Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5205: Enter the arena

All the contestants, ghost messengers, ghost messengers, and ghost servants, led by the strong in Chuling City, came to a place more than 3,000 kilometers east of Chuling City.

This is an ancient city that has long been abandoned!

This ancient city covers an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers, and the ancient buildings have long been dilapidated.

If such an ancient city is the earth world, that side will definitely become a famous tourist attraction.

It's a pity that this place is a ghost. Except for a group of strong people who come here to participate in the competition every 100 years, even the shadow of a ghost is invisible in this ancient city.

Different from the ruined ancient city of the earth world, and also different from the ruined city of the Netherworld, this ancient city is lifeless, there is not even a single weed between the ruined walls, and the ancient city in the ancient city is still bare and there are no weeds.

Standing on the edge of the ancient city, everyone can feel the spiritual power fluctuations coming from this ancient city.

The strong guys who came to participate in the game were already gearing up at this time, and they were ready to fight.

At this time, sixteen wild ghosts were carrying a huge sedan chair and walking towards everyone.

This sedan chair was carried horizontally and vertically by four three-foot-long bones. Skeletons hung everywhere on the sedan chair. What surprised Li Tian and others was that these skeletons were not dead, and there was no longer anything* * There are two groups of black material in the eye socket of *'s skull, and this material is like eyes, but it turns.

What shocked Li Tian and others even more was that the entire sedan chair was covered by a layer of black death, making it impossible to see who was sitting in the sedan chair.

And the power released by that powerful black death breath is enough to shock everyone's heart. Seeing this sedan chair, all the strong can not help but retreat, even those strong ghost envoys and strong ghost servants. Will bow slightly and salute the owner of the sedan chair.

"Who is the owner of this sedan chair? It is so awkward?" Li Tian couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Shi Shengtao, standing next to Li Tian, ​​made a booing gesture, and then said: “There are four ghost kings in the City Lord’s Mansion of Chuling City. This is one of the ghost kings and is called the Mai ghost king. Today’s ghost contest is based on The Mayi Ghost King presided over, wait a while, the Mayi Ghost King will show his skills and open the competition venue."

The many ghosts in the Mo class surrounding Li Tian also whispered: "Mayi Ghost King's mana can reach the sky. It is said that he has practiced in the sixteenth level of the ghost and killed a certain ghost king in the sixteenth level of the ghost. Later, for unknown reasons, the Maid Ghost King came to Chuling City and became the ghost king of Chuling City!"

Another ghost Omani also immediately said: "Master Li Tian, ​​you adults, know that you must remind you that you must not provoke the Maid Ghost King. After the game starts, the Maid Ghost King will control your life and death. Once you irritate the Maid Ghost King, when the Maid Ghost King is angry, maybe I will never be able to come back from the game again!"

Li Tian nodded slightly, thanking the three ghosts.

This time, Shi Shengtao will participate in the selection and prepare to attack the ghosts.

Mo Keduo and Omani originally planned to participate in the selection, but since on the day when the two ghosts got Li Tian's crystal, they decided to give up participating in the selection. Cultivation absorbs the spiritual power in that crystal, waiting for the next selection.

Niutou from Yan Luodian also came to participate in this selection, but Niutou nodded with Li Tian and the others from far away. Even if they said hello, they then mixed up with Mamian, Impermanence and other ghosts and ghosts of Yan Luodian. together.

At this time, the sedan chair of the Maid Ghost King had been carried to a huge stone gate in the ancient city. As soon as the sedan chair fell to the ground, the sixteen wild ghosts carrying the sedan chair sat on the ground and panted, but they had not breathed for a few seconds. Sixteen skulls flew out of the sedan chair, and instantly the wheels covered the heads of these wild ghosts.

Then, the sixteen wild ghosts seemed to be blindfolded with masks, shaking their heads and running around, the style of painting was quite happy.

But soon, Li Tian and others were shocked. They did not expect that these sixteen wild ghosts would be sucked dry by the skulls released by the Mai Ghost King instantly and disappear completely, and then the Mai Ghost King controlled the sixteen skulls. Fly to the gate of the ancient city.

"It's about to start, as long as the city gate is open, then everyone can enter the competition venue!"

"Be sure to remember, don't provoke fifth-level evil spirits..."

The two ghosts who did not participate once again reminded Li Tian and others.

At this moment, Li Tian saw several groups of black shadows slowly drifting towards them from the crowd.

Is the strong of Senluofang!

Seeing the strong man from Senluofang coming, Mo Keduo and Omani seemed a little hesitant, whether to avoid them first, but in the end they firmly stayed behind Li Tian and others.

Li Tian also paid attention to these shadows.

These black shadows seem to be somewhat similar to the strong Phantom, but the aura in them is much stronger than the strong Phantom.

Their cultivation realm is definitely not the ghost chase level, at least it is also the ghost ambassador, even the ghost waiter realm.

At this time, one of the dark shadows came out and released a cloud of black smoke that condensed into a grimace, and floated in front of Li Tian. The voice was full of sharp and strange voices: "Li Tian, ​​now you give up participating in the trials. It’s still in a hurry. Once you enter the competition arena, the powerhouse of Sun Luo Fang will let you know the cost of offending Sun Luo Fang!"

"Have you finished speaking? If you finish speaking, get out!" Li Tian said coldly.

The powerhouse of Senluofang obviously did not expect Li Tian to hit him back in such a tough way. He was taken aback for a while, and then laughed strangely, "Very well! I just like your pretending way. ! When you enter the competition venue, don’t cry, I will let you see the true face of our Senluofang powerhouse!"

Hearing these words, the two ghostly bodies of Mo Keduo and Omani couldn't help but tremble slightly, "Lee...sir Li Tian, ​​it seems that after entering the competition arena, you still need to watch out for these things from Sen Luofang. The strong!"

The powerhouse of Senluofang immediately laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha, it's the ghost of the City Lord's Mansion who has vision..."

However, he had just laughed for less than three seconds when a white skull head flew out of the sedan chair of the Mayi Ghost King in the distance, and directly buckled on the head of the Senluofang powerhouse.

"Mai Gui King, please spare my life...Mai Gui Wang, spare my life..., the little one does not mean to offend the Lord Gui Wang!" The strong man of Sen Luofang threw himself to his knees, clutching the skull on the ground with both hands, and kept pointing towards Mai Gui Wang begs for mercy.


"Hmph! It costs a price to dare to laugh so arrogantly in front of me!" With the cold snort of the Maigui King, the strong man of Senluofang was instantly absorbed by the white skull head, once again. Floating to the sedan chair, and fell into the hands of a figure who came out of the sedan chair!

It seems that it was given the power of the strong of Senluofang. The two heavy wooden doors in front of the ancient city gate opened with a creak, and this creaking sound was like a command to start the game, countless ghosts, ghosts and other strong opened toward the wooden door. The gap rushed past.

"Go! Let's go in too!" Li Tian said to everyone.

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