Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4896: : Increased conflict (3)

Who is your sister!

The beast boy grabbed it casually, and a metal cage containing slaves flew towards Li Tian!

"Wrong, not this!" Li Tian quickly shouted.

At this time, the square was already in a mess, and five or six shining bandits rushed over with their swords in their hands.

"Wrong? Then go wrong and go wrong!"

The butcher knife in the hands of the beast boy flashed a green light, and directly cut open the metal cage that had flown over.

Imprisoned in this metal cage were two strong men who had reached the mid-level 9th ​​level of the domain master. The moment the cage was cut open, the two strong men rushed to the Shining bandits. The power of these shining bandits is very powerful, but the anger in the hearts of these two domain masters ninth-level powerhouses made them not choose to shrink!

Just now those strong foreigners who were going to spend a lot of money to buy hard, saw the opportunity to get their favorite slaves without spending money, and started looting after the chaos. There were no strong ones who wanted to **** things. The bandits of the spirit race pounced on Li Tian one after another, and robbed them politely.

The small square fell into chaos instantly!

Very confused!

Wonderland hasn't been messed up in such a long time.

In the crowd, the spiritual energy flies chaotically, the sword energy flies chaotically, and from time to time there will be stumps and broken arms flying.

Beast boy, this guy is a ninth-level super domain master. Ordinary shining bandits are not his opponents at all, but any shining clan powerhouse who rushes towards the beast boy has not had time to attack the beast boy. The butcher knife in the hands of the boy, the butcher god, was dismembered instantly!

After this guy changed into a human form, he looked like an understatement. He had already rescued the meatball and firewood between his gestures and he didn't waste any effort at all!

However, other foreign races have suffered!

In less than a minute, at least a dozen strong men were dismembered by beast boys!

Beast Boy is definitely an art of killing people. He can unknowingly kill those strong men who are five or six meters away from him, and take out their crystals and throw them at Li Tian. , The bodies of those killed collapsed and shattered when they approached the beast boy.

Within a few minutes, the auction house that was still lively just now has turned into a blood stream, with **** corpses everywhere!

"Really...really strong!" Situ Ningbing couldn't help sighing.

Situ Ningbing felt that the Beast Boy was very strong, but she also sighed that the butcher knife in the hands of Beast Boy was very strong!

In the hands of Situ Ningbing, although the sword spirit of the butcher **** butcher was awakened, Situ Ningbing was unable to exert the strength of the butcher **** butcher. In many cases, the butcher **** butcher was used by Situ Ningbing as a sharp weapon. .

But now, the original insipid butcher knife to slaughter the **** in the beast boy is already a magic weapon!

Could it be that the butcher knife and the butcher **** would still choose the master?

This is indeed the case!

It's like the power of the spirit clan, once they have spirituality, they are fully qualified to choose to practice on their own or follow other powers!



Li Tian blasted two punches in a row, blasting the two shining bandits who rushed towards him into scum, with minced meat and blood splashing on him, but Li Tian's expression remained as usual without any panic.

One will become famous!

A cultivator like Li Tian doesn't have hundreds or thousands of lives in his hands?

When beheading the first opponent, Li Tian may have been panicked and panicked deep in his heart. However, for so many years, too many opponents have died in Li Tian’s hands. During the battle, Li Tian His heart has long been as solid as a rock.

"Ningbing, this is not the time for you to think about it, take a meat ball and firewood!" Li Tian once again blasted and killed a domain master level 5 powerhouse, turned his head to hide behind him, stretched out his hand, and used the "Blue Cloud Technique" The fighting Situ Ningbing roared: "Hurry up, I'll cover you!"

"Hey, do you still want to leave to do this kind of thing in Wonderland? It's too naive, do you really think that we are the shining people?" A tall and strong shining bandit carried a handle that was longer than The two-meter sword sneered towards Li Tian with a sneer!

Super domain master power! Super domain master weapon spirit clan weapon!

The big sword is still at least ten meters away from Li Tian, ​​but the spirit power fluctuations released from this strong man and from the sword body of this big sword can be accurately judged by Li Tian, ​​this guy and The weapons in his hand are already in the super domain master realm.

Moreover, the actual combat effectiveness of this guy is probably much stronger than Li Tian.

It's definitely not easy to mess with!

Li Tian quickly blasted a dozen punches and released a dozen black fire and purple dragons to attack this guy.

But... the black fire purple dragon released by Li Tian was instantly wiped out by this guy's giant sword!

"I rub! It's really strong!"

At this time, Li Tian could feel that the energy fluctuations of the superdomain master-level powerhouses were constantly released from the independent small islands, and then these superdomain master-level powerhouses flew to the main island at an extremely fast speed!

In this wonderland, there is absolutely no friend of Li Tian!

Therefore, Li Tian decided to flash first!

Li Tian blasted a dozen punches in a row this time, and ninety-nine black fire purple dragons blasted out of Li Tian's body at the same time... Li Tian turned and fled!

The beast boy had expected it!

While this guy beheaded the strong who attacked him, he did more to release the slaves who were controlled by the metal cage!

Not all slaves have the courage to fight against these shining tribes, but what is there? As long as one-tenth of the slaves is still a bit bloody, jumping out to fight against these shining bandits is enough, after all, they are just...cannon fodder!

Yes, they are cannon fodder!

The purpose of the beast boy releasing them is to make trouble, to increase the difficulty of the shining bandits, and at the same time to let the slaves who are brave to resist...go to death!

Beast boy is not a charity boy, no wonder Beast boy!



Li Tian and Situ Ningbing carried meat **** and firewood respectively, and rushed toward the exit of the main island.

Fighting broke out at the auction site. Pedestrians around the square and even on the street seemed to have disappeared quickly. No one came out to stop Li Tian and others!



The sound of explosions continued to be heard from the small square of the auction house!

With a wave of the butcher knife in the hand of the beast boy, he slashed a superdomain master's fourth-level peak shining tribe robber who was approaching him. With his wrist, he picked out the crystal of this guy from his body and grabbed it. In his hand, he pointed the butcher knife at the other shining bandits who were forcing him, and said with a sneer: "The shining bandit, hehe, if you want to play with my beast boy, then come out with me!"

"Beast boy! We Shining tribe bandits have no grievances and no grudges against you, why do you want to do this?" One of the Shining tribe bandits said with a gloomy face.

Beast boy suddenly laughed.

This idiot, everyone has no grievances or grudges. Is the metal world a peaceful and prosperous age?

"Because... I am willing!"

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