraid that the Hundred-legged Insect will die but not be stiff. I just injured Donggong Jiangshan. If he is not dead, he may have escaped! If he does escape, then we This is troublesome!"

Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong nodded at the same time.

The Donggong Super God Family obviously wants Li Tian to die, and even dispatches the top five super domain masters.

Now that the East Palace is fleeing, then the East Palace Super God Family will definitely not give up. Maybe it will send a stronger existence and more Super Domain Master level powerhouses to kill Li Tian.

Li Tian immediately unfolded his spiritual consciousness and began to search for the whereabouts of Donggong Jiangshan on a large scale on the sea and under the sea.

"It's useless. I have probed the nearby seas within dozens of nautical miles with my spiritual sense, but I haven't found the whereabouts of Donggongjiang. He was eaten by a sea beast in the sea. Secondly, maybe that guy pretended to be dead. When we were fighting with the Donggong demon pupil, he took the opportunity to escape!" Parallel said.

"Chasing! You can't let that guy escape anyway!" Li Tian said.

With that said, Li Tian sent Xiao Tianyi into the space of Void Yasha.

"This is the vast ocean, where shall we go to chase? It is really impossible. I will return to the territory of the Shuigui tribe first, and tell the patriarch of your news, and see the patriarch's arrangements!" The parallel imports said, shaking his head.

Li Tian raised his head and looked into the distance, stretched out his hand and said, "Follow in the direction of the Colosseum! Just bet this time!"

Soon, the three had made a decision.

Li Tian followed the parallel imports towards the Colosseum, while Tang Xiaolong teleported back to the flying treasure ship to inform Situ Ningbing and others of his decision, and then followed in the flying treasure ship.



The silhouettes of Li Tian and parallel imports kept passing in the sky.

Behind Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong, the flying treasure ship also galloped at full speed.


More than half an hour after Li Tian and others left, hundreds of seabirds appeared on the surface of the sea.

These seabirds are at least over seven or eight meters in size, and they are even larger with their wings spread out. They have two sharp claws, and there are faint spiritual fluctuations on the sharp beak. It can be seen that this seabird is not an ordinary seabird.

Of course, these seabirds are not ordinary seabirds, but the most famous predatory bird in this ocean, also known as robber bird!

These predatory birds are omnivores and possess extremely strong vitality, so that any creature and any object may become food for others.

The fluctuating fighting spirit of Li Tian and others attracted this group of birds.

This is a gluttonous feast, because of the battle of Li Tian and others, the dense number of dead fish has floated on the sea.

These predatory birds swooped down constantly, grabbing dead fish on the sea, and swallowing them in one bite.

At this moment, a small boat rushed into the sea at a very fast speed.

The small boat is no more than two meters in length and less than half a meter in width. The whole body is black, and it looks like a canoe.

Small but complete.

If you look closely, you will find that this small boat is not a canoe, but a flying treasure ship that has shrunk hundreds of times and thousands of times in size.

On the flying treasure ship, there are pavilions, masts, and sails.

"Hey! Hey!"

However, at this time, the sails on the flying treasure ship were actually closed, and dozens of fist-sized little people on the small ship went paddling forward.

The huge predatory birds were startled, as if they had seen these little people, these predatory birds made a long cry and swooped down toward the small boat!

However, at this moment, a villain suddenly flew up from the boat, a few flashes, the figure of the little guy continued on the backs of these predatory birds, and then dozens of predatory birds rushing towards the boat exploded instantly. Come.



The flesh and feathers were blown to pieces, and they continued to fall downward.

The other predators were startled, flashing their wings in panic, and fled towards the sky.

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