Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4918: :Enlightenment of miracles (5)


Divine power descended from the sky, Li Tian felt his body skin burst instantly.

The two legs began to tremble suddenly, puff! Li Tian knelt directly on the steps!

On the forehead, sweat flowed out instantly, seeping into the wound, the pain was really heartbreaking!

But even though Li Tian had already knelt down, he was not knocked down!

Gritting his teeth, I heard the bones in the body rattle.

Falling to the ground, the pressure it bears is obviously much less, and with the ground as a support, the pain will be much less.

But... Li Tian didn't hesitate, he still chose to stand up.


"Li Tian..."

Behind Li Tian, ​​the three women who have not yet reached the steps looked at Li Tian nervously, their eyes full of concern.

"No... it's okay! Can bear it!"

Shenwei is very powerful, but how can this be?

Real gold is not afraid of fire, Li Tian can feel that when this supernatural power falls on him, his skin cracks, and his bones are already cracked, the spiritual power in his body veins is extremely active! Even, these spiritual powers will seep out from the veins at a slow speed, moisturizing his skin, so that the skin will not completely collapse, these spiritual powers will enter the bone cracks, making the bones more solid!

It took Li Tian about two minutes to finish a step.

However, after two minutes, Li Tian was able to gradually accept this supernatural power.

Although the pain has not diminished, and the body still seems to be burning in a fire, it is no longer as vulnerable as before!

On the second step, Li Tian's whole body was shaking, but he did not kneel down!



Sweat dripped down his cheeks and fell on the ground.

Where the sweat flows, there will be a fiery pain on the cheek.

However, this kind of pain Li Tian has long been numb!

Then Li Tianyou took the third step and reached the third step!

Li Tian's whole body was still trembling, there were small wounds all over his body, and his skin turned out, shocking.

The beast boy has been moved by Li Tian's spirit!

"This guy...it's not easy! When this kid Li Tian leaves the miraculous mountain, what kind of realm will he gain? Sharpen the knife and chop wood, and wait until Li Tian comes out of the miraculous mountain, When the time comes, we will look for other artifacts, it will be much easier than that!" Beast Boy thought in his heart.

And at this moment, Situ Ningbing also stepped onto the first step!

Although he had been prepared, when the coercion of the divine might fell on him, Situ Ningbing, like Li Tian, ​​was bombarded to the ground by the sudden pressure.

She knocked her arms on the stone steps, and there was a loud noise, and the sound made people feel pain!

However, Situ Ningbing did not faint, and did not choose to give up.

She supported her body with her arms, trembling all over, trying to stand up.

After the seventh ladder, Situ Ningbing's wound turned outwards, but he did not continue to bleed.

But at this time, because the power of Situ Ningbing's body had been exerted, the bones rang out, and blood was squeezed out of the wound again.



The blood fell on the steps, but Situ Ningbing's mouth showed a smile!


Situ Ningbing suddenly let out a beast-like roar, and with this roar, Situ Ningbing stood up.


Shaking around, but she stood up after all.

One step...Two steps...Three steps...

Situ Ningbing looked at Li Tian's back and began to chase Li Tian.


Ye Meijing and Liu Jimeng glanced at each other, and exhaled at the same time.

"Come on!"


The two took steps at the same time!

Now that you have come to the metal world, since you have come to the miraculous mountain, you always need to make something.

The two of them are already behind Li Tian and Situ Ningbing. If they don't clenched their teeth and try to catch up, then they will probably have to look up at the backs of Li Tian and Situ Ningbing forever.

If you don't want to be abandoned, go and **** hard!

Li Tian didn't look back, but he could hear Situ Ningbing's gasping sound behind him, as well as the sound of the bones of Ye Jingjing and Liu Jimeng.

Want to be stronger!

Want to become a god!

Since Li Tian came to the Netherworld, he has not given up this dream.

It's just that Li Tian sometimes wonders how to treat Ye Jingjing and Liu Jimeng!

Now, Ye Meijing and Liu Jimeng have used practical actions to tell Li Tian that they can also catch up with Li Tian's back!


That's great!

The beast boy took a breath!

Once bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the ropes of the well, and the beast boy was also full of fear above the seventh ladder of the miraculous mountain.

Even after he left the miraculous mountain, his cultivation realm has now reached the mid-level ninth level of the super domain master, but he never returned to the miraculous mountain and challenged to a new height.

Now, the spirit of Li Tian and others not admit defeat, so that the beast boy also has the power to fight!

"Okay, then I will be with you Li Tian today!"

Beast boy has also stepped up the steps!

He is a strong man in the mid-level ninth level of the Transcendent Master, but when he stepped up the steps, his body split instantly. Although there was no pain, the beast boy did not kneel to the ground under the pressure of the god, but the beast boy But it feels like his body may fall apart at any time!

"Li Tian can do it, why can't my beast boy do it?"

"I'm only one line away from the ninth-level peak realm of Transcendent Master. This time coming to Miracle Mountain may be my best opportunity!"

Looking at Li Tian's back, the beast boy secretly encouraged himself!



Li Tian was breathing heavily.

But his footsteps are getting faster and faster.

In the first few minutes he could barely reach a higher level, but now he has gradually adapted to the intensity of the pressure.

"Rush up to the eighth ladder..."

That being said, it is not easy to climb.

Climbing the steps of this ladder, Li Tian actually spent more time than the total time used to climb the other seven steps!

Maybe it took more than ten hours, maybe it took a few days, and Li Tian had the last dozen steps left.

Li Tian turned his head to look, and saw that Situ Ningbing was not very far away from him. Not far behind Situ Ningbing, there was the figure of Beast Boy, while Ye Meijing and Liu Jimeng were much behind.

Fortunately, everyone is not left behind!

Li Tian started climbing again!

About ten minutes later, Li Tian finally came to the eighth ladder!


The platform of the eighth ladder was not empty, and there were other strong figures of foreign races.

There was only one person within the range that Li Tian could see.

The appearance of Li Tian did not interrupt the cultivation of this strong man.

Looking at the mountains on the eighth and ninth ladders, Li Tian's pupils enlarged involuntarily, and he was instantly stunned by the pictures on the mountain.


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