Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5239: Broken Cloud Mountain

"In addition to this, what other things did he ask you to do?"

"No, no, what he wants me to do is to report your position to him all the time, and nothing else has been told to me." The child saw the serious expression on Li Tian's face. The mood also subconsciously began to become tense, which shows that his expression is still very frightening.

Shuang'er asked: "He didn't let you kill us?"

"Shimada Muren knows very well that since you dare to tear your skin like this, you must have a certain strength. He did not ask me to do it with you, just want to know where you are."

Li Tian knew this guy's thoughts at this time. The requirement of the mission was to hunt down a creature called Cloud Cloud Beast. Its combat power was not very strong, but the action speed of this kind of beast could be said to be equivalent to that of the beast. The strongest, even if it was a monster that was one or two levels higher than him, it was not as terrifying as Cloud Cloud Beast in this respect.

It is said that the first time you see the Cloud Beast, if you can’t defeat this creature quickly, then in the next few seconds he may disappear directly from your sight, if you don’t have a high Strength, it is impossible for humans to keep up with the pace of this creature.

Their own combat effectiveness is very low, and they can be regarded as a low-level monster.

But the fur produced on the cloud beast is very high-quality and can be processed into a lot of leather to make clothes. Many nobles in the gods also use this leather to make clothes. At the same time, the meat is fresh and tender. It also has the function of regulating health and vitality. The most important thing is that this kind of creature's brain will produce a kind of spar. This kind of spar is the most basic thing that spell masters need to make spells. This is why it is not very Powerful Warcraft, but the level of mission requirements will be so high.

The richest person in the gods is the spellmaster, who can not only make spells for themselves to fight.

You can also make some spells and sell them to others, so that even if you are just an ordinary person, you can also use the spells to exert a very huge combat power. Therefore, spell masters are very rare in the gods, but It is also a career that all parties want to please.

It is said that a powerful spell master can create a spell that destroys the heavens and the earth, even if it is handed over to an ordinary person, it can also destroy a main city of the gods.

However, it is precisely because of their terrifying ability that they have always been considered very rare in the God Realm. Usually, you rarely see those powerful spell masters, and most of the time, they only see those who are just getting started. Young people, they don’t even know much about this aspect.

Obviously, creatures like Cloud Beasts must be hunted in large quantities, so even if there is no quest from the main city guild, just selling the spar in their heads to the spell masters can also exchange a portion of sky coins. , Shimada Muren is not a fool. Instead of looking for the cloud beast on his own, it is better to hand this matter to Li Tian and ask him to help himself with this task, and then kill Li Tianzao directly. This is the best choice.

Moreover, he still doesn't know exactly what Li Tian and Shuang'er's combat effectiveness is. There are also some in his heart who dare not easily fight against them, so what he is currently doing is just sending some people to test their combat effectiveness.

"Well, since this matter has nothing to do with you, I will definitely not anger you. It has nothing to do with you. You can leave here."

"Really, really?"

"Of course it is true. Although I am not a person who does what I say, I will definitely not deceive you in this matter. This has nothing to do with you, and you are just taking people's money and money for others. It’s just a disaster.” Li Tian looked at him with a smile, and the expression on his face became very indifferent in the next second. It really changed his face like the sky: “But you can’t tell Shimada Muren that I caught you, and We must continue to monitor our whereabouts according to his requirements, and do whatever he asks you to do."

The young man suddenly became silly, thinking that the guy in front of him was not an idiot.

Knowing that an enemy is staring at him in the dark, he still wants to expose his position. What does this mean?

"You don't need to know what my purpose is for doing this. I will also give you how much he gave you, but you only need to help me keep this secret." Li Tian patted him on the shoulder and said : "When things are done, I will pay you a lot. I believe you will be jealous."

"Hey, don't worry, Master, I will act according to your request."

As soon as the young man heard that he could take the money, a bright smile appeared on his face. He was just a little better, and his whereabouts were hidden. It is most suitable for tracking, but if he is asked to fight, it must be Not working.

Everyone has something they are good at.

Originally, when he was caught by Li Tian, ​​he was worried that he was going to be unlucky. He didn't expect Liu Anhua to be in another village. Not only did nothing go wrong, but he also had a part of the source of funds. Such good things are not always possible. met.

Li Tian watched the young man leave, and said, "The Cloud Beast can be found in the Broken Cloud Mountain Range near Luoyang City. This kind of monster is difficult to find, but we still have no problem working hard."

"Is there really no problem with you doing this? Just reveal our news to our ears to people so that they can prepare everything to deal with us?" Shuang'er looked at this optimistic Li Tian and found that he was in harmony with him. The idea of ​​the man in front of him is totally different. He will always do things that make you think Rushuang don’t know how to think. For example, now, he eagerly reveals all his news to the enemy. What is the purpose of this?

"What's the problem? The money we have is not enough for us to spend. Since someone will take the initiative to send it to the door at this time, of course I will not miss this opportunity." Li Tian smiled, that Shimada Muren had a lot on him. Money, otherwise his fate will be worse than he thought. Li Tian’s idea is very simple. If he wants to steal something from himself, then just grab the things from him instead. Left!

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