Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4791: : It is calculated

"Lee... Master Li Tian... We are here to invite you to participate in the opening ceremony of the Beast Contest..." A powerful man in the mid-level ninth level of the Venerable was beaten with blood and no teeth in his mouth. Just know that he was knocked out, and he said vaguely with a crying face.

"Do you invite us to the opening ceremony so that you can break into my residence at will, regardless of the rules of the Colosseum? If you know your despicable behavior, even if I kill you now, the Colosseum may also Can't say anything?" Li Tian said coldly.

"Yes... I'm sorry, the opening ceremony of the Colosseum has already begun. We are too anxious to make such a low-level mistake. Please forgive us anyway! Lord Li Tian! Yes... I'm sorry!" Said with a sad face.

The best thing Li Tian can do is play stupid.

Are you shameless in the Colosseum?

Well, I Li Tian is more shameless than you.

Didn't you let my little blue tile and ninety-nine fighting beasts fight at the same time?

Yes, my little blue tile is not a ghost beast.

However, if you are not kind in the first place, I am not kind to go back.

The regulations of the Beasts Contest did not say that all Beasts must attend the opening ceremony, nor did it say that those participating in the opening ceremony should not be late.

Although Li Tian's small actions can't hurt the Colosseum at all, but Li Tian still has to use this method to disgust the Colosseum people.

You see, now Li Tian led the people to beat the Colosseum personnel in a fair manner, and these guys have to apologize to Li Tian.

How cool these slaps are!

Regarding Li Tian's decision, Tang Xiaolong, Parallel Products and others, who were full of fire in their hearts, raised their hands in favor.


When Li Tian and others rushed to the Colosseum with a few small things, the opening ceremony was almost over.

Little Qingwa and Xiaoyasha don't need to be on the stage, and Xiaoqingwa can directly prepare for the next opener match.

Domain Master Xue Tao received the news that Domain Master Li Tian had arrived, and the stone hanging in his heart finally fell to the ground, but as soon as he wanted Li Tian to dare to beat the people in the Colosseum, Xue Tao felt his face burned.

Domain Master Xue Tao wanted to question Li Tian why he treated his Colosseum staff in this way, and finally decided to give up.

"Let him and his fighting beasts run wild for more than ten days!" Domain Master Xue Tao said comfortingly.

After the opening ceremony, many beasts hurriedly withdrew from the Colosseum, followed by the first beast match of the race.

Xiao Qingwa stretched his body in Li Tian's arms, and Tang Xiaolong was like a masseuse, constantly relaxing Xiao Qingwa's muscles and bones.

"Relax, don't be nervous, escape if you can, hide if you can, and use your best advantage. As for winning and promotion, don't think about it, wait until the other beasts are almost fighting before you start counterattack!" Li Tian is like a coach, constantly arranging tactics for Xiaoqingwa.

It doesn't matter if Xiaoqingwa can understand it!

About half an hour later, the much-anticipated beast game officially began.

The host first explained that because of emergency training, Xiaoqingwa and Xiaoyasha were late and did not appear at the opening ceremony of the Colosseum.

This reason was given by Li Tian.

For Li Tian's lame excuse, the audience booed the loudest.

Then, the host began to introduce the rules of this game, that is, there are no rules, no time limit, only the beast that can stand alive in the Colosseum in the end can be promoted.

A set victory, win, advance! Lost, die!

This time, there is no need to introduce the beasts in particular, the host directly announced the start of the game.


The metal fence in the passage was opened, and Xiao Qingwa looked back at Li Tian and walked into the Colosseum firmly.

The little guy’s body is small, but among the hundred beasts, his strength is also one of the strongest. Other beasts are also cultivated above the ninth level, and even the beasts of the emperor rank Several, but other fighting beasts are not only well-known.

Xiaoqingwa is the most famous beast.

Xiao Qingwa came out, and the audience responded with a warm... boo.

Immediately afterwards, other fighting beasts swarmed in.

Although Li Tian had already prepared in his heart, he knew that the other beasts in this beast match were hard bones, but when these beasts appeared, Li Tian was still shocked.

These fighting beasts seem to have undergone rigorous training, and they won't grind their teeth bravely like ordinary strong fighting beasts. However, these fighting beasts release a frightening aura.

"Little Dragon!"

Li Tian suddenly called out Tang Xiaolong's name.

Tang Xiaolong had also seen the fighting beast on stage, and when he heard Li Tian calling his name, he nodded slightly, and Tang Xiaolong's eyes also showed a solemn color.

He could feel that these fighting beasts had experienced a hundred battles and were powerful men who had killed many ghost beasts, just like special soldiers in the beast world.

