Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4876: : Cooperation and alliance

Through communication with Shushoudao, Li Tian finally had a general understanding of the metal world.

The metal world is endlessly dark, but in general, it is divided into twelve regions.

These twelve regions are theoretically owned by the Spirit Clan, but now there is only one area occupied by the Spirit Clan, and the other regions have been occupied by the Spirit Jin tribe and the powerful aliens!

Li Tian also knows that there are three indigenous races in the metal world. They are the spirit races with weapons as the host, the spirit gold races that look like metal cubes but can change in various ways, and that Li Tian met on a space battleship. Metal monsters and steel beasts that can be transformed into beasts.

These three races fight each other and merge with each other!

The lower steel orcs don't have much spirituality, they are a race that can be tamed, just like watchdogs!

Ordinary spirit gold clan is not hostile to tool spirit clan, and can also be used by tool spirit clan, such as the metal cages in the prison area of ​​the sky battleship!

The exiled instrument spirit race will also become the help of the spirit gold race under the refining or coercion of the spirit gold race.

The focus of Li Tian's concern is how to improve his cultivation strength and how to cultivate ‘divine power’!

"If it’s a tool spirit race, a spirit gold race, or a steel beast race, it’s not difficult to cultivate divine might. This is related to our race and the descendants of the twelve powerful people. As long as we Yes, even if we are in the training room, we can cultivate divine power! However, you are a foreigner outside of the metal world. If you want to cultivate divine power as soon as possible, then you must personally pay tribute to the miracle!" .

"Look at the miracle?"

"That's right! There are a total of twelve regions in the metal world, and each region will have the miracle of one of the strong men. Only you, in front of the miracle, personally admire the miracle and feel the mystery of the miracle Strength, if you can comprehend something, have an epiphany, and understand everything, then you will benefit a lot!"

Of course this is not the only way out!

If Li Tian is afraid of danger, he can also stay in the training room to see through.

But... the metal sculptures outside the training room are after all just a scaled-down copy. There is almost no mysterious power on these metal sculptures. It is not impossible to realize the power of God through such small sculptures, but the probability is probably small and outrageous. And the time consumed may not be acceptable to Li Tian.

"Okay, then I will go to see the miracles in the metal world!" Li Tian said.

A touch of appreciation flashed in the eyes of the mouse's eyebrows, and he smiled and nodded and said: "Boy, I did not misunderstand you. Since you are willing to accept the challenge, I will help you again. I have a star map of the metal world. Give it to you!"

With that said, the mouse head knife turned over and there was an oval metal object in his hand.

This metal object is completely black, and it will feel rough in the hand, but the middle and front of this object are extremely smooth, just like a mirror.

"Pour your spiritual power into the star chart!"

Li Tian injected a trace of spiritual power into this metal object in accordance with the requirements of the rat's first knife.

Sure enough, a bright light flashed on the surface of the star map, and then a small spot of light appeared on the surface of the metal object.

As Li Tian continued to inject spiritual power, a rough map outline gradually appeared on the mirror surface of this star map.

"The metal world is full of mystery. You can think of this world as a round sphere. The twelve regions are independent worlds suspended in this sphere with a certain mysterious law. Look... this is what you see. The light is where you are! The other areas where light appears are twelve regions!"

Li Tian looked at the star map mirror in his hand, with a strange feeling in his heart!

What mysterious law?

If the metal world is regarded as a dial, then the positions of the twelve regions correspond to the directions of the twelve time zones.

But...With this star map, Li Tian will at least not smear his eyes.

"The miracles you want to admire are located in these twelve regions, brave boy, go, I am optimistic about you!" said the mouse head knife.

Li Tian held the star map in front of the mouse head knife, pointed to the star map and asked: "The territory of the Spirit Clan is in that large area. Since I want to pay homage to the miracles, I should go to the Spirit Clan first..."


The expression on the mouse head knife became a little unnatural, and the twisted ones didn't dare to look at Li Tian's eyes.

"It shouldn't be..."

"Haha, how is it possible? We are the Spirit Clan, the masters of this metal world, how can we lose our territory? Haha...haha..." Ratshoudao said with an embarrassed expression.

I go!

Are these spirit races all idiots?

Even the last piece of territory was **** lost, and it's still blowing up here. Is it interesting to deceive yourself?

Li Tian suddenly dared that he seemed to be on a thief ship!

"Since I haven't lost the territory, then let's go to the territory of your Spirit Clan first, let me pay tribute to the miracles of the Spirit Clan first!"

The expression on the mouse head knife is even more ugly. After a while, he said: "I admit that our spirit race has no territory now, but...but this is just our strategic shift to avoid the enemy's edge...to avoid the enemy's edge... ...Sooner or later, our spirit clan will regain our territory!"

Seeing Li Tian's disdainful expression, the expression on Shushoudao's face became even more embarrassing!

Whether it's a small thing or a rat-head knife, these tool spirit races blew so many cowhides in front of Li Tian, ​​they really have the kind of domineering Laozi who is the number one in the world, who is better than me in the metal world!

However, now that the cowhide has been blown through, the Spirit Clan has been beaten back to its original form!

Li Tian wasn't exposing the rat's head knife either, just to leave them the last bit of face.

The Spirit Clan has lost its territory and only has a space battleship, which is drifting with the waves like rootless water plants.

However, Li Tianchu's Spirit Metal World, Tang Xiaolong and others were captured by the Lingjin Clan again, and their whereabouts are unknown. Instead, the Qi Ling Clan is Li Tian's best partner now!

"Mouse head knife, now we are in the same boat, if that's the case, why don't we form an alliance? You help us improve our cultivation strength, regain my companions, and then we help you regain the territory!" Li Tian proposed.

The Mouse Head Sword thought a little, "We are the masters of the metal world, but you foreigners are not worthy of being on an equal footing with us!"


The blade of Hong Zhan rested directly on the neck of the rat head knife.

Bragging must have a sense of measure. Now that the Spirit Clan has been robbed of its territories, and they are going to be damned out of the race, what qualifications does the Rat Head Knife have to brag?

"Ahem...I have something to say, I have something to say, I need to discuss alliance matters with the other two superdomain masters!"

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