Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 4980: : Re-implement the old technique (5)

The intelligence personnel of the major forces flew to the Holy Beast Island after Li Tian took the Beast Lord and so on to leave the Holy Beast Island. Seeing that the Holy Beast Island was in a mess, they immediately felt the seriousness of the matter.

Through these intelligence personnel, the news of the annihilation of the Holy Beast Hall on the Holy Beast Island flew quickly into the various forces in the fairyland as if it had been plugged in wings.

"What? The Holy Beast Hall was completely destroyed?"

"How is it possible? Holy Beast Island is already in a mess?"

"Where are the three holy beasts in the Holy Beast Hall? They are powerful people with the ninth-level peak realm of the Super Domain Lord!"

"They are all dead? Too...too terrible! Is this Li Tian's true strength?"

"Hong Huang Qinglong, if Li Tian is willing, he can even easily destroy Saint Beast Island!"

"Quickly, get ready for a generous gift, I'm going to attend the welcome banquet in Qingfeng Building!"

What happened on Saint Beast Island shocked the whole wonderland.

When they heard that the three sacred beasts in the Holy Beast Hall had died, these strong men only felt a chill on the back of their spine, and they felt that something was pinching their necks, and they could not breathe. Come.

The eight powers, no, right now, to be precise, there should be only seven powers left.

These seven powers were really worried that Li Tian would completely wipe out them by the way in a rage, but Li Tian didn't do that.

After destroying the Saint Beast Island, Li Tian took the Beast Lord back to the main island of Wonderland, and then walked slowly across the streets of Wonderland.

The little brother carried the heads of the three sacred beasts and swaggered.

On both sides of the street, the onlookers who were eating melons were surprised and shocked!

"Holy Beast...'s head?"

"Yes, I didn't expect that the strongest standing on the top of the fairyland would have today's end!"

"It's not just a fairyland, the holy beast is equivalent to the ninth-level peak power of the superdomain master, even in the entire metal world, it is already the most powerful existence!"

"It's a pity, does the training ruin the brain training? This guy is Li Tian, ​​but the big devil Li Tian, ​​the holy beasts dare to refuse his invitation!"

"I heard that there are several other big forces who have decided against Li Tian, ​​but now I don't know how the other big forces will deal with this matter!"

"You said, will the other major forces unite and take care of Li Tian, ​​the devil?"

"Do you have a bubble in your mind? The living examples of Qingfenglou and Saint Beast Island are in front of you. Are they impatient?"

Li Tian pricked his ears and listened to these guys' discussions, and he was still quite comfortable and proud!

What he wants is such an effect!

As for the three sacred beasts in the Holy Beast Hall, their function is the brain, just like the trick that Li Tian played in the end times. This is also the case this time. Through the heads of the three holy beasts in the Holy Beast Hall, the whole The strongest in Wonderland knows who the **** is the strongest in Wonderland.

The reason why Li Tian let the little brother carry the heads of these three sacred beasts is to create a topic, so that all the strong people in the entire fairyland, everyone, even a slave in the fairyland, know this matter.

After this matter has been brewing for a few days, everyone in the entire fairyland will know why Li Tian did this.

At that time, there will be hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of powerful people in Wonderland leaving from Wonderland to the major continents of the metal world. These powerful people are the nets that Li Tian cast out. Sooner or later they will wait for Tang Xiaolong and Youanrou. 'Big Fish' was made for the net.


Back to the first floor of Qingfeng Building.

The powerhouses of other forces have already visited the 17th floor of Qingfeng Tower!

When I saw Li Tian again, these powerhouses were silent, full of awe of Li Tian, ​​and no one dared to talk to Li Tian strangely.




Li Tian asked the little brother to place the heads of the three sacred beasts of the Holy Beast Hall on the table next to his chair, and then Li Tian sat on the chair and watched the reactions of these powerful men in secret.

Fear, fear, trembling!

Very good, the effect of Li Tianyao has been achieved!

Then Li Tian only said one sentence, and the strong ventriloquist suddenly felt like falling into an ice cave!

Li Tian said: "Take 30 days as a cycle. You come to the person I want to find. If there are no valuable clues within 30 days, I will wipe out one power. The Holy Beast Hall will rank first. After 30 days, , I will destroy the second-ranked power!"

I fuck!

So this is the ranking!

The strong ventriloquist felt that he had been targeted by the **** of death, and it seemed that he was only 30 days away from his death.

"To escape, you must escape from the immortal territory within 30 days!" the ventriloquist thought in his heart.

Li Tian smiled slightly and continued: "You don’t need to be nervous, Li Tian is the most reasonable! This ranking is based on the reverse order in which you came to Qingfeng Tower. That is to say, after I issued the invitation, I came first. The strength of Qingfeng Tower will be ranked last. As for why the Holy Beast Hall is ranked first, I want to come to you to be clear!"

"Of course, you can also choose to escape and escape from the fairyland. However, I want to tell you the unfortunate news that the slaves before Qingfeng Tower have been released by me. Now these slaves are densely covered in the fairyland. As long as I hear any disturbance, Hear any news that the forces want to escape from the fairyland, then Qingfeng Tower and Saint Beast Island are their fate!"

The strong ventriloquist shivered, and the escape plan he had just thought of was dead!

"But... Lord Li Tian, ​​aren’t there other seven powers? Why is my power ranked second? Besides, I am the tenth to come to Qingfeng Tower. Lord Li Tian, ​​you can’t do that. To me!" the strong ventrilophone said with a sad face.

"Hey, because your words remind me that if you want to find someone, the seven powers are best at it. Therefore, I cannot provoke the other seven powers, and I need to ask them to find someone. Therefore, the seven powers must not participate in the ranking. As for why you were ranked second, it was to commend your reminder to me! Don’t doubt yourself, I believe you will definitely get useful information within 30 days!” Li Tian said with a sneer.

The ventriloquist man slumped down on the chair, really wanting to poke his own mouth.

The stewards of other forces began to calculate the order in which they rushed to Qingfeng Tower, and how many days they could get to find the person Li Tian was looking for!

A few happy and a few sad!

The first forces that came to make a calculation, they still have more than 20 years to find someone, a stone in their heart fell to the ground, and a smug expression on their faces involuntarily.

Hey, the early insects were eaten by birds. This time, it seems that our decision is right!

At this moment, Beast Lord walked in quickly.

"Master Li Tian, ​​the steward of the Seven Great Forces of Wonderland brought a generous gift to Qingfeng Tower to see you!"

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