Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5108: Breakthrough into a demigod (1)

Li Tian was not in a hurry to enter the mirror world.

He decided to stay and practice in this mountain range first.

As early as when Li Tian came out of the metal world, his cultivation base had reached the ninth level of the super domain master. Li Tian felt that he was only a thin line away from the demigod.

But this line of separation kept Li Menghu from the demigod.

A breakthrough in the realm of cultivation requires not only the accumulation of spiritual power, but also some luck and opportunity.

This is why many super-powerfuls have been unable to break through and enter the next realm throughout their lives.

For example, there were 18 emperors, many of them spent their entire lives in the emperor realm, and did not break through to the domain master realm when they stopped death.

Li Tian felt that he had entered the bottleneck period of his cultivation. In order to break through, Li Tian had refined several demi-god crystals, but the final result was that Li Tian only refined these spiritual powers and finally introduced them into his atrium.

His cultivation realm is immobile.

However, after entering the Mirror Realm, after this short trip through the gate, through the battle between the Peacock Hades and the Great Blue Dragon, Li Tian finally felt something. He seemed to feel the deepest part of his body about to move.

Li Tian felt that he could touch the threshold of the demigod as long as he reached out.

Now, Li Tian is constantly running his spiritual power. As the spiritual power moves in his body, Li Tian feels that he has a new understanding of spiritual power.


Suddenly, in Li Tianfa's physical veins, sporadic red threads appeared in the spiritual power. These red threads were only a little thinner than the hair, and they were only an inch long.

However, Li Tian could feel an unprecedented strength in this red silk.

Could it be that this is supernatural power?

This is the real power?

Li Tian can now easily release his supernatural powers. This is what Li Tian did when he was in the metal world.

However, the divine power released by Li Tian does not belong to him. In addition to the divine power he comprehended through the enlightenment of the **** level, it is more of the dragon power of the wild blue dragon.

It is equivalent to that Li Tian is borrowing divine power.

However, if there is no great blue dragon, the divine power that Li Tian has understood will be released in another day, so that divine power does not belong to Li Tian in a strict sense.

Moreover, because with the help of divine power, the divine power that has been realized is released through Li Tian's exercises, the power will be reduced a lot, which is why Li Tian can release divine power, but he is not an opponent of a semi-god power.

Only when Li Tian becomes a demigod himself, his power will be stronger, and he will have inexhaustible power.

Knowing that Li Tian was about to break through now, the four cute and stupid ones chose to persuade Li Tian, ​​hoping that after Li Tian entered the world of the mirror world, he would kill the person in the mirror before choosing to break through.

But Li Tian rejected their suggestion.

Li Tian has Li Tian’s consideration. If he escapes everywhere, when will he become stronger, when will he enter the ghost to find his father’s soul, and when he can enter the ghost and the Fifth Shuiyue dignified battle? , When can he enter the God Realm and kill Long Yin who has entered the God Realm in advance?

Li Tian chooses to upgrade his cultivation level now, in order to be able to fight another demigod powerhouse after entering the world of the mirror world, and deep in his heart, Li Tian is still eager to kill himself in the mirror world, or It is swallowed directly.

Knowing that Li Tian had made up his mind, the four cute and stupid animals chose to leave Li Tian temporarily.

After all, once Li Tian enters the realm of the demigod, when he enters the world of the mirror world, the opponent that Li Tian will encounter is the demigod Li Tian. If they follow Li Tian again, it will be very dangerous.

Li Tian sat cross-legged.

Underneath him is the door of the ** that was just collapsed by him.

Li Tian took two long breaths, slowly closed his eyes, and felt the spiritual changes in the body's veins with his heart.

Spiritual power is like water, red silk is like fire.

When Li Tian’s divine consciousness controls the divine power of the silks to gather together, he will find that it is also extremely difficult to gather these divine powers. The red silks actually repel each other, like two magnets of the same **** repelling each other. Even if Li Tian reluctantly put them together, as long as Li Tian's spiritual consciousness is slightly loosened, the red thread in the veins will immediately disperse.

Moreover, the strong repulsive force caused Li Tian's body to whizzle, and Li Tian instantly seemed to lose control of his body and sat stupidly on the spot.

After several days and nights passed, Li Tian gradually regained control of his body, and the red threads in those veins appeared again.

"What the **** is going on? Is it because I still can't fully control the divine power?"

"Isn't this divine power released automatically? How can it be completely out of my control?"

Li Tian felt that the red silk in the veins of his body was much harder to control than Longwei and the divine power realized from the miraculous mountain.

"I still don't believe it, don't I have the potential to become a god?"

"I fuck!"

Li Tian closed his eyes again, and slowly used his spiritual power.

This time, Li Tian did not forcefully control the spiritual power, but allowed the spiritual power to flow freely.

It was like a water flow. Li Tian had always wanted to block and control the direction of the water flow. Now he has chosen Shu to let the water flow guide his consciousness.

Gradually, the spiritual power in Li Tian's body veins slowly flowed out and appeared on the surface of Li Tian's body.

At this moment, Li Tian seemed to be a waterman, his whole body was wrapped in water-like spiritual power, and these light spiritual powers walked around Li Tian's body naturally, as if it was attached to Li Tian.

If you look carefully, you will find that in this water current spiritual power at this time, you will see a red line from time to time. This red line is like a snake, constantly stirring the spiritual power of Li Tian.

But it's like a giant beast in the sea, even if he turns the sea upside down, but he is a giant beast in the sea, and he is still unable to beat the sea.

The red silk in front of me is like that.

The red sun rises in the east, the red sun sets in the west.

Less than three meters away from Li Tian, ​​a small tree gradually grew from a height of less than a foot with only a thumb to a height of two meters. It can already block the sun for Li Tian, ​​and the time is slowly in Li Tian's closed eyes practice Passing.

Li Tian didn't know how long time had passed, he seemed to have forgotten the existence of time.

Only from time to time, when Li Tian would flip out two demi-god-level crystals and slowly refine the demi-god-level crystals, would Li Tian's fingers move slightly.

At other times, Li Tian still maintained this attitude.

Only at this time, Li Tian's water wave spiritual power increased, and his whole body was already wrapped in spiritual power water wave, even the water wave was about to touch a small tree not far away.

Suddenly, a red shadow flashed in the water wave spiritual power. This shadow was the thickness of a thumb and was more than one meter long!

This is supernatural power.

The spiritual power is released, the divine power is visible!

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