Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4977: :Reimplement the old technique (2)

"Joining hands with humans? Pooh, teaming up with them is not as good as teaming up with our brothers! I don't believe that in this fairyland, there are people who are opponents of the three of our brothers!"

There are three Holy Beasts in the Holy Beast Hall!

They are raccoon sacred beast, cup-carved sacred beast and ferocious sacred beast!

The cultivation realm of these three sacred beasts has reached the peak of the holy rank.

This is what humans call the ninth-level pinnacle realm of the super domain master!

The raccoon beast looks like a pig, has chickens on its feet, and barks like a dog. It likes to burrow and dig soil, and it can control the flow of soil. It is aggressive and brutal. As far as the ability to burrow and control the soil is concerned, the Lili Saint Beast is somewhat similar to Li Tian’s Di Xing Yasha, but it looks much uglier than the Di Xing Yasha!

The sacred beast is a kind of human-eating monster that looks like a bird but not a bird. It looks like a eagle with long horns on its head. Its cry is like the cry of a baby. It is extremely cruel and likes to eat living people. In addition to cultivation, the greatest joy is to tie the living person he bought back to a pillar, and then peck the flesh from the living person with his beak to feed on it!

The sacred beast is like a red leopard. It has five tails and only one horn on the top of its head. The sound of the sacred beast is like hitting a stone. It is powerful and abnormal. It can swallow clouds and spit fog and hide in the clouds. , It is difficult for the ordinary strong to find his existence, and can sneak attack the enemy and kill people invisible.

It is precisely because the three sacred beasts of the Holy Beast Hall possess this ability that they dare not bird Li Tian.

It is precisely because of this that the three sacred beasts of the Holy Beast Hall dare not to bird other humans, or even put other human powers in their eyes.

"Brother, that's wrong! There are only eternal interests, no eternal friends. In the face of interests, we can temporarily put aside the struggle with mankind, and deal with Li Tian first, and wait until Li Tian is cleaned up, and then we will fight with mankind again. It's not too late to tear your skin!" It is the raccoon beast who is talking!

The sacred beast sneered again, but he didn't refute the words of the sacred beast.

At this moment, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly came from outside the Holy Beast Hall!

"What a strong energy fluctuation..."

"This energy fluctuation still contains a powerful divine might!"

"Could it be that Li Tian is here?"

"Impossible! That kid Li Tian is probably holding his banquet in Qingfeng Building now! Wait a minute, I'll go out and have a look!" said the Gudiao Saint Beast.

Speaking of the sacred beast of the cupped carving, it spread its wings and flew, but as soon as he flew up, he heard a loud noise from the gate outside the hall of the holy beast.


The Holy Beast Hall is divided into three floors. Now the loud noise is far from the inner hall. Don't think about it, it must be that the gate of the Holy Beast Hall was smashed!

At this moment, a little beast, with blood all over, ran in from the door hastily, "Report...Report...Report to the three holy kings, there is a monster with scales coming in! That monster! It's so amazing. Our brothers couldn't stop them. Seventeen or eight were killed by that guy instantly! Three holy kings..."


Zhu Diao fell down and trampled the little beast to death. He turned to the other two holy beasts and said: "Big brother, third, it seems that Li Tian really killed him. Our brother will go out now. We will meet Li Tian and join forces to kill Li Tian in the Holy Beast Hall, just to give us the Holy Beast Hall to stand up in the fairyland!"

"Okay! Our brothers have not teamed up against the enemy for hundreds of years. Today, it happens that our brothers work hard to fight the enemy together!" said the sacred beast.

"Hey, brother, I'll take the first step!" The lili sacred beast sneered a few times, stood up, dashed forward two steps, leaped forward, turned his body into its original shape in mid-air, and then plunged into the courtyard. On the muddy ground, then his back hooves kicked twice in a row, and went underground instantly!

But... the ability of this raccoon's earth escape technique is really mediocre. Where his body passes, a thin layer of soil will immediately rise on the ground. Although it is not very obvious, for the super strong, this is slight. The ground fluctuation is enough for them to easily detect the enemy!

The ferocious sacred beast came out of the house with a large stride, jumped, and flew up in an instant, and then soon, his figure disappeared into the thin clouds, and even the slightest spiritual power in the air could not be noticed!

"Hey, Li Tian, ​​seeing my eldest brother, the youngest third, is so powerful, it depends on whether you are afraid or not!" The Gu Diao Sheng Beast sneered to himself, and then strode toward the door in a stride.


Li Tian followed the Beast Lord to Holy Beast Island!

Originally, Li Tian wanted to summon the great dragon directly, and then let the great dragon hover on the holy beast hall, beheading all the strong men in the holy beast hall.

But after thinking about it, this would make these guys cheaper, so he decided to use the most brutal and primitive way to kill from the outside to the inside.

There is no justice or injustice here.

Only the stand is different!

Just like ordinary people killing chickens and sheep, can you say that people who kill chickens and sheep are crazy?

This is the case in the metal world, Li Tian has just adapted to the law of survival in the metal world.

Those who follow me will prosper against me and die. In the metal world fairyland, Li Tian can only possess such domineering, in order to gain a foothold in the fairyland and find Tang Xiaolong and others faster.


Li Tian fisted a small beast rushing towards him, and with a ray of dragon power blasted out of Li Tian's fist, the small beast exploded instantly.

Shaking the ground meat and blood on his fist, Li Tian continued to move forward step by step.

As for the beast master and the strong man who sent messages outside the door, Li Tian asked them to stay outside the door, but did not follow in.

"You... do you know whose territory the Holy Beast Island is? You dare to break into the Holy Beast Hall. Do you know how to write the death character?"

Li Tian killed the little beasts in seconds continuously, causing the little beasts who stood in front of him to feel fear, and even the voices of the little beasts kept trembling.

"I don't know!" Li Tian said with a sneer.

Holy Beast Hall, what can it do?

How about Holy Beast Island?

The metal world, after all, still fists to speak.

Those little beasts knew they were not Li Tian's opponents, and had no courage group to stop Li Tian, ​​so they could only retreat while waiting for the holy beasts to teach Li Tian.

At this moment, Li Tian suddenly felt a slight vibration on the ground.

The vibration was extremely weak, but Li Tian still clearly caught it!


Li Tian suddenly lowered his head, but saw that he was less than one meter away from his feet. He didn't know when a layer was raised slightly.

Li Tian sneered, each of the scales of his left and right arms flashed with aura, and then Li Tian's hands were in the shape of dragon claws, and he jumped forward, and his right hand grasped the swelling mud accurately!


With a loud noise, the soil that Li Tian was grasping burst instantly!

Li Tian's dragon claws also caught a bunch of things!

"Hey! Just come out for me!"

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