Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5080: : The finishing touch

Start first to be strong, then start to suffer.

Li Tian's cultivation level is weaker than Sanlu Shangqing, and it is almost impossible to win. If he wants to safely protect Li Mu from leaving here, Li Tian can only do his best!


A Quasi-God Crystal was stuffed into Li Tian's mouth, and it was instantly crushed!


The powerful spiritual power of the quasi-god crystal began to spread from Li Tian’s mouth. The ten most powerful spiritual powers escaped everywhere, and only a few of them were forcibly absorbed by Li Tian and entered the body veins. One, one percent, that is not something that the ninth-level peak power of the super domain master can absorb. This spiritual power has just poured into Li Tian's body veins, and he immediately felt that his body veins were on fire. In general, wherever I go, I feel a hot pain.

The bones of his body were blasting like beans, and the dragon scales on Li Tian's body turned completely crimson, and the surging spiritual power continued to surge from Li Tian's body, like a curling flame, like Li Tian's. The body is already on fire.

Of course it was not the real flame, but the spiritual power in this quasi-god-level crystal.

At this time, Li Tian had teleported to Sanlu Shangqing!




The red wing **** outfit behind Li Tian stabs Sanlu Shangqing from the left and right at the same time. At this time, Li Tian's red wing **** outfit also seemed to be on fire. The surging spiritual power even shocked Sanlu Shangqing.

"This... this guy is the ninth-level peak of the super domain master? This surging spiritual power may have surpassed the demigod-level powerhouse to release the most powerful spiritual power, right? It’s hard to understand... is this guy devouring it? Demigod crystal? Yes! It must be so, otherwise, how could he release such a powerful spiritual power?" San Lu Shangqing thought to himself.

Li Tian's attack is very sharp. He can easily kill the man who can easily kill the ninth-level pinnacle power of the superdomain master. He doesn't do it, and the attack will continue as soon as he does it, like a rolling river. However, Sanlu Shangqing is a demigod-level powerhouse. Although Li Tian's attack is sharp, he can only say that he is idiotic and dreaming if he wants to seconds in an instant!

The figure of Sanlu Shangqing easily evaded the attack of Li Tian's red-winged **** outfit a few times easily, but he wanted to fight back, but suddenly found that a dozen giant purple dragons suddenly appeared in front of him, these dragons. The scales on his body were gleaming, and the roar of dragons rushed straight into the sky. The most important thing was that these flood dragons could unleash powerful dragon might.

It was Li Tian's dual purpose, using the red wing **** to attack Sanlu Shangqing, his left and right hands simultaneously cast "Eighteen Claws of the Dragon".

More than a dozen purple dragons continuously flew out of Li Tian's palms, and went straight to Sanlu Shangqing.

Ninety-nine purple dragons with powerful dragons encircled Sanlu Shangqing in an instant. The powerful Longwei wheel covers him, even if he wants to kill out of these 99 purple dragons, it’s not easy. thing. However, it is not the best time for Li Tian to take Li Mu to escape. There are elders of the Sanlu Super God family, and Li Tian cannot escape!

Li Tian watched six ears and listened to all directions, secretly operating spiritual power.

"Fuck, the movement here is so big now, why isn't this guy Chu Jiang still doing it?"

The reason why Li Tian this guy was besieged by the Sanlu Super God family's version of the god-level powerhouse also showed calmness. In addition to the red wing divine outfit, in addition to the purple dragon, in addition to the wild blue dragon, his biggest support is Chu Jiangnan.

If Chu Jiangnan made the move, would it still be a matter to escape from here? Maybe you can slaughter a few powerhouses from the Sanlu Super God Family!

A smile appeared on Sanlu Shangqing's face, he felt happy from the bottom of his heart!

After the cultivation level reached a demigod, Sanlu Shangqing hadn’t fought happily for a long time. The stronger Li Tian demonstrated, the higher Sanlv Shangqing’s sense of accomplishment in defeating Li Tian, ​​of course. The most important thing is that the stronger Li Tian's performance now is, the more it can explain the value of Li Tian's treasures!


San Lu Shangqing stretched out his right hand and separated a claw, and a black pen suddenly appeared in his hand.

This black pen is called the finishing touch!

It is the only artifact in the Sanlu Super God family!

According to legend, the ancestor of the Sanlu Super God family, the ancestor who had reached the quasi-shen cultivation level but always suppressed the cultivation level and was unwilling to ascend. When he used this brush to draw the cyan dragon, the cyan dragon suddenly came alive. The ancestors of the Sanlu Super God family rose into the sky.

At this moment, dark clouds in the sky convolved, and the gate of heaven opened wide!

The ancestor of the Sanlu Super God family passively ascended to a god, and this finishing touch was left behind and became the weapon of the patriarch of the Sanlu Super God family.


Sanlu Shangqing catches the finishing touches, draws a stroke in the air at will, and immediately there is a green dragon application!

Although this blue-colored flood dragon has not yet reached the level of demi-god level cultivation, it also carries a powerful divine power on its body, and... this blue flood dragon is actually a bit stronger than the purple flood dragon displayed by Li Tian. Two purple dragons were torn apart in between.

I got a big fuck!

Li Tian was really scared!

This paralyzed is a demigod?

Could demigods already create things out of thin air?

Fuck me!

Li Tian didn't dare to neglect, "Dragon and Eighteen Claws" came out again!

Can't you kill? Lao Tzu’s ninety-nine purple dragons are not vegetarian, so Lao Tzu will play with you in a sea of ​​people...Long sea tactics, see who can play to death!

Although the spiritual power possessed by Li Tian's slut's network is not as good as that of a demigod, the spiritual power cultivated in his heart chamber is much richer than that of a demigod.


Sanlu Shangqing didn't care at all. This guy used the finishing touch to draw dragons in the air, and just a few breaths, four or five blue dragons were drawn by this guy and joined the battle.


Sanlu Shangqing's figure flashed, and the finishing touch of the dragon in his hand suddenly stabbed forward, and it was in the middle of the eyes of a purple dragonfly released by Li Tian. The eyes of this purple dragonfly seemed to have come to life, and turned suddenly. One lap, and then... this purple flood dragon turned rebellious, and started to bite other purple flood dragons frantically.

Li Tian tried to control the dragon with his mind, but he found that he had lost contact with the purple dragon.

This purple dragon is now under the control of Shangqing Sanlu!

Li Tian was hurt!

This feeling is like playing an online game, you finally get a superb summoned beast, but it is stolen by a slut.




Three Lu Shangqing attacked continuously, and seven or eight purple dragons became traitors!

"Hey, you have an artifact, and I also have an artifact, and... this artifact can display even stronger abilities in the hands of my demigod-level powerhouse, and in your hands, Li Tian, ​​it is just a flashy ornament. Can't you release the purple water dragon? Hey, it won't take long before the purple water dragons you release will be under my control! What else do you have, just use it!" Sanlu Shangqing said triumphantly.

Seeing the triumphant appearance of this bitch, Li Tianzhen wanted to punch him in the face with a peach blossom, but Li Tian held back.

The corner of Li Tian's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a sneer: "Since you like to control the dragon that Lao Tzu releases, then try this. If you can control the dragon, Lao Tzu and your last name, if you can't. , You and Laozi's last name..."

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