Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5105: : Peacock Pluto (3)

Li Tian was dizzy and dizzy.

The storm and snow that had just stopped for a moment swept over again.



Countless black shadows emerged from under the ice field, and then kept roaring.

"What is this?"

Li Tian saw these black shadows, which seemed to be some smoke. When Li Tian stretched out his hand to grasp, his arm passed through the body of these black shadows. Then, these black shadows would roar around Li Tian, ​​even He wanted to attack Li Tian with his teeth and claws.

"Could it be... the lonely ghost?"

Li Tian only felt a chill all over his body. This chill was different from the coldness of lowering temperature, but it seemed to penetrate the skin and directly penetrate into the bone marrow.

"Go away!"

Li Tian roared, his spiritual power suddenly increased.

Ninety-nine purple dragons appeared again, surrounding Li Tian's body.

The powerful Longwei immediately shattered the black shadows surrounding Li Tian.

Although these black shadows have no entities, they are not lifeless. As Li Tian released more and more divine power, within a few hundred meters of Li Tian's body, he dared not to offend any more black shadows.

Li Tian stood on a huge ice block of several thousand cubic meters, under which was a bottomless black ocean.

These black shadows emerged from this ocean.

The wind began to convolve again, and the sky was dim, and Li Tian felt as if he had come to hell.

Li Tian released his divine sense again, and he wanted to use it to lock the fifth water moon.


However, Li Tian suddenly discovered that his consciousness was released, and it was quickly swallowed.


Li Tian unfolded the red wing **** outfit and flew in the direction of the fifth water moon.

In the process of Li Tian flying up, there were other black shadows rushing towards Li Tian, ​​but without exception, any black shadow that dared to attack Li Tian would be easily released by Li Tian’s purple dragon. Smashed.



Gradually, Li Tian felt that the coercion he was going to endure was increasing.

Li Tian found out that he had accidentally flew to the huge object.

In front of him, the body of that huge creature was gradually and completely exposed in front of Li Tian.


Seeing this creature, Li Tian was already speechless in horror.

You must know that Li Tian has never seen a huge creature, such as the Great Blue Dragon, but when Li Tian saw this huge creature clearly, he knew that the Great Blue Dragon was just a bigger bug in front of this creature, the wind. Gradually, the ice cubes flying all over the sky smashed into the sea and disappeared completely.

Li Tian's figure flashed back in an instant, and stepped back several kilometers away, only then did he fully see the face of this huge creature.

This guy turned out to be a peacock!

It turned out that what was frozen in the towering iceberg on the glacier was only the head of this peacock. The entire body of this giant peacock was frozen by the glacier.

At this time, the ice sheet collapsed, the iceberg was destroyed by the Fifth Water Moon, and the peacock was finally fully exposed.

The peacock opens the screen.

Li Tian saw the peacock behind him, and there were hundreds of feathers thrusting into the sky in an instant. These feathers were entwined with spiritual power, and each of them released radiant colors, making this giant peacock look like a divine bird. , Those black shadows flying out of the black sea water under the ice sheet continued to fly towards the peacock, and then got into the peacock’s feathers. In just a few minutes, the feathers of the giant peacock gradually turned black, releasing a An uneasy breath.

Li Tian saw the fifth water moon.

At this time, Fifth Shuiyue stood between the peacock's eyebrows.

"Li Tian, ​​this is what is behind the gate of **. I should thank you. Without you, I would not be able to enter the secret realm of the mirror world in my lifetime. Even if I can enter the secret realm, I am also afraid I can't pass through the endless mountains and escape the sight of a few guardian beasts. Of course, without the crystals you gave me, I wouldn't be able to unblock the Peacock Pluto so quickly!"

"You use me?" Li Tian said coldly.

A slight smile appeared on Fifth Shuiyue's face.

"It's hard to say who is using whom. You like female sex. I can satisfy you. You have power. You can also satisfy me. We are more of a deal. But... Very happy and very happy, at least you let me taste the joy of being a woman."

"Unfortunately, these pleasures are always short-lived, and only power is eternal. Therefore, I made this choice! Li Tian, ​​leave the gate of **, go and destroy the gate of **, this is right for you and right. Nether Academy is good for Nether Realm. I want to leave here. If we are destined, we will naturally see you again!"

Fifth Shuiyue said very plainly. When saying these words, Li Tian could not feel any fluctuations in her expression, as if she was saying something that had little to do with her.

"Destroy the door of sex? What about you? Did you try your best to get this peacock to stay in this space?" Li Tian asked.

Fifth Shuiyue suddenly laughed.

"Li Tian, ​​you are actually really cute when you are stupid. If I could meet you thousands of years ago, maybe I would follow you to Situ Ningbing, Ye Meijing and others and become your woman. Then maybe I would also It’s a pity, when you come to the Netherworld Realm, when you come to the Nether Academy, my ambition has been completely expanded, and no one can stop me!"

"The founder of the Nether Academy, that is an extremely powerful existence. Do you really think that this secret realm is just a place for trial? The so-called mirror world is just an obstacle set up to restrict the Peacock Pluto to the Nether realm.* The space behind the *gate is my **. This is a passage to the ghost mythical creature."

"Many demi-god-level powerhouses are unwilling to ascend to the God Realm in daylight. That's because they have become accustomed to being aloof and don’t want to start from scratch. Since they are unwilling to go to the God Realm, why can’t they choose ghosts? The passage reaches the ghost mythical creature, and then uses the power of the Peacock Pluto to become the master of the ghost mythical creature."

Ghost mythical creature, this is when Li Tian heard the name again.

"Li Tian...If you accidentally die in the future and your soul appears in the ghost, I will find you out and keep you by my side. Now...bye!"

At this moment, Li Tian saw a crack in the middle of the eyebrows of the Peacock Pluto. Then, Fifth Shuiyue opened his arms, closed his eyes, and got in with his back against the crack.

As a ball of light flashed in the heart of the Peacock Pluto, the Fifth Shuiyue and the Peacock Pluto merged into one.

Peacock Pluto's pupils opened, and a chill that made Li Tian felt awe-inspiring flashed out of the Peacock Pluto's eyes, nailing Li Tian firmly.

This is murderous.

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