Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4934: : Forced breakthrough!

As these dragon-like spiritual power poured into Li Tian's body veins, Li Tian clearly felt that his body veins began to undergo crazy changes.

These spiritual powers are different from all the spiritual powers Li Tian cultivated before.

If the spiritual power that Li Tian cultivated in the past was fire, water, and lightning, then the spiritual power that is pouring into Li Tian’s body veins is a living thing, and every strand, every thread, and every group of spiritual power is alive. They all seem to have their own lives.

These spiritual powers penetrated into Li Tian's body veins, and the spiritual power that followed Li Tian revolved in the veins, then rushed into Li Tian's atrium, and then began to converge!

A strand, a strand gathered together.

From the beginning, the size of the needle was left and right, and gradually these spiritual powers converged to the size of a fingernail.

But this did not stop.

As a steady stream of spiritual power poured into Li Tian's body veins, the converged objects became larger and larger.

Soon, the size of these cyan spiritual powers surpassed the black beads that originally existed in Li Tian's heart.

Li Tian could feel it, the black beads seemed quite dissatisfied with the cyan spiritual power that suddenly appeared in his heart.

If Li Tian watched carefully, he would find that a tiny whirlpool had already appeared on the black beads.

The black beads began to revolve around the cyan spiritual power, and from time to time, cyan spiritual power floated out of the newly gathered object and was sucked in by the vortex of the black beads.

Hong Zhan seemed unwilling to be lonely, and wanted to come over and get a share.

However, in front of Hong Zhan, with the golden dragon figure blocking it, Hong Zhan didn't dare to overstep the slightest!

Li Tian felt very novel and speechless!

There are already red cuts, black beads, and golden dragons in his heart, and now there is another blue thing.

What made Li Tian uncomfortable was that these things could not unite sincerely, but competed with each other, treating Li Tian's heart as an amphitheater.

What Li Tian had no choice but to do was whether it was the red cut, the black beads, or the golden dragon picture he got from the miraculous mountain, these things belonged to Li Tian but did not completely belong to him.

In this regard, Li Tian can only adopt a tolerant attitude, allowing these things to exist in his heart first, and then slowly drawing on them.

Take Hong Zhan, for example. In the past three years or so, Li Tian has never given up on refining Hong Zhan. He has also achieved certain results, but there is still a certain gap before Hong Zhan is completely refined by him!

It’s better to talk about black beads. Li Tian can feel the spiritual power contained in the black beads. He also wants to refine the black beads, just like he used to refine the blood spirit source. It’s a pity... this black bead is more than red. More tenacious, Li Tian not only failed to refining, on the contrary, the spiritual power he used to refine the beads was swallowed by the black beads.

Relatively speaking, the golden dragon picture is much more well-behaved.

Li Tian's spiritual power is centered on the golden dragon map, and he can feel that the golden dragon map does not reject him.

However, Li Tian's current cultivation base wanted to open this golden dragon picture, but he couldn't do it at all.

Only the cyan spiritual power absorbed now, the spiritual power released from the bones of these wild dragons, has a certain connection with Li Tian. It can be said that although these spiritual powers are not completely owned by Li Tian, ​​they can be controlled by Li Tian. use.

A steady stream of the spirit power of the prehistoric dragon surged into Li Tian's body and veins, and soon Li Tian's body and veins were completely filled with his spiritual power!

At this moment, Li Tian's body veins are like full-filled tires, which have been charged to the limit. If they continue to rush, the body veins are likely to burst.

If this is the case, then Li Tian will definitely reach out and take a hit.

However, if he gave up absorbing spiritual power, Li Tian was reluctant.

At this time, Li Tian didn't dare to neglect the slightest, he could only accelerate the guiding of these spiritual powers into his atrium.

Don't these spiritual powers condense things in the atrium?

Then condense it first, as long as you enter Li Tian's heart, sooner or later it will completely belong to him!

In the atrium, the more these blue spiritual powers converge!

At this time, these cyan spiritual powers have the size of a basketball.

At this moment, these cyan spiritual powers did not converge in a fixed original shape, but began to change into a curved serpentine shape... No, it was not a snake to be precise, but a dragon!

As these spiritual powers continue to converge, at this time, the blue spiritual power in the atrium has taken the shape of a dragon.

"This...Is this going to converge to become a prehistoric dragon?" Li Tian suddenly had a hunch in his heart.

There was so much excitement and excitement in Li Tian's heart.

If... if all the spiritual power of the great dragon can be used by Li Tian, ​​even if Li Tian's cultivation level is still at the peak of the ninth level of the domain master, he can still leapfrog and kill other super domain master level experts. .

Super domain master level one, level two?

Haha, if you don't kill it, you can kill the superdomain masters at the eighth level or even the ninth level.

Only in this way can we show the domineering of the prehistoric dragon!

Li Tian did not consider a problem.

After his atrium exploded after the beast crystals of the demigod state of the white light old man, the current atrium was completely different, and the overall capacity simply could not accommodate the entire prehistoric dragon!

Sure enough, after practicing and absorbing for ten minutes, Li Tian discovered this problem!

However, when Li Tian stopped absorbing the spiritual power released by the bones of these wild dragons, he found that it was too late!

In Li Tian's heart, the red sword and the golden dragon figure were squeezed to one side. The black beads had absorbed these cyan spiritual powers, and their body size became several times larger, and the blue dragon formed by the cyan spiritual power had already coiled around and occupied the whole Atrium!

It's a god!

Right now, the blue spiritual power in Li Tian's heart was actually several times richer than before.

This is the rhythm to break through to the super domain master realm, right?

Although Li Tian is suffering, he is really happy!

it is good!

If you don't do it or not, then take this opportunity to hit the super domain master realm once!

Li Tian didn't stop because the blue dragon was coiling in his heart, and there was no more space for him to continue to absorb spiritual power.

Even if there is more pain, Li Tian must persist!

At this time, Li Tian absorbed the cyan spiritual power released from the bones of the prehistoric giant dragons at a much slower rate. Li Tian seemed to be a person who was full, and he didn’t want to eat anymore, but he was still absorbing the spirit mechanically. force.

The body began to swell, the body veins were fully stretched, and the cyan dragon in the heart had already begun to yin!

Hold on, hold on, hold on!

Li Tian's face flushed, and he was almost out of breath!

"Break it for me!"


Li Tian felt all the spiritual power in his body veins instantly change into a cloud of smoke.

Immediately the body loosened, and the spiritual power in all the body veins seemed to be compressed again, the veins became wider, and the atrium became wider.

Super domain master realm!

Li Tian finally became a super domain master!

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