Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5086: : Who can save you

The gate of the underworld, the forbidden zone!

As the spiritual power on the door of the restricted area began to fluctuate violently, a figure appeared here.

This person is Li Tian, ​​a clone of the earth world.

The clone Li Tian looked around suspiciously and frowned slightly as he watched several corpses lying near the gate of the restricted area that had already begun to decay.

According to the previous four elephant old man, the gate of the forbidden zone in the underworld should be controlled by Li Tian, ​​and there are many strong guards outside the gate of the forbidden zone, but there is no strong guard here at all. There are only some corpses that have begun to decay.

"Could... Could it be that my deity encountered any difficulties?" Li Tian, ​​the clone, thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, the avatar Li Tian tried to sense the deity of Li Tian through his mind. As long as the deity and the avatar are in the same world, they will directly have some contact and induction. Unfortunately, at this time, the deity of Li Tian is in a faint, and the avatar Li Tian does not. Feel the existence of Li Tian's deity.

The avatar Li Tian couldn't help thinking of some bad pictures in his mind.

I don't know why the avatar Li Tian smiled on his face when he thought of the picture that the deity might have died.

At first, Li Tian thought that he was Li Tian. His status in the Li Tian woman and Li Tian’s family in the earth world should be the same as that of his deity Li Tian. He also wanted to be a qualified husband, grandson, and father. Tian's deity and clone still have feelings, and clone Li Tian can also play his identity.

However, when the self-consciousness of the clone Li Tian became more and more clear, and his mind felt that he had lost contact with Li Tian's deity again, the clone Li Tian found that whether it was Duanmuying, Bai Jing, or Mu Yunlong, his attitude towards him was unclear. Feeling that some slight changes have taken place, if it weren't for Mr. Mu Yunlong's serious illness this time, Li Tian, ​​the clone of this slight change, would not have felt so obvious.

But when Mr. Mu Yunlong asked to see Li Tian’s deity, the avatar Li Tian’s heart was actually hurt. He felt that he was a substitute, and also an unqualified substitute. The avatar Li Tian was very upset. , But Li Tian still held back the clone and did not break out.

"Father Mu Yunlong wants to see you, no matter which of us is the deity or the clone, the old man is our pro-grandpa after all, and I still have to fulfill the old man’s death wish as far as possible, but... hey, if the deity unfortunately encounters you. If you do, then the identity of the deity belongs to me!"


The avatar Li Tian's figure disappeared.

A few seconds later, the figure of the mysterious woman from Wanshen Mountain suddenly appeared from the void. She couldn't help shaking her head as she watched the disappearance of Li Tian, ​​and said to herself: "I hope this is just an accident..."


The Netherworld is permanently neutral!

Lord Liu You felt very desperate, unprecedented despair!

There are mountains and rivers in the country, this sentence is certainly applicable in the ancient society of the earth world, but for a permanently neutral country, this sentence is completely nonsense.

At this time, the permanent neutral country was in ruins, the city was completely destroyed, even the mountains outside the city were turned upside down, and there was no life on the mountains.

Standing on the dilapidated city wall, Liu You looked at the ruins of the city's buildings and the corpses everywhere, but Liu You didn't have any expression on his face. He didn't even know who to hate.

"Am I doing something wrong? Shouldn't I leave with Li Tian from the battlefield of death?" Liu You muttered to himself.

Liu You asked himself this question more than once, especially in the past thirty years, Liu You asked himself almost every few days, because Liu You had already begun to doubt whether he was right to bring the refugees back to the Netherworld. s Choice.

Looking back, the secret realm of the death battlefield disappeared after Liu You and the others followed Li Tian into the nether realm. All the refugees and practitioners in the death battle also returned to the nether realm. You brought the refugees and followed Li Tian only to return to the Nether Realm a few days earlier.

But it was precisely because of that, Liu You was branded with Li Tian.

Branded, Liu You and Liu You's refugees are all members of the Li Tianjun regiment.

Once upon a time, this brand made Liu You feel very proud, but pride is always so short-lived.

Before Li Tian was about to leave the Netherworld to go to the Sea-Monster Clan's secret realm, Li Tian wanted to erase the imprints on Liu You and the refugees and form a permanent neutral country.

"At that time, it is estimated that Li Tian would have expected today?" Liu You thought with a wry smile.

The idea of ​​a permanent neutral country is absolutely advanced. Liu You, the refugees who escaped from the battlefield of death, and the bandits in the Lika Desert like this permanent neutral country because they feel that this special state of the Lord is their protection. They can start life in the nether world again.

It is a pity that Li Tian offends the four super **** families.

In the eyes of the four powerful super-god families, this permanent neutral country is nothing more than a layer of skin. After removing this layer of skin, Liu You is still a member of the Li Tian army.

It is precisely because of this that when the four super **** families were preparing to clean up the Li Tian forces in the Netherworld, the permanent neutral country also received a certain impact. At that time, because the Nether Academy was still strong, the Lingwen ancient family, the Wanshenshan and other forces also remained neutral. , The suppression of the four super **** families was only carried out in secret.

But even so, the permanent neutrality has never ceased in the past 30 years.

Almost every year, strong people of unknown origin will attack permanent neutral countries.

The cultivation strength of these powerful men is far higher than that of Liu You and the others. After battles, although the permanent neutral country is still there, the domestic powerhouses have gradually suffered large-scale battle deaths.

After the refugees who returned from the battlefield of death under the dominance of the Super God family and the bandits in the Lika Desert were pardoned, most of the refugees and bandits in the neutral country left for various reasons, and only the neutral country remained. A frame.

Liu You and the others just persisted with the thoughts in their hearts.

The leaks in the house met with continuous rain.

It was at this time that the four super gods and Nether Academy had completely torn their skins. More than one hundred and fifty super domain master-level experts in the four super **** families besieged Nether Academy. Nether Academy was too busy to take care of themselves, and then there were Some ancient families jumped out to show their loyalty to the super **** family.

Then, a permanent neutral country became the sight before him, and Liu You's efforts were destroyed.




More than a dozen figures appeared on the dilapidated city wall in a row, surrounding Liu You.

Liu You didn't recognize these strong men, but through the marks on the clothes of these strong men, Liu You could accurately know that these strong men belonged to the ancient Bauhinia family and the ancient Red Star family.

"Liu You, you are only relying on the Nether Academy and the ancient family of the spiritual position. It is a pity that the Nether Academy has been wiped out by the powerful four super **** families at this time and disappeared completely in the Nether Realm, and Ling Wen Gulai The family is receiving a certain widow from the Eastern Palace Super God family at this time. I am afraid that there is no time to take care of you. Who else can save you now?" A strong man wearing a nine-star bauhinia robe flew to Liu You with a mocking face on his face. Said with a smile.

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