Picked a Killer as My Wife

Chapter 5250: Mantis catching cicada

Li Tian cautiously observed the cloud channeling beast in front of him. This guy has been squatting outside and not returning to his lair in a hurry.

The temperature is getting lower and lower. If this situation continues to continue, Li Tian must have no way to persist. This temperature is undoubtedly a torment for him, and his whole body is about to be unable to persist.

‘Damn it, how long will this guy stay outside? 'Time is slowly passing by, but the Cloud Beast has no intention of returning to the lair. This guy crawled down in place like this, and a blue light appeared on his body, looking at the deep blue like the ocean. , These energies condense around its body, and then become stronger little by little.

Li Tian felt that he was about to freeze to death. If this situation continues, he must be dragged to death here alive.

The cold outside is getting stronger and stronger, and he has to use his own fairy power to ensure that there is sufficient heat in his body so that he can barely resist the low temperature here, but no one can judge how long this situation can last.

Finally, just when he was about to lose hope, Cloud Beast began to stand up.

It seemed to be just a ceremony before.

After it was over, it swaggered into its lair.

Li Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief. After waiting for about a few minutes, he stood up from the grass and couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. For him, this process was extremely tormenting, if not relying on it. Looking for the faith of Situ Ningbing, perhaps at this time he is ready to give up this task, not only must have courage, but also have enough patience.

The Beast of Cloud Channeling Beast deserves to be regarded as one of the most difficult to catch. Even Li Tian had to admire their thinking and carefulness at this time.

Such a cautious ethnic group, it is no wonder that they can be passed down unfailingly.

With a very strong ability to reproduce, coupled with such a cautious attitude, even if countless people in the God Realm are doing everything possible to find their traces, these cloud channeling beasts can also survive in the cracks. This kind of survival Li Litian had to admire them.

Although the Cloud Channeling Beast had entered the lair, Li Tian was now confident enough to deal with it.

But he was not in a hurry to make a move, because he knew that there was another person behind him waiting to do it. Shimada must know his whereabouts well, but so far he has no intention of making a move. Li Tian is also not clear about this young man. What are you thinking about in your mind, maybe he really wants to wait for him to kill the Cloud Beast before he will appear at this critical moment?

Such an idea may not be impossible, Shimada Muren's strength is definitely weaker than Li Tian.

But now Li Tian is not sure enough to deal with this guy who has never met before, and can only think of some other ways to deal with it in his mind.


Shimada Muren looked at the cloud beast's lair, but his eyes fell on the other side. The battle between him and Li Tian would definitely startle the cloud beast. If the two really fight at that time, I'm afraid it will be within a few seconds. The target Cloud Cloud Beast will be lost within a period of time. At that time, even if he kills Li Tian, ​​it doesn't make much sense, and he needs to fight with others for this task again.

‘Damn boy, it’s already this time and I still don’t make a move. Are you afraid that I will make a move against you? 'He thought secretly in his heart, and at the same time there was some anxiety why Li Tian was unwilling to take action against the Cloud Beast at this time. He clearly had everything ready and only owed the east wind, but Li Tian had been quiet and still lurking in the dark. Waiting everywhere.

At this moment, Shimada Muren saw Li Tian doing something.

He slowly stood up from one corner, moving his body, and cautiously approaching the lair. He looked like he was ready to do it.

‘Hmph, the brat can’t bear it after all. When you kill this cloud beast, this is my best chance to kill you. Shimada Muren did not rush to do anything, but continued to wait. Although he looks shameless, he is not an idiot. He knows what patience is. Only a person with real patience can deal with powerful enemies.

"It seems that the Cloud Channeling Beast hasn't noticed me approaching yet." Li Tian was standing at the door of the lair at this time, Xianli covering everything here like a spider web. If this Cloud Channeling Beast has any thoughts, Will be known to Li Tian the first time.

However, his actions can be described as cautious, and it can be determined that the Cloud Beast did not find a powerful enemy slowly approaching in the lair.

After confirming that the Cloud Beast did not find himself, Li Tian cautiously touched it in.

The inside of the cave is more spacious than he imagined. It looks like a small palace, and the surrounding walls are also very smooth. It seems hard to imagine that this is a nest of monsters, but it looks like it was carefully made by a practitioner. Like Xianfu, even the walls have some strange runes. Li Tian can't understand the contents, but he also knows that they are definitely not ordinary things.

It was the first time he had dealt with Cloud Drifting Beast, but at this time he felt like he had fallen into a trap.

‘This place seems to be different than previously thought. Since Yunyun Beast chose to open a nest here, they must have their own ideas. 'Li Tian thought about it, and continued to move inward. The first thing he faced was this kind of creature, and he didn't know about their abilities or anything. But at that time, it was certain that the fighting power of Cloud Cloud Beast was definitely not that he thought of. So powerful.

As he moved forward a little bit, the promenade of the cave began to become more and more spacious, and the runes on it began to become more and more mysterious.

A very mysterious mural appeared for the first time in front of Li Tian. It was a mural of a cloud beast, crawling in front of a nine-clawed golden dragon. Although it is not very clear, the details of the above are still told. Li Tian's secret about this mural.

I don't know how long it has passed before the first fork in the road appeared in front of him.

Perhaps the lair he thought he had entered was not that huge.

But now it seems that he was completely wrong. The cloud beast’s lair is like a huge maze, displayed intricately throughout the mountain range. If you want to really enter it, I’m afraid it’s not what he thought. Simple things.

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