Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5188: Chuling City

I'll take a big fuck!

Li Tian helpless!

"Brother Bull Head, these ghosts are...? Why do they ask you to let them go?" Situ Ningbing asked suspiciously.

Niutou suddenly laughed again, "This group of poor ghosts cannot enter Chuling City, so they commit crimes outside of Chuling City. As a ghost servant of Chuling City, I naturally want to capture them!"

"and then?"

"Then? As long as I'm caught, it's possible to spare them so lightly, the ghosts with a little cultivation base will be pulled to do coolies, and those without cultivation bases will be pulled directly to press the oil. If they can survive by luck, they will be invested in the animal life. Animals, if you can’t make it through, then your soul will fly away!"

Niutou said very lightly, but the ghosts behind Niutou looked dead, and couldn't help shaking in the end.

"Brother Niutou, please let me go! I was alone when I was alive, and naturally no one would burn paper money for me after I died. I was so poorly clinked. If Lord Niutou let me go, I would be willing to be a bull for the Lord Turner. !" A thin ghost begged for mercy.

"Being a cow and a horse? Don't you look down on me?"

Niutou became angry at once, and started to make a difference.


The iron chain in the bull's hand was pulled on the ghost in an instant. The iron chain seemed to be spiritual, and it was wrapped around the ghost in an instant. It was pulled hard by the bull's head and pulled directly out of the ghost group. The palms lined up on the ghost, and the ghost's emptiness floated away in an instant, and quickly disappeared completely.


"Yes, this time it is completely dead!"

There was a commotion in the ghost group. Several ghosts looked at the bull's head in fear, and saw that the bull's head was chatting with Li Tian and others, turning around and fleeing to the distant wasteland.

"Huh, I really don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing a few spells in Niutou's mouth, the iron chain in his hand flew out instantly.




After a few sounds, the iron chain drew on these escaped ghosts, and then these ghosts flew away in an instant.

"It's finally quiet now, let's continue to discuss our transaction! Is there a crystal of a super domain master ninth-level realm powerhouse? One crystal can be exchanged for 100 million paper dollars!" Niutou said.

Niutou's face was fixed with Li Tian and others' expressions.

Li Tian's brows wrinkled slightly, and he quickly calculated in his mind how many chances of winning would be if everyone did not agree to Niutou's request.

"I'll exchange it! This is a demigod crystal, this is a quasi-god crystal, these are exchanged for me into paper money, as for the remaining superdomain master crystals, we will give them to the bull's head. Brother!" Situ Ningbing turned out a skin bag from the space ring, opened the skin bag, and stuffed it to Niutou.

New Head was shocked.

His hand holding the paper money was trembling slightly.

"Quasi-God-level crystals, there are Quasi-God-level crystals, you... your cultivation realm is really strong, since you are so polite, then I can't ruin my reputation. You will take all these paper money, and I will Escort you to Chuling City safely. If... I mean if you still have crystals to change, you must remember to find my old bull, I still have a bit of status in Chuling City!" said Niu Tau.

Niutou couldn't wait to complete the transaction, tied the leather pouch with crystals around his waist, touched the pouch, his smile on his face was so brilliant.

Ghost mythical creatures are different from other worlds, their spiritual power is quite thin, and it is more difficult to improve their cultivation realm than ascending to the sky.

Moreover, the ghosts are basically ghosts, and there are no crystals in the bodies of these ghosts, so the crystals of these powerful people will appear especially precious.

Niutou can be replaced by a Quasi-God-level crystal, a Demi-God-level crystal, and several superdomain master-level crystals at one time, which is enough to make Niu Tau's cultivation realm a big step up.

With this pleasant deal, Niutou was in a great mood, and then... even directly released all the remaining ghosts.

"How did you release all these ghosts?"

"Hahaha, the crystals I just replaced are enough for me to practice for a few years. By then, my cultivation level will be upgraded again. When my cultivation level is improved, I have a great chance of being invited. Go to the seventeenth floor of the ghost mythical creature, these lonely wild ghosts will have no effect on me!" Niutou smiled nicely.

Along the way, Li Tian and Niu Tau can be said to have nothing to talk about. When it comes to Chu Lingcheng, Li Tian and Niu Tau seem to have become good brothers. Niu Tau even wants to become brothers with Li Tian, ​​but After hearing Li Tian say that most of his brothers died tragically, Niutou gave up this plan again.

"Everyone, the city in front is Chuling City. I can only send you here. If you want to enter the city, you have to pay the entrance fee. After you enter the city, we have the opportunity to talk again!"

Niutou completed his mission, turned around and floated into Chuling City, and then he couldn't wait to practice.

Chuling City is definitely a big city.

Through Feitian Yasha's sight, Li Tian saw that the city could not be seen at a glance, and its scale far exceeded Li Tian's imagination.

The walls of Chuling City are not high, but there are gates everywhere on the walls. At this time, a steady stream of ghosts gather outside the city gates, waiting in line to enter Chuling City.

Sure enough, as Niutou said, if you want to enter Chuling City, you must pay a certain entrance fee.

Many pauper ghosts want to break into the city of Chu Ling, drifting towards the city wall, and want to fly in from over the wall, but their bodies have just appeared on the wall, and a layer of light suddenly appeared on the wall. Then, those who want to break the city The ghost of Lingcheng was wiped out in an instant.

"Tsk tusk, luckily we exchanged some paper money with Niutou, otherwise we might not be able to enter Chuling City!" Tang Xiaolong sighed.

Lined up, waiting to enter the city.

Within Li Tian's sight, there were at least hundreds of gates and hundreds of teams, but the speed of entering the gates was very slow.

At this time, there were still ghosts suddenly appearing outside Chuling City.

All kinds of human beings of all races, all kinds of clothing, all kinds of skin colors, all kinds of appearances, from different worlds, and different interfaces, may be encountered outside the city of Chuling.

At this moment, a ghost wearing the costume of a human being on Earth suddenly appeared beside Li Tian.

"This...what is this place? Isn't it... can't I pass through?"

"Hahaha, I actually passed through."

"I'm paralyzed. After reading such a traversing novel, Lao Tzu finally caught up with the traversing army and is finally going to traverse."

Then Li Tian and Tang Xiaolong said in unison: "Fool, this is a ghost! You are dead!"

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