If a fighting beast can release such a fearful aura, it is just a coincidence, but ninety-nine fighting beasts can release such a breath at the same time, then it has to be doubted. It started as a conspiracy.

But Li Tian still didn't understand.

In order to deal with the small blue tiles, is it necessary for the Colosseum to deliberately create such a big battle?

What do they want?

Want Xiaoqingwa to die? Or something else?

Li Tian could not understand, nor could he.

At this time, the onlookers on the scene were also very scared by this kind of battle.

Among the ninety-nine beasts, only a few appeared in the opening ceremony of the Colosseum just now, but more beasts did not appear.

If these fighting beasts are separated one by one, although they still seem to feel very powerful, they are far from the present momentum.

So many beasts are not just beasts, they are more like beasts.


The Orc domain master on the ring involuntarily swallowed his saliva.

In my heart, I was already thinking: "If I were changed into the Colosseum and faced with so many powerful beasts, would it be possible for me to leave alive?"

Soon the Orc domain master shook his head.

The super **** families, ancient families, and the big powers in the innermost circle of the Colosseum also looked at each other.

General Sanlu frowned slightly, thinking in his heart: "I didn't expect the Colosseum to cultivate so many powerful beasts in secret. There are several emperor-level beasts, but what exactly do they want to do? ?"

"If they want to show off their strength, then their goal has been achieved! The 200,000 venerables at the scene have been scared. The Colosseum is already a very powerful existence in the hearts of these venerables!"

"But... I'm afraid the real picture of the Colosseum is not here!"

Like General Sanlu, representatives of other major families on the scene frowned slightly.

Only the mother's face had a slight imperceptible smile.

The East Palace Super God family was not surprised by the rise of the Colosseum, anyway, no matter how the Colosseum rose, it could not be the East Palace Super God family opponent.

Now the mother was just thinking about how little Qingwa, the little thing, would be torn to pieces by the wolves-like beasts in this beast match.


The domain displayed by a domain master-level powerhouse instantly rounded the entire Colosseum.

Immediately afterwards, the ground of the Colosseum began to shine like a starry sky, and these lights were gradually connected, and there was a strong energy fluctuation in the Colosseum field in an instant.

This powerful energy fluctuated in a flash, and unexpectedly merged with the domain cast by the domain master.

The domain cast by this domain master seems to be more stable and more reliable.

The host led the audience to begin the countdown.

With a ‘start’, this beast match finally started!




The group of wolves-like fighting beasts really targeted Xiao Qingwa from the beginning, and in an instant, a dozen black shadows pounced on Xiao Qingwa.

Xiao Qingwa's body is small, but his reaction speed is not satisfied. When he feels the energy fluctuations in the space, he has already flashed out several tens of meters with a'swish'. Xiao Qingwa is really a good baby, fully implement Li Tian's escape tactics, can escape without fighting.

However, the small blue tile escaped the culling of more than a dozen black shadow fighting beasts, but several other fighting beasts rushed to the small blue tile, and the other fighting beasts were all right.

Li Tian's most worried thing happened, these fighting beasts shamelessly besieged Xiaoqingwa.

"I **** Nima!"

Li Tian finally couldn't help but explode.

"The paralyzed abandonment, it's no match!" Li Tian's heart was full of anger, and he wanted to use an attack to break open the domain in the Colosseum, and then let Xiao Qingwa escape.

However, Li Tian's attack only had an impact on the domain in the Colosseum. The domain was like a balloon blown by the seal. It shook slightly, but did not break open.

"How is it possible? Is it possible that I, a domain master-level expert, can't break the domain displayed by another domain master? Parallel goods, do it for me! Paralyzed, even such a calculation, I **** Nyima!" Li Tian Said.

At this time, Li Tian seemed to be able to release the anger in his heart only by swearing.

Situ Ningbing hurriedly stopped the parallel imports, then grabbed Li Tian, ​​and said, "Never! Since the Colosseum dares to calculate us like this, they must be prepared. If we do this, it would be equivalent to an open provocative fight. At the animal farm, the consequences will be even more urgent and unpredictable at that time!"

Li Tian was also dizzy, Situ Ningbing said very reasonable, but Li Tian couldn't listen.

Am I going to watch Xiao Qingwa die here?



Several figures appeared in the passage of the Colosseum where Li Tian and others were located.

Each of these figures were dressed in black robes embroidered with the logo of the Colosseum, and even their heads were covered in the hats of the robes.

"Lord Li Tianyu, please respect yourself. If you are trying to disrupt this Colosseum game, then don't blame us for being rude to you!" said one of the black robe men coldly.

Super domain master-level powerhouse, the Colosseum has super domain master-level powerhouse!

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