Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5141: What about demigods

There is no melodious silk and bamboo, and there is no beautiful Gong E dancing.

Donggong Dongfang was lying halfway on a huge chair, squeezing a bunch of fruits rich in Galewind Valley directly into his mouth, and with a light bite, the sweet taste suddenly spread in his mouth, tasting a sip of fruit wine. Although it is not as strong as the liquor produced by Li Tianjun regiment, it has a special flavor.

"Yes, really good!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Donggong Donggong's mouth, and the idea of ​​building the Valley of the Storm into the Donggong Super God Family Resort was even more intense.

"After the Nether Academy and the Li Tianjun regiment are destroyed, I will definitely suggest that the patriarch should take the Galewind Valley as his own. The unique fruits and fruit wine produced here can also bring a lot of income to the Donggong Super God family. !" Donggong Dongfang thought in his heart.

Donggong Dongfang drank himself and drank the fruit wine without knowing it. At this time, it has been more than half an hour since he entered the Valley of the Wind.

During this period, except for the head wolf of the blood wolf clan who brought him here, after someone brought him wine and delicacies, no other blood wolf clan came.

At first Donggong Dongfang thought this was the blood wolf clan powerhouse who feared him, so he didn't dare to come and disturb him, but as time passed, Donggong Dongfang felt that this was not the case at all.

"Could it be that the blood wolf tribe is deliberately neglecting me?"

As soon as Donggong Dongfang had such a thought in his mind, this thought began to spread uncontrollably in his mind.

"Come on, serve wine!" Donggong Dongfang shouted.

Quiet, quiet all around.

After a few minutes, no one came to answer him.

The anger in Donggong Dongfang's heart rose.

"Come on, serve wine!"

However, after a few minutes, there was still no waiter from the blood wolf clan to appear.

The East Palace stood up in the east.

"The **** of the blood wolf tribe is looking for death, so I dare to neglect me like this."


Donggong Dongfang stretched out his hand and smashed a white flowered wooden table beside him, together with the utensils containing fruits and fruit wine on the tabletop, and then Donggong Dongfang destroyed all the furniture in this side hall. To express the anger in his heart.

However, even if Donggong Dongfang's heart was burning with anger, no one came.

"What a blood wolf clan, originally my Eastern Palace Super God family wanted to recruit you, but now it seems that you don’t put our Eastern Palace Super God family in your eyes at all. If I don’t give you some color, then I really want you I underestimated our Donggong Super God Family!"

The murderous aura on Donggong Dongfang suddenly climbed, and the surging spiritual power was released from his body, instantly blowing up the entire side hall.


Dong Gong Dongfang flew out of the side hall, suspended in mid-air.

What surprised Donggong Dongfang was that even if he blew up the Partial Hall, no one came, even as if the blood wolf clan had completely disappeared from here.


Donggong Dongfang is finally furious!

He rushed into the main hall, but saw that there was no one in the main hall at this time, only the wind passing through the main hall of the main hall, and the gauze tents hanging in the main hall fluttered in the wind.

"Could it be that the blood wolf tribe first comforted me in the side hall, and then the tribe fled?"

"Okay, very good! Our East Palace Super God Family gives you the opportunity of the Blood Wolf Clan, and your Blood Wolf tribe has neglected our East Palace Super God Family so much. If so, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Donggong Dongfang's left and right hands each showed strong spiritual power in an instant, and then he slammed into the main hall!



How could the main hall built by Bai Huamu withstand the attack of a demigod powerhouse? With two loud noises, this magnificent main hall collapsed.


Donggong Dongfang flew out of the ruins!

At this moment, dozens of figures in a row flew out from the distance of the gust of wind and fell around the ruins.

It is the elders of the blood wolf clan.

"You fanatic, we blood wolf clan treat each other with courtesy, why did you destroy my blood wolf clan hall?" Liang Hao, the elder of the prodigal son, said angrily.

The blood wolf tribe has Liang as the surname. This great elder Liang Hao is currently the strongest master of the blood wolf tribe. He has the ninth-level initial state of the super domain master. Since the water ghost Guzi left the blood wolf tribe, Liang Hao has taken him as the great elder. To manage the blood wolf clan.

The realization of Donggong Dongfang slowly swept past these blood wolf tribes who had turned into human forms before him, without the slightest guilt on their faces, but because the elders of the blood wolf tribe arrived here, their hearts were even more angry.

"Treat with courtesy? Do you beasts know what courtesy is? Today I destroyed your hall to give you a little punishment, and quickly let your patriarch come to see me, otherwise I will definitely take the whole blood wolf clan Raze to the ground!" Donggong Dongfang said.

Donggong Dongfang's words completely aroused the blood wolf clan's anger.

"What are you, you dare to speak so loudly!"

"Grand Elder, the Donggong Super God Family is too rude, let's fight them to the end!"

"That is, the hatred between our blood wolf clan ancestors and the super **** family has not been resolved. Now the strong men of the East Palace super **** family have once again come to the blast valley to demonstrate. It is tolerable or unbearable, let's do it!"

"Elder, when did our blood wolf clan have been so useless, let alone the Eastern Palace Super God Family, even if all the powerhouses of the four super **** families come, we still do them!"

"Compared to the Donggong Super God Family, we are more willing to follow the Li Tianjun regiment. Li Tian is a descendant of our patriarch Shuiguiguzi. I believe in Li Tian more!"

It turned out that Li Tian had already arrived in the Storm Valley according to the map left by the Water Ghost Valley before the East Palace arrived, and was persuading the Blood Wolf Clan to follow him in the Super God Clan.

Hearing these blood wolf clan conversations, Donggong Dongfang understood the reason why these blood wolf clan neglect him. The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he sneered: "Who gave you the courage at that time, it was Li Tian. Hehe. , You really don’t know how to write death words, and now you dare to get involved with Li Tian! It seems that I need to show you the strength of the Donggong Super God Family..."


Donggong Dongfang's spiritual power was constantly climbing, and the trees and flowers around him couldn't bear this powerful spiritual power, which continuously uprooted and took off, and then exploded in midair.

The divine power in the spiritual power is also constantly falling towards the surroundings, and the blood wolf clan powerhouse who was still arrogant just now began to tremble under this powerful divine power.

"So strong! Could this guy's cultivation level have reached... a demigod?"

"Demi-god-level powerhouse? We can't be opponents of demi-god-level powerhouses. Great elder, let's run away!"

"Run away! What can you do even if you are a demigod powerhouse? Could he still kill all of our blood wolf clan? Fuck him!"

"Good point! No matter what a demigod, follow me, Li Tian, ​​and **** him!"

A voice from far to near, when the last word was spoken, the silhouette of the speaking person appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

It is Li Tian!

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