Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5043: : Twelve Artifacts

When the spiritual power on the rouge map was exhausted, the rouge map fell into Li Tian's hands without any suspense.

In this way, red chop, set fire shooting star arrow (Yuanyang extinguishing **** bow), boxing thunderbolt, ghost tooth mirror, eight barren refining ruler, two instrument umbrella, Huaguang fan, rouge map, imperial sword, nine colors The twelve artifacts in the legend of the metal world were all collected by Li Tian.

This is not one artifact, nor two artifacts, but a total of twelve!

In the history of the metal world, only a certain strong man in the previous zodiac has performed such a feat, but it is a pity that the guy's ultimate fate is relatively sad, and he will explode when the void is broken. .


Li Tian let out a breath and sat down on the ground.

Although Li Mu and others were reluctant, they still handed over the artifact to Li Tian.

Li Tian placed the twelve artifacts (the Yuanyang Mie Shen Bow and Jihuo Meteor Arrow separately) neatly placed in front of him. He looked and looked, touched and touched, and then Li Tian looked like It was a fool who laughed and closed his mouth from ear to ear. The only thing that made Li Tian feel regret was that Hong Zhan was still in his heart. Li Tian could not take Hong Zhan out of his body for the time being. Otherwise, this twelve-level artifact would be fine today. Get together again.

Li Mu, Xiao Tianyi, and Xiao Qingwa also gathered around.

"it's beautiful!"

"Yes! This is an artifact! I like it whether it's ugly or not!"

"My father, we... are we going back to the Nether Realm?"

Li Tian nodded slightly.

About to leave the metal world, Li Tian's mood became a little complicated.

In order to gather the twelve artifacts, Li Tian spent more than three years.

In the metal world, it has been nearly thirty years in the blink of an eye.

Thirty years, this is Li Tian's past half of his life has been spent in the metal world.

The three little Yashas just flew over.

"These are the twelve artifacts of the metal world? That's nothing but that!" Void Yasha said with some disdain.

"Yes! It's really ugly to die, and the power of the artifact is ordinary!" Feitian Yasha followed in agreement.

"Do you want to give the rouge picture to both of you?" Dixing Yasha said dissatisfiedly.

A word came to the pain in the hearts of these two Xiaoyasha.

Void Yasha and Feitian Yasha immediately chose to shut up.

However, after shutting up briefly for less than a minute, Void Yasha went on to say, "Master Li Tian, ​​your current cultivation realm is just around the corner from the demigod. You will definitely enter the God Realm by then, but... In the earth world, when will we return to the earth world? In retrospect, Haiyasha is a little gentler, I like Haiyasha more!"

"I think so too!" Feitian Yasha echoed.


No longer able to chat happily, Dixing Yasha was flew over Li Tian's shoulders by these two guys, and ignored them.

Li Tian put away the artifact, and once again returned to the crystal mountain accumulated in the secret storage of the great dragon.

The two purple unicorns knew that Li Tian and the others had successfully conquered the four artifacts based on the fluctuations in the spiritual power in the secret store. Now their task of guarding the secret storehouse of the great dragon has been completed. As long as Li Tian unlocks the seals in the south, east and northwest, These two semi-god-level divine beasts can leave here.

Li Tian really wants to subdue these two purple unicorns...Uh, in fact, these two purple unicorns have been subdued by the great dragon, and they are still subdued. Li Tian really wants these two purple unicorns to continue to follow. He, then returned to the Nether Realm with him to deal with the old demigod monsters in the Super God family.

It is a pity that the two purple unicorns have been trapped in the secret storage of the great dragon for too long, but they are not willing to continue following Li Tian.

Helpless, Li Tian could only give up.

However, the most thanks to the two purple unicorns, Li Tian did not hesitate to let the two purple unicorns choose ten crystals at will in the crystal mountain. The two purple unicorns are also unceremonious, and each selected ten from the crystal mountain. Quasi-God and God-level crystals.

Watching Li Tian and others return safely, David felt an indescribable sour feeling in his heart.

"Congratulations, Master Congratulations! The adults have now collected all twelve artifacts, and they will surely sweep the metal world and become the well-deserved emperor of the metal world. Even because the adults have collected all twelve artifacts, they may even break the limit and become metal. The only **** in the world!" David said flatly.

Everyone has the right to choose. As far as David stays here, Li Tian believes that David definitely made a correct choice, otherwise the current David may have become a corpse, and this guy has also followed I have been with Li Tian for a few years, so Li Tian will not hate David for a correct choice.

"David, we will leave the metal world soon after we have emptied the treasures here, what are your plans? If you want to leave the metal world, I can send you a ride and let you leave early." Li Tian said.

David was a little moved, and cried out loudly, "Master Li Tian, ​​I...I really want to roam with the adults, but..."

"I understand that there should be people or things worthy of your memory in your previous world, so I won't force you. Besides, look at the strong men around me, which one is inferior to you in cultivation? Go back. Go back to the world you are in, practice steadily, and live in peace! If you can't enter the God Realm, it's best not to enter the God Realm...maybe it's just another metal world!" Li Tian said.


Li Tian began to install these crystals in his spatial ring.

This is an extremely huge project. Li Tian wears a total of three space rings on both hands. Li Tian’s three space rings are almost filled with dangdang. If these crystals are peanuts, just these three The crystals in a space ring are enough for Li Tian to eat for a year.

Li Mu, Xiao Tianyi, and Xiao Qingwa also kept installing these crystals in the space ring they were wearing.

However, Li Tian said first that they needed to give all the quasi-god and god-level crystals they found to him. First, to prevent them from bringing death to them because of the quasi-god and god-level crystals, it was also Li Tian In order to be able to distribute reasonably in the future, so as not to cause conflicts between people because of these crystals.

At this time, Void Yasha was on the top again.

This guy started madly transporting these crystals into his own space. It took only half an hour before and after. It is conservatively estimated that the number of crystals transported into the space by Void Yasha is the sum of all Li Tian and others. Of course Void Yasha found it. The quasi-god-level and god-level crystals were also given to Li Tian.

There is no way, who calls Li Tiancai the boss!

About a week later, the space rings of Li Tian and others were already full of Dangdang, and the space of Void Yaksha was also full. Even the various fine wines left in the space of Void Yaksha were moved out by Void Yaksha, and Honghuangju Less than one-third of the dragon’s secret possession was pretended to be taken away.

Li Tian is very hurt, Li Tian is very sad!

If it weren't for the quasi-god-level and god-level crystals, Li Tian might have been more injured!

"It seems that these remaining crystals and our fine wines can only stay here. I hope that future generations can find these secrets! And we...should also leave!" Li Tian said.

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