Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5120: Li Tian's Heart

As soon as the red light came out, Tang Xiaolong realized the danger!

This was a blow made by a semi-god powerhouse with all its strength, and this blow was also cut out by the magical weapon demon sword red.

Therefore, the power of this knife is extraordinary!

Tang Xiaolong didn't dare to be negligent, abandoning everything, crossing his arms in front of him.


Hong Guang slashed over, shattering the aperture outside Tang Xiaolong's diamond armor in an instant.

After shattering the aperture, the power of the red light was only slightly affected, and then it slashed towards Tang Xiaolong again.


This time, that powerful red light slashed on Tang Xiaolong's arms.

Tang Xiaolong only felt a force that was far beyond the scope of his endurance stranded on his arms, and the rock-solid diamond costumes on those arms seemed likely to be shattered at any time.

However, Tang Xiaolong's body flew out before the diamond costume was broken.




Tang Xiaolong's body hit several mountain peaks in succession.

The mountain he hit was like tofu dregs and collapsed instantly.

A series of more than seven or eight mountain peaks were hit by Tang Xiaolong, and Tang Xiaolong was hit by a pile of huge rocks and crushed under the rocks.

Only then did the huge red light fade.

However, the attacks of demigod-level powerhouses are definitely not limited to this.

After Tang Xiaolong was knocked into the air, the red light continued to fly forward for nearly 10,000 meters.

Under the red light, several mountain peaks were cut off in an instant, and then... these mountain peaks were directly destroyed by the powerful divine power.

"Unbearable!" Mirror Li Tian stood on the pile of rocks where Tang Xiaolong was buried, with a sneer on his face.

Mirror Li Tian could feel that under this pile of rocks, Tang Xiaolong's spiritual power fluctuated very violently.

This is also easy to understand.

Tang Xiaolong forcibly swallowed the Quasi-God Grade crystal, which would have done a lot of damage to his body.

Now he has withstood the full blow of the demigod-level powerhouse like Li Tian, ​​the powerful power of Tang Xiaolong's body and veins is unstable. At this time, the side effects of the quasi-god-level crystals have been highlighted. If Tang Xiaolong gets If it is not adjusted in time, then the lighter will get into trouble, and the heavy one will explode and die.

Mirror Li Tian's heart moved, and with the fluctuation of his spiritual power, the giant rocks under his feet flew up one by one. Less than two minutes later, the dying Tang Xiaolong appeared in front of Mirror Li Tian.

"Leave your waste to your mirror image to deal with! I believe he will be happy to cut off your dog's head like this!"

"Fuck... there is... don't go, I can continue to fight with you! I will... I will... puff..." Tang Xiaolong wanted to stand up and continue to fight the mirror image Li Tian, ​​but he just turned Spiritual power, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Don't be brave, you will die and look ugly now, be brave, hey, it won't be fun then!" Mirror Li Tiandao.

Regardless of Tang Xiaolong, he was still running his spiritual power.

However, when Tang Xiaolong was using his spiritual power, the diamond costume on his arms began to fall apart, cracking, cracking, and falling continuously.


Tang Xiaolong spouted blood again, and when he shook, he fell to the ground.

At this time, the air in the distance fluctuated slightly.

"It seems that your mirror image has arrived. If you want to fight, go to fight!"


A figure appeared.

It is not a mirror image of Tang Xiaolong, but Li Tian.

"Little...little boss...oooo!"

When Tang Xiaolong saw Li Tian appear, he could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart, tears raging.

"My deity? Hey, we finally meet!" Mirror Li Tiandao.

Li Tian scanned the mirror image of Li Tian and fell on Tang Xiaolong. Seeing Tang Xiaolong covered in blood, Li Tian's heart was full of anger.

"Hey, did you feel surprised? Did you feel surprised? You don't need to thank me, this kind of stupid following you will only lower your IQ, so I will help you take care of him!" Mirror Li Heavenly.


Li Tian ignored the existence of the mirror image Li Tian, ​​teleported to Tang Xiaolong's side, and stretched out his hand to help Tang Xiaolong sit up.

"You don't need to run your spiritual power randomly, sit here now, adjust your spiritual power, and see how I avenge you!" Li Tiandao.

"Little boss...oh, this guy is almost exactly the same as you, and his cultivation has reached the half-god state just like you, and he has the same moves you have, so...the little boss must be careful!" Tang Xiaolongdao.

Li Tian grabbed Tang Xiaolong's hands and patted the back of his hand vigorously.

"Don't worry, there is me!"

Li Tian stood up slowly, carefully looking at his mirror image.

Like looking in a mirror, the mirror image of Li Tian is indeed the same as him.

Moreover, when Li Tian arrived, he had also seen the great blue dragon behind the mirror image Li Tian, ​​and also saw the red sword performed by the mirror image Li Tian.

Another famous saying in the earth world is that man’s greatest enemy is himself.

At this time, the enemy Li Tian faced was his mirror image. This was an unprecedented challenge Li Tian encountered.

"you are not me!"

"Hey, it's hard to say, I am your mirror image, and it is your truest reaction in this world!"

"No! You are not even qualified to be my mirror image!"

Mirror Li Tian's eyebrows twitched slightly, but he was not angry.

"Do you know the biggest difference between you and me?" Li Tiandao.

"Different? Hey, it seems that we have no difference at all! You have dragon scales? I have..." When Li Tian said this sentence, he started to run his spiritual power, and that black dragon scale instantly covered his body. "You have Red Slash? I have too! You can release the wild blue dragon, and I can also release the wild blue dragon. If we want to say the difference between us, then I am more decisive than you, a guy like Tang Xiaolong who is not successful enough to fail. , Should have been beheaded long ago..."

Li Tian was shaking his head slightly.

"No, what you are talking about is just appearance. The biggest difference is really here..." Li Tian stretched out his hand to his heart, but there was a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "My place is not entirely mine. It belongs to Tang Xiaolong..."

In the distance, Tang Xiaolong's heart trembled!

"It belongs to Situ Ningbing, to Li Mu, Li Xiaoyu, Li Wuque, to the entire Li Tian army, and to Li Tian’s relatives. The power I pursue is not absolute authority, not to override anyone else. They are my most important people. In order to protect them, I must become stronger and stronger! No matter who it is, these relatives who hurt me will have to pay a heavy price! In order to protect my relatives , Do not hesitate to be an enemy of anyone, even God!"

"This is our difference!"

Tang Xiaolong was moved by Li Tian's words with tears, and he clapped involuntarily.

"Little boss, **** him!"

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