Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4838: :The anger of the little hot pot

The little hot pot felt he was alive and moist.

Since he followed Li Tian, ​​his cultivation can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds.

In the past few thousand years, he could reach the realm of the venerable. It took him less than 20 years to reach the highest realm of the venerable emperor. He can become the strongest under the realm of the domain master. His opponents and those who defeated him are also very few.

After the Battle of Yecheng, the little hot pot alone took charge of the kingdom of the emperor, which made him float slightly.

A strong man in the realm of the emperor!

The kingdom of the emperor!

This kind of thing is something that Little Hot Pot had never thought of before.

However, the little hot pot has not forgotten his roots. When he left the Netherworld, the little hot pot also had an elder sister at the rank of venerable.

Blessed and shared, since the small hot pot now has various benefits following Li Tianneng, he naturally does not want to forget his sister.

After taking care of everything in the Venerable's homeland, the little hot pot embarked on his journey to find relatives.

The Yanhuo people mainly live in areas with frequent volcano activity, because for the Yanhuo people, magma and flames are their favorites. For the lazy rock fire clan, there is nothing more comfortable than lying in the hot lava, allowing the body to naturally absorb the spiritual power in the magma.

The sister of Little Hotpot controls an archipelago with volcanoes everywhere.

This archipelago is very close to the coast of the You Mainland, but it is not easy to get here from the location of the small hot pot.

The small hot pot first took the flying treasure ship, and passed the other kingdoms of the emperor, the domain master, and then got off the flying treasure ship, continuously teleporting, and marching toward the sister's archipelago.

The journey went smoothly, but when the small hot pot arrived in the Venerable Kingdom of the archipelago full of volcanoes, the Venerable Kingdom had actually become a ruin. The volcano that might have been blasted to collapse at any time was covered by volcanic ash. This island is full of volcanic ash.

On the island, all the buildings were destroyed. The small hot pot flew for about a circle, and there was no complete building on the entire island. Judging from the destroyed buildings, the island country was deserted. Not long!

The heart of the little hot pot is suddenly not beautiful.

He made a special trip to find his elder sister. Before this person saw it, he saw a mess, how could he not be anxious in his heart.

What happened to this Venerable Kingdom?

Where will my sister be now?

Fortunately, on this ruined island, there are still traces of the activities of the Yanhuo tribe.

Soon, based on the traces of activities left by these rock fire tribes, the small hot pot found other rock fire tribes who were hiding in the cave and still staying on the island.

The cultivation bases of these Yanhuo tribes are generally low, with the majority of the first and second levels of the disciples, and only a few have reached the seventh or eighth level of the disciples. Suddenly I saw a Yanhuo clan with the emperor realm. , These Yanhuo clan members immediately knelt to the ground, treating the small hot pot like a god.

"Tell me, what happened to this island kingdom?" Little Hotpot asked anxiously.

"My lord, you are also a strong rock fire clan, but you must help us!" These rock fire clan said one after another.

But after a long time, he didn't say a single point, and the little hot pot couldn't help being a little angry, "Come on, you say it alone, everyone else shut up for me!"

"My lord, our Venerable Country was originally a remote country, and few outsiders set foot in it. Our Yanhuo people live here and live and work in peace and contentment. But about a month ago, suddenly a foreigner came to our island country. , Our Yanhuo clan treats these foreigners with courtesy and warm hospitality. However, about ten days ago, these foreigners suddenly said that they found some important minerals in the volcano and wanted to occupy ours. volcanic!"

"Of course, our Yanhuo clan would not agree with this kind of thing. Our Yanhuo clan swears to defend our living land. But... these foreigners, relying on their strength, involuntarily destroyed our volcano, and attacked the whole All the houses on the island collapsed, trying to drive us away from here."

"My lord of the country went to reason with these foreigners, but he was seriously injured, and I do not know his life or death. Now the lord of the country was sent to the back of this cave by us, healed in the lava of the volcano, and he didn’t know people. Living here, you can't leave here!" One of the Lao Yan Huo Clan said with an angry face.

The little hot pot can't help but get angry!

This is the place where he grew up. Although it is far inferior to other islands and beautiful land, but for the Yanhuo people, this island is their best home, but now it is only because of the discovery of this important ore. , Just want to drive the Yanhuo clan from the land where they have lived for tens of thousands of years.

Small hot pot does not agree with this kind of thing!

"Do you know who these foreigners are? How strong are their cultivation bases?" Little Hot Pot asked.

However, these rock fire races hesitated, not knowing what kind of race the foreigners are, and how strong these strong men are.

There is no way. For these Yanhuo tribes, the cultivation base is already strong enough to reach the rank of the nobleman. As for the rank one or the rank nine, in their eyes, it seems that there is not much difference.

"Those foreigners will definitely come again. The adults are powerful. Please protect our island country and fight against foreigners together!" These Yanhuo tribes don’t know Little Hot Pot, but because Little Hot Pot is of the same race as them Relationship, I want a small hot pot to help them.

"This is natural. We Yanhuo clan share the same hatred. As long as I meet, I can't just sit idly by. Now take me to see your Lord of the Kingdom!" The little hot pot gritted his teeth secretly, holding back what was in his heart. Said angrily.

Following that old man from the Rock Fire clan, he passed through a passage that could only accommodate a normal person, and his eyes suddenly opened up. Although the volcano collapsed and the top of the volcano covered the crater, the magma under the volcano was still hot.

At the edge of the scarlet magma, a woman from the Yanhuo race was sitting.

Seeing this woman from the Yanhuo tribe, the little hot pot became a little excited. Although she had not seen each other for thousands of years, the appearance of this woman had not changed much. The little hot pot recognized at a glance that this woman was his sister. , The elder sister of the three-level pinnacle realm expert.

"Sister..." Little Hot Pot shouted to her sister.

The Laoyan Huo Clan man looked at the little hot pot in amazement, and said in surprise: "Could it be...Is the adult the younger brother of the lord?"

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